Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 240
________________ 212 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1883. expression, by the Western Châluk y&; tte(tta)neya H&malanbi-sahvatsarada Chaitra e.g.-51, a Bhairanmați inscription of Taila áuddha panchamiy=Adivdra. II. (1. 4) Sa(ka)ka-varsha 911 Vikri keri)- And it was also used by the Yada vas of tammenhba Barnvatsara pravarttise; -52, a Dévagiri; e.g.-61, the Munawalli inscription Munawa!ļi inscription of Satyasraya II., (11. of Singhaņa II., (1l. 24-5) Salóa) ka-varsha 10-11) Salóa)ka-varitha 930 K[Glaka-[sarnva)- 1145 neya (for 1144) Chittra(tra)bhanresashvattsa[rada] Srávana bahula taddi(di) [ge] Soma- sarada Karttika su(bu) dhdha(ddha) punnami várad-anhdu ;-53, the Balagánve inscrip- Sómavára sómagrahana-vyatipdtadalli. tion of Jayasimha III., (11.25-6) Šaka- It was also used freely by the feudatory varsha 047 neya Siddhartthi-saswatsarada families,--the Rattas of Saundatti and BelPushya suddha bidige Adittyaltya)várad-aidin= gaum; the Kadambas of Banawasi and uttarayana-sankráshtiya parbba(ruva)-nimitta- Hångal, and of Gos; the Sindas of Eramdin ;-54, the Balagâmve inscription of barage; the Sila hâras of Kolhapur; the Sômvara I.," (11. 12-13) Saka-varsha 070. Guttas of Guttal; &c. neya Sarvvadhari-samvatsarada Jyé( jyai)shtha It was also used by the Kakatiya kings of áuddha trayó[da]ái Adityavdrad-andu : -55, Anmakonda; e.g.-62, the Anamkond in. a Balagånve inscription of Sômêśvara II.," scription of Rudradêva, " (11. 6-7) Šaka-varsha(11. 12-13) Sa(ka)ka-varsha 003 neya Viro- mulu 1084 vumeshti Chitrabhanu sasitvataara dhikrit-sasivatsarada Pushya su(su)ddha 1 Magha su 73 Vaddaváramundandu. Somavárad-ardin=uttarayana - sankranti-par- And finally it was used, though not so frebba(ruva)-nimittadioh:56, a Narðndra inscrip- quently as their properly dynastic expression tion of Vikramaditya VI, (11. 108-9) Saka- which will be noted further on, by the Vijayavarshan 1047neya Visva(bvd) vasu-sanhvatsa- nagara kings; e.g.-63, the Badémi inscriprada [Bha]drapada ba 73 Sukravdra mahd. tion of Harihara I.,'' (11.1-2) Saka-varusha 7207. tithi yugddiy-ardu ;-57, an Inglêswar neya (for 1263) Vikrama-sasivatsarada Chaitra inscription of Someśvara III., Sakha(ka)- suláu) 7 Gu;-64, a Chitaldurg inscription of varusha 1057neya (for 1050) Kilaka-saivat- Bakka, (11. 13.14) Salóa) ka-varusha 1279 sarada Kárttika-paurnnamáseyo! sôma-grahaņa- Manumatha-sahvachhchhaltsa)rada J&l jyai)nimittah ; and-58, a Yemmiganûr inscrip- shta(shịha) budhdha(ddha) 88;-65, a tion of Jagadôkamalla II., Srimach-Cha - Bêlûr grant of Harihara II.," (11. 37-9) kyachakravartti - Jagadékamalla - parashada Šaka-varsha sávirada mal-nurra ndkaneya Dunsásirad-eppattaneya Vibhava-saripatsaradadubhi-smiwatsarada Kürttika bahula dalami Pushyad=amávdsyey=uttardyana - sakramana- Adivára; and–66, a Hasan grant of Devevyatípåta-Sómavárad-andu. raya, "(11. 21-3) Sa(ca) ka-varsha 7328 varThis expression was also used by the Ka! 8- ttamána-Vyaya-samvatsaré Kárttika-masachuris; e.g.-59, a Balagåtve inscription of krishna-paksh dalamydin Su(?) kra(P)vdré Bijjal," (1.62) Šaka-varshan 1080neya Bahu- U tta(?)ra(?)-Bhadrapado priti-yôgê bavadhänya sasivatcha(tsa)rada Puéya (shya)da karane ...... pattábhishé ka-samaye. punnami Sómavdram-uttarayana-sankránti-1 Analogous to the preceding is the expression vyatépáta-8ðmagraharad-asidu. Sak-abda It was also used by the Hoysalas; e.g.- or 'the years of Saka or of the Sakas,' which is 60, the Bêlar grant of Vishņuvardhana, furnished by-67, a Gudikatti inscription of (11.117-20) Saka-varsha sdsirada muvatt-obha- the Western Chalukya king Jayasimha III., · P. 8. and 0.-O. Inscription, No. 86. Ind. Ant. Vol. V. pp. 15 ff. *1 id. Vol. IV. pp. 179 . · P. 8. and 0.-O. Inscriptions, No. 159. * Elliot M8. Collection, Vol. I. pp. 687 ft.-From the time of Vikramaditya VI. it became the outom for the Western ChAluky to date their insoriptions in the years of their reign; and after his time the Saka era was ased by them very rarely indeed. I have, in fact, is yet obtained no instances of its use, except these two in tae Elliot Collection, which may perhaps not be reliable. 50 Elliot MS. Collection, Vol. I. pp. 818 ff.-I transcribe the date as it is given; but the number of the years seems to show that the original stone has saka-warsha instead of Srimach-Chalukya fe. 51 P. 8. and 0-0. Inscriptions, No. 183. - id. No. 18. " Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. XII. pp. 1 . - Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. pp. 9 ff. - id. Vol. X. pp. 62 . · P. 8. and 0.-0. Inscription., No. 140. *1 id. No. 29. " id. No. 25.


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