Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 210
________________ 186 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1888. [1] [1] [1] [10] दानाच्छ्रे. योनुपालनं ॥ [१] नायमत्यंतसंवासः कस्यचित्केनचित्सह । [अस्ति] खेन शरीरेण किमुतान्यैः पृथग्जनैः ।। [s] [H] प्राणेन धार्यते कायः स च प्रणः समीरणात् । समीरश्वातिचपलः [कृत]मप्यायुरहुतं ।। [3] सप्तलोकैक-॥ [५] नायस्य विष्णोरपि महात्मनः । नेयं नियतवासा श्री[] किमुतान्यस्य कस्यचित् ।। [*] सामान्योयं धर्मसेतुःस ] बैषामिह भूभुजा । यतोतः पालनीयोयं काले काले महात्मभिः ॥ [] कोटिस्तु वाजपेयानां लक्षं विश्वजितां तथा 01 सहस्रमPim श्वमेधानां स्वहस्तश्चैव तत्समं ॥ [७] इति कमलदलांबुविन्दु. लोलां श्रियमनुचित्य मनुष्यजीवितं च । अतिविमलमनोभि रात्मनीनैः न हि पुरुषैः परकीर्तयो विलोप्याः|| [7] श्रीमच्छुभतुंगसुतो धारावर्षानुजः रणे येन । निनित्य वैरिव गराज्यं विहितं स्थिरं भ्रातुः। [59] भस्मीकृत्यारिसेना हयगजबहुलामप्यसंतुष्टभावो ब्रह्माण्डं व्याप्तुकामः पृथुच दुलशिखाभासुरः क्रोधवहिः। दृष्टः पयासनाद्यैर्गगनतलगतैर्यस्य गीर्वाणवृन्दैः (सः) श्रीमगोविन्दराजो [18] निरुपमविहितो शासने दूतकोत्र।। [१] लिखितं चेदं सांधिविग्रहिकश्रीकल्याणेनेति॥ [1] स्वहस्तोयं मम श्रीधुवराजदेवस्य श्रीमदकालवर्षदेवसूनो[]॥ Translation. seasonably at once slipped from them-the 1. May he proteot you, the lotus on whose | sword from their hands, animation from their navel Brahman made his dwelling, and Haral faces, and pride from their hearts." whose forehead is adorned by the lovely 5. His son, the illustrious Kakkaråja, crescent of the moon." whose resplendent glory was famed throughout 2. There was a prince, called Govind & the world, who stilled the pain of the distressed raja, a royal lion among kings, whose fame and supported the place where Hari stepped, pervaded the universe, and who, (of) pure who resembled the king of heaven (and) was (splendour), lifting his scimitar and (marching) grateful, became (after him) the gem of the straight forward, destroyed his enemies, just (Rashtrakuta) race. 16 as the clear moon, whose radiance pervades the 6. His son was Indraraja, as it were, universe, rising the tip of its orb (above the the Mount Meru of the noble Rashtrakatas, a horizon) and sending its rays) straight forward, prince whose shonlders shone with the ichor destroys at night the darkness." flowing from the split temples of (hostile) ele3. When he saw, an army flashing with phants, and were scratched by the blows of gallant warriors, coming to meet him, fortha their tusks, who destroyed his enemies on with he always, biting his lip and knitting his earth." brow, rajsed his sword, his family, his own 7. The son of him who had gained greatheart and courage." ness was the illustrious Dantidurgaraje, 4. When his enemies heard his name (pro- who resembling Indra, enjoyed the whole nounced) in a great battle three things un. earth that is girt by the four oceans." HL. 11 read प्राणः. L, 15, read 'नीनने, श्रीमच्छु', Ind. Ant. rol. XI, P.113. 'नुजो, निर्जित्य. L. 16, read °सेना, ब्रमाण्ड. L. 17, read 1 Kbyt inser. vs. 3.-In my opinion the flashing (of the srms of the gallant warriors is represented as the atten भीमद्रो. L. 18, read 'विहितः, hdea of the army. Kavt insor. Vs. 4. UKavi insor. ve. 1. * Kirtingor. vs. 5.-Another meaning of hariviéruta dhamadhart is that given by Mr. Fleet. 13 K&yi inscr. vg. 2.-My previons translation of this 11 Kari insor. Vs. 6. verse has been modified according to Mr. Fleet's rendering,' w Kytingar. vs. 7.


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