Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 232
________________ 204 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JULY, 1883. as beautiful as the god of love, as Prady- himself to be present ever in others, enjoyed his muna was of Achyuta, who, gaining the throne wealth equally with needy suitors (v. 20). of Latadeśa, by righteousness made the Looking to whose agile hands, the home of directions bright white with (his) fame. great anger, 80 also the heart and the bent (v. 12). bow,--the warrior (king) lopped off the heads King Kirtti was the central gem (nayaka) of the enemies, tossed on high through pride of the diamond necklace, on the threads of (v. 21). Who did good by bending low the generations of kings the precious gems of the bow towards the enemy. So his best arrows shot Chaulukyas (v. 13). (His) mother out of at the foe, hitting right the mark, gained their all women gave birth to him, as some undis- end thereby (v. 22). He, sword in hand, had tinguishable vein in the great, material body of a thoughtless beloved in kirtti (fame) who the cow, the resting place of the padarthas (or alas! afraid as it were, went over to the house elements) gives birth to milk (v. 14). All of the enemies, and censured to return, she, people were filled with delight, at the sight of bearing the celestial lustre of the circle of him, from his birth, who was so beautiful that earth (watered) by the seven seas, bewildered of they were not emptied even though they dropt old, was sung by the gods as pure" (v. 23). out drops of ambrosia like an ewer of ambrosia. From him was born Vatsaråja, the great (v. 15). ocean of the precious gems of virtues, the Equally alluring though they be (viz., beauty valiant (one) famed as mount Mandara for the and dainty viands)-yet he avoided the enjoy- churning of the ocean of war (v. 24). Here ment of others' wives, like the tasting of the rests from infancy downwards in the mansion leavings-left after eating (v.16). They (i.e. of statues this Sri, the goddess of fortune the virtues ?) adhered to hands and feet, as with the auspices, and here is chaste Modesty, the best gems stuck fast over his chest, they too, like the bride, well concealing her passion, (clung), through the instrumentality of the Sruti knowing the mind of her lord bringing about Kundalas--the earrings, adopting (it or them) uninterrupted greatness. She rests here withas the principal step or seat (pada), eschewing out a rival with king. Vatsaraja, as with the secondary or unessential one; but alas! Vishņu (v. 25). they could not keep themselves (there) (v. 17). Some quarters of the world, as all of them The collections of virtues, spurning the cannot be accommodated in a single ambara princes that served as supports (to him),- (i.e. sky or cloth) nestled into a corner. So chose the alighting (as above): otherwise how the bounteous king Vatsa dressed them up could they have been natural, and how could with the robes of (his) glory (v. 26). they have grown up with him" (v. 18) P He He dedicated an umbrella resplendent with caused his mind to be slain, running from the gold and jewels as an ornament to the god side of the infuriate elephant of youth, since Somana tha, and instituted an asylum unimwithout it the herd of senses could not steppeded for the poor and the helpless (v. 27). over the borders of carnal desires (v. 19). His son the glorious king TrilochanaThe soul of man is like ákása enclosed by pati the ruler of Là ta desa & Påndava his body, like a house, &c. So he, seeing among the kings of the Kali age (v. 28.). 1 The construction of these two verses and the follow on of these two verses and the follow. philosophy and breathed generosity from it and enjoyed ing is involved and obscuro. The poet like his con- his wealth in common with the suppliant at his doors. temporaries rovels as it were in intricate construo. (v. 20.) tions. The meaning of the verses may be summed 10 This verse too is another of the kind mentioned up thus: the king forming the subject of the versies was above. Its substance may be this: The beloved of the the suzerain or prince Paramount, and his virtuous feudal king is Fame wayward girl. She afraid of his Vasals doing homage touch his hands and feet with their strength and sternnese goe over to his enemies,-that heads. So the virtues possessed by them flowed out as is they fighting valiantly against him win fame that it were by the Sruti Kundalus (that is they were sung scoompanies them to the abode of the celestials. She all about, and so they reached their ears, and from that is censured for this abandonment is bewildered and is they were again promulgated I) they left the subordinato forced to return. She is resplendent with the heavenly position, settled upon the principal seat: but alas! there glory of that visit. She spreads over the whole circle too they could not rest. They chose to alight there, of the world marked about by the seven seas of the leaving the prince: they could not rest on his hands and Puranas. This may mean that the king has vanquished feet, they went all over his heart and mind, grew natural all his enemies that have gone to the next world and to him and were developed with his own development. This conquesta extend far and wide. So the gods sing He chooked his mind running riotons from youth and so it as pure. his songes were controlled. He learnt the beauty of


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