Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 222
________________ 198 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JULY, 1883. From that natural Râma was a warrior Bhata, “It became the evening prayer and adoration who destroyed the lord of the Sakas, master (Sandhya-vandana) time to him (to Brahmaof three hundred thousand cavalry, with his dova, described in the two preceding verses), infantry (v. 25). His son was Sri Dada ka, the friend (lit. the brother) of the three worlds, the giver of prosperity, who shone with his as he was once holding conversation on splendour, who lion-like conquered Gaja, the Brahma (the Supreme Spirit, or the Vedas, or ruler of the kingdom of Pipåsko (v. 26). His Yajña) with the Brahmarshis, on the bank of kingdom was occupied by the king Kambika- the divine stream, the celestial Ganges!" Vyâla' by whose gifts the Arthis, the suppli- Then there follow certain verses containing Then there follow certain area cants and donees were intoxicated as with the a poetical description of the setting in of the danas of the celestial tree! (v. 27). Then twilight. Here is the verse 39 after them :there shone, bright like the moon, king Raji, संध्यासमाधी भगवान् स्थितोय शक्रेण बद्धांजालना प्रणम्य the conqueror in many battles; who, having विज्ञापितः शेखरपारिजातद्विरेफनादविगुणैर्वचोभिः॥ performed the pilgrimage to Devanagara, there, at the injunctions of the auspicious lord of the "Now the lord sat in Sandhyd-meditation, moon (Sri Somanátha Mahádéva), married when Indra, bowing down to him and folding the princess Lila by name, who was like his hands, prayed to him, with words, strengthLakshmi, sister of Så mantasimha, the ened with the voice of bees in the Parijataruler of the Gurjaras, mother of the single flowers in his chaplet (that touched the feet of hero of the world! (v. 28). the god)." Verses 40 to 43 describe the many Their son was known as Mülaraja of marks of his favour possessed by Indra. The incomparable splendour, who, not being born passage following them may be quoted in full :-- from the uterus, was the result of a great |निवेदितश्चारजनेन नाथ तथा क्षितौ संपति विप्लवो मे miracle (v. 29). Who having killed with his lour Ther | मन्ये यथा यज्ञाविभागभोगःस्मर्त्तव्यतामेष्यति निर्जराणाम् m omento sword his incomparable uncle Samanta Il y Bim h a, and having obtained the kingdom of | धर्महामत्र निवारणाय कार्यस्त्वया कश्चिदवार्यवीर्यः Gurjara, destroyed likewise Laksha, through the apariguardo FT TUT ERIT: fent Ilk greatness of Somesa, who was prepared for war. (v. 30). Then was king Chamunda... who पुरंदरेण प्रतिपाद्यमानमेवं समाकर्ण्य वचो विरिञ्चिः killed in battle the Sindhurâ ja who was as संध्याम्बुपूर्ण थुलुके मुमोच ध्यानानुविद्धानि विलोचनानि ungovernable as the ocean. (v. 31). From him was Valla bharâja. The king of Avanti "Oh Lord, the spies have brought to my Munja, scorched by the heat of his prowess notice that my overthrow on the earth at present could not hold his patience even in the prison- is such that I believe that the enjoyment of house (v. 32). Then Durlabhar å ja, having their shares in the sacrifices will be a matter obtained his kingdom, a cloud of the forest, of memory to the gods (v. 44.) For the having destroyed the lord of Lâţadeśa, enjoyed removing of the enemies of the faith, thou his land with his fortanes (v. 33). His son was shouldst create some one of invincible prowess, Bhimadova. At the setting in of the frost by whose family (or bamboo-staff)' as by the of his greatness the arm of Bhoja faded away streak of the rays of the sun, all directions may like the lotus (and that) very properly. (v. 34). be made happy (well supported and firmly The poet Bilhaņa in detailing the life and established) (v. 45). Virinchi, having thus exploits of his patron, says (verse 3) : heard the speech uttered by Indra, cast his ब्रह्मर्षिभिर्धनमयीममुष्य साधू कथां वर्धयतः कदाचित eyes, bent in meditation, on the Chriluka filled त्रैलोक्यबन्धोः सुरसिन्धुतीरे पत्यूषसंध्यासमयो बभूव ।। with the Sandhya waters (v. 46). Can this be the same with the Bhuyada (Sans. Bhd. ruler. Can the kingdom of Pipaal, be the regions bhata), of the Gujarat chroniclers. The verse in the bordering on and beyond the Biyas,-the Panjab and original is very doubtful. This question needs further Kabul territory of the king ? elucidation. Vysla, a synonym of Gaja? Can this be Dandaks, brother of Raja (Raji, father In other sense the ichor, or the juice flowing out of Malarkja) and Bija? But if the king mentioned in from certain trees. the last verse be Bhabhata, Dandaka, according to the . Here is one of the many quaint similes used by the chroniclere, was fifth in descent from him. poet. Here he pompare the family of the hero to a • Is it far from true to suppose that this Gajs is the bamboo-staff, taking advantage of its double meaning - Hindu or Saka ruler of Afghanistan, who gave name to on which rest all the directions--the sky firmly like Gani? See Sir H. Elliot's History of India about this an awning spread all about and held up.


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