Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 141
________________ MAY, 1883.] A NEW YÅDAVA DYNASTY. 125 him comes Brihadbhilla ma or the great some mistake of the original scribe. The mention Bhillama,' and as there is a tatah at the end of of T 8 su k a below is a difficulty hard to explain. verse 3, there is nothing against supposing that He is called tasy ásigaślisht, or taking flishta he is the son of Dvadiyappa, at least I have to be sléshịa the language being throughout put him as 'such in the genealogical table. ungrammatical, it would mean the embracer The next king is Srira ja. His relationship of her body.' In fact Tês u ka would then with Bhilla ma is not clearly given. The be her husband. But it is such difficulties as text simply has Srirajastadanantaram Sriraja these which prove the necessity of another after him. He was perhaps Bhillama's brother. inscription of the same dynasty, and till other The fifth king is Vaddiga. His relation- evidence is forthcoming I take Tôsuka to be ship with Sriraja cannot be made out from the son of Vaddiga; but this I do with great the text which runs, Árváktasya babhuva bhú- hesitation as the language is too ungrammatical talaharih Srivaddigákhyo nripah. After him and inaccurate to make sense of. The eighth the illustrions Vaddiga, a Hari on earth, king, Bhilla ma II, is said to have come from became king. Arváktasya, or more correctly him (tatah), and I have no doubt he was Têsuka's arvdktasya, would mean 'before him,' i.e. before son. He is described as worshipping the feet Srirâja. This is possible if Vaddiga followed of the destroyer of evildoers dushkritimardana. his father Bhillama, and his kingdom was Probably this is the name of his Ishtadôva, and usurped by his uncle Srirå ja. it may have been used like Daityas údana to In describing Vaddig a his wife is said to mean Vishņu. There are more details about this be the daughter of Jhanjha, by name king, which seem on the whole to mean that he Lachchhiav vå. This Jhanjha was the fought with A ha vamalla, a great Chalukya fifth of the North Konkan Silhâras, and his king (1040-1069). This king seems to have date, I think, fits well in with this.. Lachchi- gained a victory over him, and the fact of his a v va is mentioned as of the Rashtra- having assumed 'universal sovereignty, or kata dynasty, who was dhárita in the non-age chakravarttipada among kings, would seer to of the young prince, and (who was) worthy of show that he attained power and extended his being revered by three kingdoms.' Literally dominions; at least that his kingdom was in a translated verse 5 appears much confused, but very flourishing state, under his rule. And in some inferences may be derived from it. I connection with his victory, it seems quite in think Bhillama's son Vaddiga died, leaving & consonance with Rajput practice that he married young boy. After a time, Sriraja probably usurp- the sister of Åhavamalla and daughter of ed the kingdom, but only temporarily, for the Jayasimha, by name Avvala dê vi, such Rashtrakūtas, overlords of the Silhára Jhanjha, marriages being regarded as cementing ties appear to have taken up the cause of the after hostilities. The ninth king is Seuņadaughter of their feudatory, and assisted her in chandra II. He is said to be 'bornin the same opposing Sriraja and recovering the throne, at family' (tadvamsodbhava). He may be the son the same time regarding Lachchhiavvå of Bhillama II, or perhaps a son of a noble, as their daughter, as appears to have been or he may simply be one of the same dynasty. the custom for overlords in India. The last appears to have probably been the The next verse (6), is still more confusing. case, since he is described as having obtained the The description of a queen is given without kingdom, having conquered all the kings of even name or a word about the king her hus- the earth, which would seem to show that after band. The queen is described as the daughter his death Bhillama's numerous conquests of the Chalukya noble, Gôgir aja and as the were probably lost, his own kingdom was in best of three sisters. Her name is Nayiyalla, trouble, and that it was regained by Seungand she is described as the crowned queen of a chandra after fighting with other kings. Samanta. It is usual in such grants first to Seanachandra's date is given as Saka 991 describe the king and then his queen, but in the or A.D. 1069. Vaddiga is mentioned above present case I think the name and description as the son-in-law of Jhanjha, and Jhanjha's of the king, her husband, is perhaps dropped by date appears from Ma'sûdi to be somewhere It may be that Vaddiga succeeded his father and died in his nonago. But this does not appear probablo.


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