Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 221
________________ JULY, 1883.] SANSKRIT GRANTS AND INSCRIPTIONS. 197 तद्वंश्या विश्वशंस्याभा बभूवुर्भूधना घनाः - -- ---- -------॥ २० श्रीसिंहविक्रम इति क्षितिभृत्क्रमण जज्ञे महेश्वरवितीर्णसुवणसिद्धिः यः क्षोणिचक्रमनृणं विरचय्य दानैः संवत्सरं निजमववृितदासमुद्रम् ।। २१ पुस्कोर वीरकोटीरस्तत्पुत्रो हरिविक्रमः . स्वकीर्तिकेतकर्येन सुरभी चक्रिरे दिशः ॥ २२ पंचाशीति नृपास्तस्माद्विस्मापकविभा बभुः न सेहे यत्प्रतापामिः शकवंशैर्देवैरपि ॥ २३ तदन्वयेभवक्षुण्णखरदूषणवैभवः रामो राम इव न्यायसदन मेदिनीश्वरः ॥ २४ ततः सहजरामाभादश्वलक्षत्रयेश्वरं हला शकपति पत्तिभिदा विश्वेप्यभूद्धटः (?)।।२५ अदीप्यत श्रिया श्रीदः श्रीदडकस्तदात्मजः यःपिपासाख्यराष्ट्रेशं गज सिंह इवाजयत् ॥ २६ भूपालः कांबिकव्यालस्तद्राज्यमथ भेजिवान यहानैरथिनोप्यासन दानशौंडा सुरवत् ।। २७ राजा राजिरथाजिराजिविजयी राजेव रेजे शुचिर्यो यात्रां विरचय्य देवनगरे श्रीसोमनायोक्तितः वश्यां गूर्जरशासनस्य भागनीं सामंतसिंहप्रभोलीलाख्यां जगदेकवीरजननी लक्ष्मीमिव व्यूढ वान् ॥ २८ तयोः सूनुरनूनश्रीः मूलराज इति श्रुतः अयोनिसंभवत्वेन स चमत्कारकारणं ।। २९ सामंतसिंहमतुलं निजमातुलं यः शक्या निहत्य किल गूर्जरराज्यमाप्य लक्षं तथा समरकर्मणि बद्धकक्ष सोमेशवैभववशाहलयांचकार ।। ३० राजा चामुण्डराजोथ यः ------ सिंधुराजमिवोन्मत्तं सिंधुराज मृधेवधीत् ।। ३१ तस्मादलभराजोभूद्यत्प्रतापाभितापितः मुंजोवंतीश्वरो धीरो यंत्रपि न धृतिं दधौ ॥ ३२ 1 Cf. inscrip. v. 7, and one of the opening verses of the Aihole Inscription dated S.S. 566 of king Palikest II. Ind. ant. vol. VIII, p. 241 : तदनुचिरमपरिमेयश्चलुक्यकुलविपुलजलनिधिर्जयति पृथ्वीमौलिललाम्नां यः प्रभवः पुरुषरत्नानाम् ॥ and also the verse following it : पृथ्वीवनभशब्दो येषामन्वर्थतां आतः तवंश्येषु जिगीषुषु तेषु बहुवप्यतीतेषु ।। अयो दुर्लभराजस्लद्राज्यं ज्ञाय वनांबुदः निर्मथ्य लाटनायं यस्तद्रमा सक्षमां ललौ ।। ३३ तद्भवो भीमदेवोभूद्यन्माहात्म्यहिमागमे युक्तमभोजवदोजभुजो निम्लानिमानशे॥ ३४ Formerly there came into existence the best of the Kshattriyas known as Chulu k y a, who was like the enemy of the demons, Indra, bearing the yoke of the regeneration of the whole world. (v. 16). The virtues of fortitude, gravity, prndence, heroism, generosity, &c., overcome with fatigue after roaming all over the world, took rest with him without exhaustion (v. 17). Who, having destroyed with the sharp sword of his mind hardened with the acts of war, the hosts of enemies, causing great and terrible annoyance to (all) animals like the Daityas, and having rendered the terrestrial orb fearless, and smiling with the prosperity of his Svârâjya, fixed his capital in the town, by name Madh û paghna (or Mathura) (v. 18). There arose a race known by his name, Chaulukya,amine of men-jewels, endued with good shoots and branches (v. 19). There were many rulers of the earth of his family, whose splendour was praised by all (v. 20). In course of time there was born the king, by name Sri Vikramasimha, to whom was granted the golden charm, Suvarna-Siddhi, by Maheśvara, who, having freed the whole world from debt, proclaimed his own era to the very shores of the sea ! (v. 21). There sprung forth Harivikrama his son, the head-jewel of the valiant, who, with the Ketaka flowers of his fame, rendered fragrant, (all the) directions. (v. 22). From him were 85 kings of admirable splendour, the fire of whose prowess was not borne by the families in another sense bamboos) of the Sakas, even though they were very firm (deeply rooted and long established) (v. 23). _In that family was king Rama, like Rama, the home of justice, who had destroyed the majesty of the wicked (Kharadashana).. (v. 24) Cf. also the attempt of the chroniclers and genealogists of the south whe count 59 kings as having ruled at Ayodhya, and after them 16 more before Palikent. See the verse from an inscription of king Vikramaditya VI, dated 8.8.009 Ind. Ant. vol. VIII, p. 111.-तज्जेषु राज्यमनुपाल्य गतेषु राजस्वकोनषष्टिगणनेषु पुरादयोध्या तांशजास्तदनुषोउशभूमिपालाःक्ष्मा दक्षिणापथजुषं बिभरांबभूवुः As applied to the mythical Rama, who destroyed the greatness of the demons named Khara and Ddshare.


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