Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 223
________________ JULY, 1883.] SANSKRIT GRANTS AND INSCRIPTIONS. 199 From them rises up a warrior, who is The three next verses describe the prowess, described in the next six verses. glory and achievements of the other monarchs अपि स्वयं पंकजविष्टरेण देवेन दृष्टश्चिरमुत्सकेन of the family in general terms. वाप्रवाधिकप्रस्तुसवस्तुसिद्धिसविस्मयस्मेरमुखांबुजेन ||१३ The Rás Máld states that Malarâja was attacked in his newly acquired kingdom कपोपले पौरुषकांचनस्य पंके यशः पाण्डुसरोरुहाणाम् simultaneously, by the Râjâ of Någor from the म्यापारयन्दृष्टिमतिप्रदृष्टामवाप्तपाणिप्रणये कृपाणे ॥५४ north, and "Barp, the general of Teilip, the हेमाचलस्येव कृतः शिलाभिरुवारजाम्बूनदचारुदहः sovereign of Tehlingana" from the south. अयाविरासीत्सुभटस्त्रिलोकत्राणप्रवीण लुकादिधातुः ॥५५ Further we are told that at the time of "Was he not seen by the god, who reclines this invasion Mdlarâja retired to Kanthkot in on a bed of lotuses, with his lotus-like faces, Kachh, which, according to Dr. Bühler, may be smiling in wonder at the accomplishment of inferred from his published inscription, dated the intended object, beyond expectation-was V. S. 1043." He had killed Laksha or Lákhâ he not seen with amazement by the god Phulâni before this. . himself, who was long anxious ? (v. 53). Then The version of the story, as given by the came forth from the Chuluka of the Creator, Prabandha Chintamani, is that followed by the warrior, competent to protect the three the Rás Maia. The Kumarapaia-bhupalaworlds, having his body as beautiful as pure charita or Vastupálacharita have nothing to gold, as if he were created of the rocks of say to this. The Kirttikaumudi gives the Mount Meru, directing his highly delighted following: eye at the sword, that was firmly grasped by his । लाटेश्वरस्य सेनान्यमसामान्यपराक्रमः hand; the sword, that was the touchstone of the दुर्वारं बार हत्वा हास्तिकं यः समग्रहीत् gold of manly vigour, the mud of the white "Who, of incomparable valour, having killed lilies of fame." (vv. 54-5). Båra pa, the general of the ruler of Lata-desa, ARTA E yaranma safe afyurf | that could with difficulty be repulsed, took the TRT Hafenauferatu tribute of a troop of elephants." And here " Setting forward Indra, all the thousands Raja-Purohita Sômeávara, the author of the of whose eyes were bedewed with tears of joy, work, gives this event the precedence of (with the words) take courage.' He, at the the war with the ruler of Kachh. According command of the lotus-enthroned (Brahma), to this authority, then, B & rapa was a general became the Dikshita (dedicated) to the de of the Latesvara, meaning thereby Tailapastruction of those hostile to the gods" (v. 56). deva, who had but recently overthrown the माभृस्कृलानामुपरि प्रतिष्ठामवाप्य रत्नाकरभोगयोग्यः Rashtrakata Kakkala, and made himself master of his territory. But the brother-poet क्रमेण तस्मादुदियाय वंश: शौरेः पदाहांग इव प्रवाहः ।। ५७ and contemporary of Sômêsvara, the Jaina “There rose, in course of time, from him, chronicler, Arasimha, gives the following, on the the race, like the stream of the Ganges from subject, in his poem of Sukrita-Sankirttana :the foot of the god Šauri (Vishnu), fit for विजित्य य: संयति कन्यकुब्जमहीभुजोबारपदंडनाय the enjoyment of mines of jewels, having obtained a footing on the heads of royal जहार हस्तिप्रकरं करापातत्कारसंदीपितपौरुषाग्नि ॥५॥ races." (v. 57). “Who, having conquered in battle the gene ral Bå rapa, of the king of Kanyakubja, विपक्षवीरादुतकीर्तिहारी हारीत इत्यादिपुमान्स यत्र wrenched the tribute of elephants from his मानव्यनामा च बभूव मानी मामव्ययं यः कृतवानरिणाम् hand (whose) fire of valour blazed up by that act." Canto II., v. 5. "Where there was the first man Hârita, The present grant simply states that Bâra pa who snatched away the admirable glory of the was born in the family of Chaulukya, that he hostile warriors, and the proud one, by name was related by marriage to the Růshtrakûta, Mânavy a, who exhausted and destroyed the Mahârâja of Kanyakubja, and that he obtained pride of the enemies" (v. 58). Látadása, not by conquest, and by his wise and • Ratnakara, in the case of the Ganges may mean the ocean, the storehouse of pearls and gems. 10 Vol. I. pp. 51-2. 11 Ind. Ant. vol. VI, pp. 184 and 191-2.


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