Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 218
________________ 194 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1883. - [1] भागः सदण्डदशापराधः सवृक्षमालाकुलः सकलराजकीयानामहस्तप्रक्षे["] पणीयः अपरिपन्थनीयश्च प्राप्तोदगयनमहापर्वणि परमभक्त्या मया उद "] कातिसर्गेण प्रतिपादितः । यस्य चाघाटनानि पूर्वतः उत्तरककाभिधानग्रामः ["] दक्षिणतः विक्विरिआणकाभिधानग्रामः । अपरतः कुरलाभिधानग्रामः । उत्तरतः श__णाइचाणकाभिधानग्रामः । एवं चतुराघाटनोपलक्षितोयं विकलाभिधानयामः सो. ["] त्पद्यमानवेष्टीकः अचाटभटप्रवेशः पूर्वदत्तदेवदायब्रह्मदायवर्जे । भूमिच्छिद्रन्या["] येनाचंद्राार्णवक्षितिसरित्सर्वतकालीनः श्रीमहेश्वराचार्यस्य पुत्रपौत्रान्वयन्याये["] न भुंजतो भोजयतो वा न केनचिद्यासेधनीयः ॥०॥ यत उक्तमेव भगवता वेदव्या[9] सेन व्यासेन || बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिः । यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा [१] फलं ॥षष्टिं वर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे तिष्ठति भूमिदः। आच्छेत्ता चानुमंता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् ॥ [20] यानीह दत्तानि पुरा नरेन्द्रनानि मर्मार्थयशस्कराणि । निर्माल्यवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को ना["] म साधुः पुनराददीतेति । शकसंवत् ३६३९ पौष सुदि ४ उत्तरायणे ॥ यथा चैतदेवं त ["] था यामंदाता स्वहस्तमारोपयति । स्वहस्तोयं श्रीधरणीवराहस्य [M] लिखितं चैतद्राजादेशात सांधिविग्रहिकमहिंदकेन ["] पाथिलसुतेनोत ॥ Translation. being vipatra, because it protects from misOm! fortune, which, though it ever gives the fruit 1. May that forest of braids on the head of the of happiness (to others), yet exceedingly indivine Dhandheśvara, which is sanctified creases its own prosperity, which, though it by the flowing water of the stream of heaven, chooses its location on the heads of (other) which is cooled by the rays of the moon, princes, (nevertheless) is humble (before gods which (bears) excellent flowers in the shape of) and gurus), is worthy to be served and cana multitude of golden lotuses and fruit in the not be conquered by its foes. shape of the happiness of salvation, which 4. In that (race) was born the illustrious borders on the row of serpents, on the poison. | Vikramarka, a prince resembling the sun, kandali (of the throat) and on the tiger (skin), possessing all the regal powers' and the six (yet) causes no pain, bestow bliss on you! qualities (of a king); from him (sprang) king 2. The Earth bowed to Sambhu before the Adda ka. From him was born the illustrious gave himself up to) deep meditation and spoke king Pulakesi, a crest-jewel among the with an echoing voice; "When meditation protectors of the earth. From him king rules thy eye, oh lord, I am unable to bear the | Dhruvabhata was descended, an incarnatorment caused by the Asuras," (Then) the tion of justice. supreme ruler created for the sake of the earth 5. His younger brother is Dharani. out of his bow (chapa), a powerful prince, | Varaha, at whose lotus-feet all princes bow, called Chapa, who, being of lofty stature, | who finds happiness in the embraces of royal was able to protect her. Fortune, who has become a (avish-granting) tree Moreover of paradise forall his friends, who is high-minded 3. The illustrious Chapa race, before | and a royal swan among the lotuses of the which no (other) excels, which has no weak | faces of the beauties (of his harem). points (and) no 'thorns' (in its sides), possesses 6. Why describe his valour, regal power, an unscathed body, and excellent splendour, | his destroying cities, his depth (of understandwhich though possessing excellent swords (it is | Sing), his truthfulness, great energy, or hia always) satpatra, has reached the condition of | unequalled great majesty? (There crists) 4 L. 16, road °वेटिका वज. L. 20, read धर्मार्थ . L. 24, The second akshara in not certain.


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