Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 224
________________ 200 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1883. politic rule won the hearts of the people, and date of Gojiraja falls somewhere between 916 destroyed the enemies of the realm, which and 1040 A.D. Thus Agniraja, whose name last is a mere rhetorical flourish! And it may be read as Gojirâja, strengthened his makes no mention of the defeat and death of position, by, securing the alliance and support the founder of the family by Mûlarâja. We of the rising family of the Yadavas of Chandod. are again informed by the Rás Mála, that But he did not live to be king; it was his at the time when Nazaranas were being son, Kirttirâja, who was the first king of poured in from every side, and presented to Låtadêsa. the ruler of Sarasvata Mandala, -that from The reign of this Kirttirâja seems to have Låtadesa was an ill-omened elephant which been uneventful, but the last few verses greatly incensed prince Châmunda. The king, concerning him speak of his enemies and of thereupon, with Chậmanda the heir-apparent, wars in general terms, and we are informed by marched hastily upon Latadeśa and surprised, the Kumarapala-bhupala-charita, in one of the defeated and killed (Dvârup) in a battle. verses quoted above, that king DurlabhaHe is here named Dvarup, an attempt to râja, having destroyed Lata-natha or the Sanskritize the name. I think this Dvarup ruler of Lâţadosa, (Kirttirâja) enjoyed his regal must be the same as the Bârp of pp. 51-2, who fortane with his land. And this is borne out may not have been killed on the first occasion by the Vådanagara Prasasti thus : as there stated. From the parallel instituted TET W Y TR font rett between Agniråja, (Gongiråja ? Goggiraja ? or | सणे दर्शयतिस्म लाटवसुधा भंगस्वरूपं फलम् ।16 Gojiraja P), the "first home of the family," "The wavy creeper of the brow of him (Dur. that recovered the land submerged under the labharaja), the ocean of anger, exhibited soon waves of foreign conquest and overwhelmed the fruit in the form of the destruction of the by the demons of enemies (meaning the kingdom of Lâta" which clearly indicates the Chaulukyas of Anahilavada), and the Varaha death and destruction of Kirttiraja, that is conAvatara or boar incarnation of Vishņu,-the cealed by the writer of the grant, as would very relationship and close connection of the Lata naturally be the case. Kirttiraja was succeeded Chaulukyas with the Chalukyas of Kalyana, by Vatsar ája. This Vatsarà ja presented the who had for their cognizance the Boar, may god Somanâtha of Pattana in Sorath with a be inferred (v. 11 of the grant). If this gold umbrella, resplendent with jewels. He also Gojiraja be the same "Chalukya noble Goji founded charitable institutions for the poor and raja," of the grant of the Yadava king the helpless (v. 27). His son TrilochanaSennachandra II., dated $.$. 991 (A.D. 1069), pala, the donor of the grant, seems to be the we shall be able approximately to fix his last of his line, for we do not hear of any period. The grant mentions that a Yadava king kingdom of Låtadesa subsequent to this time. Têsuka, of Chandod (whose family had settled The country in the time of Karna and his there, emigrating from Dvârâvati or Dvårika glorious son Jayasinhadê va and their about 850 A.D.) had for his wife, princess successors being comprised within the empire Náyiyalla, danghter of a Châlokya noble Goji- l of Gurjarát. raja. This Gojiraja's son-in-law, Têsuka, is said The minister of war and peace is Sankara. to have succeeded Vadig, who was married Trilochana pala bathes in the western sea to the daughter of the Silhára king Jhanjha, at the port of Agastya-tirtha and makes the whose date is put down as A.D. 916. The grant, from which I conclude that it or some successor of Têsuka is one Bhillama, who is said place near it was most probably the capital of to have conquered Åhavamalla, son of Jaya the monarch. Agastya-tirtha, I am informed, simha Châlukya (1040 to 1069 A.D.) So the is what is now called Bhagvå Dåndi. » Vol. I, pp. 61-2. 1 For, the extensive conquesta of Jayasimhadeva in the south did include the minor province of Latadesa as the following passage from the Prabandha Chaturvinjati, Madanavarma Prabandha, states; मालवदेशस्वायनीकरणानन्तरं दक्षिणा पथे महाराष्ट्र तिलंग को 5 पाण्यादिराष्ट्रण्यसाधयत् ।। __ अनन्तरं धन संघटितं । ततोगूर्जरधरां प्रतिव्या घुटत् ।। (P. c. Ins. p. 47). He (Jayasinhadêve) subdued the kingdoms of the south, vix. those of Maharashtra, Tilanga, Karta, Påndya, &o., after the conquest of MAlava. Their wealth was largely drained, so he proclaimed in the land of Garjara the expedition against king Madanavarma the wealthy ruler of Mahobaka in Bundelkhand.


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