Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 242
________________ 214 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1883. in-83, a grant of Harihara II. of the Vija authority for early times, it has too frequently ya n'agara dynasty, Sri-Saké trayodas- become the custom to speak of this era, via. adhika-tri-sat-êttara-sahasra gaté varttamána Sáliváhana-Saka Prajapati-savatsaré Vaidkha-másé krishna- or, 'the era of Salivahana.' The name in the pakshé amdvásydyan Sawmyadiné súry-ốparága- first part of the compound is sometimes Salipunya-kdis. vAhana, and sometimes Salivaha; and, in the Almost identical with the preceding is the latter part of the compound sometimes simexpression ply Saka is used, sometimes Sakavarsha, and Saku" sometimes Sakábda. The earliest instance of or the ers, which is furnished by—84, the the use of this expression that I have been Ambê inscription of the Dê vagiri-Y âda va able to obtain is—90, the Thânâ grant of the king Singhaņa II.," (1. 27) Srb-Sa(óa)ku 1762 Dê vagiri-Yadava king Ramachandra," Sárvari(ri)-samvatsar | Kärttika buddha da 10. Sri-Śdliváhana-baks 1104 Angira-saivatsare It oocurs again in-85, the Terwan' grant of Lóvina buddha 75 Ravar. It occurs again inKamvadêvaraya; who claims to be of the West- 91, another Thânâ grant of the same king," ern Châluky a family," (11, 1-2) Sri-Saku 1782 Sri-Saliváhana-kakl 1872 (for 1211) Virðdhi-sanvarshe Raudra-saavatsara Pushya vaba) divatsaré Vaisakha-buddha-paurnnamásyári Bhartsaptami(mi) Sanidine ; and again in-86, a mé. But it does not occur with such frequency Renada! inscription of the Devagiri-Yada- as to show that it was fully established, until the va king Mahadeva, (1.1) Sri-Saku 1183 Dú- time of the Vijayanagara kings. It was (du)rmmati-samvatsaré. used by them in the large majority of their Again almost identical with the expression inscriptions; and, whatever may have been its Saka, is that of origin, it was plainly adopted by them as their saka dynastic expression. Thus, we have it in-92, or 'the ora,' or perhaps the era) belonging to the Harihar grant of Bukka," (11. 19-23) SríSaka or the Sakas,' which is furnished by-87, jayábhyudaya-nripa-Sáliváhana-saka 7870 neya a Harihar inscription of Harihara II. of the (for 1275) Vijaya-samvatsarada Magha budhaVijayanagara dynasty," (11. 39-40) Sasi- (ddha) 15 Chaidravára sm-Opardma (gà)-parkha-sikhi-chandra-samité Sdké Sidhdhálddha)- vvani vu(u)shna-káladallu ; in-93, the Damba! rththi(rtthi)-sajfrité ch-abdé Kárttika-másasya grant of Harihara II., (11. 100-2) Sak-abdé sita-dvádasyáin Bhaskaré váré. It occurs again Sáliváhasya sahasréna tribhiḥ sataih 6k-adhiin-88, a Harihar inscription of Dêvarêya of kais-cha ganité Siddi(ddhá)rthé=bdé śubhé dine the same dynasty," (11. 15-16) Śáké nétr-ágna- Jyaish(hyam Bhaume nisánáth-opardge; invahn-indu-sankhye Vikru(kri)ti-námaké rarusha 94, the Hampe inscription of Krishnaraya," Nabhasya-dvádasydris bukláyári Sómaváraké ; (11. 27-8) Śrí-vijayábhyudaya-Sáliváhana-sakaand in-89, a Harihar inscription of Achyu- varsha 1430 saindu méle nadeva Sukla-sanoattarậya of the same dynasty, ** (11. 8-11) Šáké sarada Mághá śu 14la; in-95, the Harihar chandra-ras-Amarésidra-ganité ......... inscription of Achyutaraya," (11. 3-5) Sri-jayaBhadrapadasya . . . . . drūdasy-abhikhye tithau bhyudaya-Saliváhana-saka-varsha 1452 Vikruváré Bhimisutasya. (kri) ti-saivatsarada . Srávana bahu!a syu(ya) Finally,--and, with the exception of the pre- Sómavára Jayanti-punya-kaladalli Śriceding term Saka, last in chronological order, Kru(kri)shn-ávatára-samayadalli; in - 96, as far as I am able to determine, -we come another Harihar inscription of the same king," to the expression by which, through accepting (11. 15-17) Saliváhana-nirnita-saka-varusa(sha)too freely the statements of the Puriņas as keram-ügaté vyôma-tarkka-chatus-chandra 10 Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. IV. pp. 115 f. n I do not feel certain whether the w is intended to be' vocalisod, or whether it is used to represent the Virdma and the word is to be pronounced sak. " Archeological Survey of Western India, Third Report, pp. 85 ff. 13 Tour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. IV. pp. 105 f. ** P. 8. and 0.-C. Inscriptions, No. 126.. id. No. 127. To id. No. 132. "1 Jour. R. As. Soc., 0. 8., Vol. V. pp. 183 ff. 18 id. pp. 178 ff. ** Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. XII. pp. 346 ff. 30 id. pp. 852 ff. Ind. Ant. Vol. V. pp. 73 ff. . id. Vol. IV. pp. 323 ff. 83 This Anuevdra is superfluous. ** Ind. Ant. Vol. IV. 329 ff.


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