Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 138
________________ 122 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1883. he was exactly like the illustrious good Bhil him, with might for his sword, (his father) lama in his actions. Bhillama having died, all kings on the (5). Whose wife was the daughter of king circle of the earth were subdued, and the kingJhanjha, Lasthiya vvå by name, dom with its royal dignity was raised as the possessed of the three) good qualities of three worlds were raised by Hari in the form virtue, liberality and hospitality, who was of the Râshtrakůța race, as being adopted by On Thursday the fourteenth of the bright them) at the time of the rule of the young half of Srâvaņa, in the cycle year Saumya, and prince (during his minority), and who therefore Saka year nine hundred and ninety-one, 991, by reason of bearing the burden of the king- was given the village of Chinchuli in the doms, with its seven angas, was an object of Sinhi division of twelve villages--by the reverence to three kingdoms. much devoted and illustrious Mahậmanda(6). (Whose) principal queen was always the leşvara Seunach andra with hands raised to beautiful Sri Nayiyallad êvî, adorning the head, in company with good men inciting to her family by her majesty, virtuous, produced charitable purposes (and) in the knowledge of the from the mine Gôgiraja of the Châlu kya whole retinue (family) while Sridhara (was) dynasty and a head of feudatory chiefs, who the great general, the illustrious Vasudevawas really the jewel of a woman produced by iya the great counsellor, the illustrious Bháthe creator for the head of feudatory chiefs. bhiya ka the chitf of ministers, Srinayaka (7). The embracer of whose body was the the minister of peace and war, the illustrious illustrious king Têsu ka, (and) from him was Haravaiya na ya ka, head of the Pâtala Deproduced king (dharádhara) Bhilla ma, with partment, the illustrious Âpaiy Aka in charge the title of mandalika, the clever Yadava adorn- of the foreign department, and the illustrious ing by the lustre of the glory of his race the three Amaditya, head officer of the sub-division" worlds and worshipping the feet of the de- to the royal priest Sarvad ê vá charya, stroyer of evil-doers (Vishnu) on the surface of greatly devoted to his preceptor, knowing the the earth. principles of many treatises on Saivism, clever By whom, a Rama in the battle-field, who in grammar, able in (giving) initiation and in made a great mark was Åhavamalla, an Indra presenting (introducing) to the gods, the disciple on the earth, killed by the blow of the sword of the illustrious Soma dê vê châry a, a great of his mighty arms .............. Saiva of the Gotra order," devoted to the control of the outer and the inner senses, to the study Whose dutiful wife on earth was Hammâ, of sacred books, to meditation and worship, -as the Sati Avvalla d ê vî, who has joined her a maintenance and as a preceptorial donation" beautiful body with his (the king's), whose after washing his (the donee's) hands and feet. virtues are as clear as those of Lakshmi, the The boundaries of the village are to the east daughter of king Jayasimha, sister of king a bill slope, to the south-east a stream (flowing) Â hava malls, of the Chaluky a dynasty, to the north and belonging to the hill, to the excellent in points which specially relate to south the Chinchal â pond, to the south-west the body. the hill slopes to the east of the village of King Seunachandra, born in this dy- Vada gambha, to the west the borders of nasty, was great in point of religiousness; by the hill plain, to the north the hill slopes 7 This verse is full of attributes which make no sense, subdivisional officers. AmAditya is here mentioned as if as the grammar is hopelessly bad. The general meaning the Sinhi sub-division were under his charge. All these is that the king killed Ahavamalla. officers are mentioned in the nominative case, though grammar requires the locative case an in other inscripकरण means a department and पातलकरणी is the tions. functionary in charge of the Pitala department. What • The Påtals means is not known, but the word occurs in other order of Saivism has many sub-divisions, copper-plates also. of which gotra may be one. " राजाध्यक्ष probably means what in other inscriptions 10 TT T T cannot be made out. Perhaps the is signified by TFT14 i. e. an officer acting for the compound may be solved fart Tolm. fra king, or connected with (other) kings, something like may be a maintenance () our foreign secretary.' 0 The text is तलस्थली पर्यंत ; तलठेली is probably the " महत्तर and महत्तम are generally used to mean | prikrit form of तलस्थ ली.


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