Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 220
________________ 196 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1883. T. SANSKRIT GRANTS AND INSCRIPTIONS OF GUJARAT KINGS. No. V. A COPPERPLATE GRANT OF KING TRILOCHANAPALA CHAULUKYA OF LĀTADEŠA, (DATED SAKA 972, A. D. 1050) EDITED BY H. H. DHRUVA, B.A., LL.B. The grant of which a version is given below sacred water. The Chalukyas of the south is in the possession of a coppersmith of Sarat, are said frequently to allude to this. The and was obtained on loan for me by Mr. Narbhe- Chaulukyas of Latadesa here claim that descent. rám Mansukhrâm. The owner had done great The Solankis of Anahilava da too, derive their púja to the copperplates, and the letters were descent from the same source as the following much filled with 'saffron and sandalwood fragmentary verse from the Vadanagar Prasasti unguents; they have suffered also from rust, of king Jayasimhadeva of Gujarât, dated V.S. and it took some days to clean them. 1208, indicates : The plates are three in number, and are # T h eWG P h goeratani yaof secured by a strong copper ring, bearing the | सद्यो वीरं चुलुक्याहवयमसृजदिम येन कीतिप्रवाहः ।। royal seal upon it, -an image of Siva, in an &c. &c. &c. attitude of meditation, with his accompani- "The Creator, throwing his glance, into his ments. They weigh between 9 and 10 lbs. Chuluka, filled with the sacred waters of the These plates throw considerable light on Ganges, at once created this warrior, by name that period of the history of Låtadesa and of Chulu kya, who by the streams of his fame," Gujarat, that followed the downfall of the &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gürjaras and Râshtrakūtas in the one district The name of the first parent is variously and the Valabhis and Châ potkatas in the other. written-as Chulukya here and in the KumaraIt belongs to the Chaalukya king Trilochana palacharita, and Chaulukya in the present påla of LÁtadêśa, fifth in descent from Bårappa, grant. The poet Bilhaņa does not give the name. the contemporary and rival of Mûlaraja Solanki None of the Gujarati chroniclers, bards or Jains of Gujarat, and is dated in Saka 972 (A.D. Prabandha writers, --so far as my information 1050.) goes--is ambitious enough to proceed beyond The inscription is metrical, but only the first Bhuyada, with the exception of Jayasimbadeva32 verses are numbered, containing an account sûri. This Jaina Yati informs us that the proof the donor and his family history. The genitor of the race was Chulukya. He ignores verses following these are descriptive of the the supernatural origin assigned to him by the donee, and the object of the gift, with the Brahmanical poets and writers of inscriptions. customary injunctions and quotations. The He wants to elevate his hero by ascribing to inscription is correctly written with the ex him a descent from king Vikrama of tradiception of the substitution of the letter (6) tional fame and glory--the originator of the for T (8) and vice versa, which is also the Samvat era. The verses are as follow : peculiarity of the present Suratis to our day. पुरा सुरारिवद्विश्वविश्वोद्धारधुरंधरः The language is highly eulogistic of the patrons of the poet, as is generally the case. चुलुक्य इति विख्यातः संजातः क्षत्रियोत्तमः ।। १६ Although the authorities vary in details, yet धैर्यगांभीर्यचातुर्यशौर्यौदार्यादयो गुणाः their account of the origin of the Chaulukyas is almost identical, whether we look to the poet श्रांता इव जगान्त्या यत्राश्रांतं विशश्रमुः ॥१७ Bilhaņa, or the author of the Kumarapala- यः सांयामिककर्मकर्मठमतियानिव प्राणिनां charita, the Jaina monk Jayasimhadevastri | रौद्रोपद्रवकारिणोरिनिकरानुज्जास्य तीक्ष्णासिना about the fourteenth century of the Christian era ---or to the Vadanagara Prasasti of king निर्मायाप्यकुतोभयं कुवलयं स्वाराज्यवहासिकJavasimhadêva of V.S. 1208, or to the present श्रीकं राज्यमतिष्ठिपत्किल मधूपघ्राभिधे पत्तने ॥१८ grant. These Chaulukyas or Chalukyas are | चौलुक्य इति वंशोभूत्तमामा विश्वविश्रुतः sprung from a "Man-jewel " formed by the Creator of the Universe from a handful of ___ आकरो नररत्नानां सुपर्वश्रेणिसंकुलः ॥१९


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