Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 216
________________ 192 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1983. of kings and supreme lord Mahipalad êva." part of Kathiâ våd, and that they presumably The answer to the question to what were not weaker before the Solankis began to dynasty the latter belonged can only be that he press upon them. It is, however, a pity that must have been one of the Chûdà sa má s of even Colonel Watson's remodelled list of the Girnar-Junagadh, to whom the Gujarât chroni- Chudasamâs which has been compiled from the clers usually apply the contemptuous designation records of the bards and later inscriptions, does Abhiraka Râņaka, 'the Ahir Raņas.' For not show a Mahipala in the beginning of the that is the only dynasty of Western India which tenth century. It shows a Dyâs, alias Mahiincluded kings bearing the name Mahipala, påla I, who ruled from 1003-1020 A.D., while the and it is evident from the statements of the Jaina rulers in the beginning of the tenth century were chroniclers that even in the eleventh and Mûlaraj, 907-915, and Visvava râhs, twelfth centuries A. D. the power of the Chů. 915-940. It is possible that one of these kings dâ sa más extended as far as Vadh vån. Dr. may have also been called Mahîpâls, or that the Burgess' list of the Chudasamas, printed bardic tradition has not preserved all the names Archæol. Rep. vol. II, p. 164, shows two of the earlier kings. Be that as it may, I do Mahipalas and another more complete one not think that the first figure of the date can which Colonel J. Watson has kindly farnished be read otherwise than I have done, or that to me, contains five kings of that name. the Mahipala of ouy grant can have belonged As regards the extent of the Chudasama to any other dynasty. I do not remember to kingdom, it appears from Hemachandra's state- have met in any other document referring to ments that in the times of the first Solauki king the history of Gujarat, with the name of the of Anhilvâd, Múlarája I (942-998 A. D.) Châ pa race; but I think it probable that the it included the whole of eastern Kathiavad. Já bânvaya which Merutunga mentions is the Hemachandra, who in the Dvyâśrayakosha same. After describing the destruction of describes the first attempt of the Gujaratis Navaghana of Girnar by Jayasinha, to subjugate the peninsula, narrates how Merutanga narrates that a Dandddhipati, called Málarájn on his expedition against Graha- Sajjana, who belonged to the Jába family ripu or Grahari the Åbhîra of Vámanus- (Jåbånvaya) was appointed Governor of Sorath. thali (Vanthali) and Girnår advanced to the The substitution of soft consonants for hard river Jam bumali, there awaited the enemy ones is so common in the Indian Prakrits that and fought a battle in which he remained I am inclined to look upon Jába as a Prakrit the victor. It appears that this river marked form for Chåpa. the frontier of Grahâri's realm, and there | The object of our grant is to convey the village can be little doubt that Jambumali is a of Viņkala as a reward for his learning name of the Bhogavati or Bhogao which to the (vidyadhanam) to M&heśvarâ charya, the east from Vadhvan passes the large village of son of Sivade vacharya, who belonged Jamba. Though, according to Hemachandra, to the Amardakasa itâ na. As AmarMûlarâja gained an important battle and the daka is a name of Kalabhairava and the people of Sorath submitted to him, his victory title acharya shows that the two individuals cannot have led to a permanent annexation. For mentioned possessed a religions character, it a little more than a hundred years later the would seem that the word sashtana refers in this armies of the great Solanki king Jayasimha case to a spiritual family, the line of teachers were eleven times defeated, as Merutunga tells of a Saiva sect called Amardaka. Though Saius by his Chudasama or Åbhira opponent vism is not now & favourite creed in Gujarat, Navaghana and “Vadh vân and other it flourished formerly in the province. Ruins of towns were fortified," it would seem in order to several considerable Mathas of the Nakulibas repel the attacks of the rulers of Sorath. These exist in Central Gujarat. Saivism was also details willsuffice in order to show that the power the creed of the old Solanki kings of Anhilvad of the Chudasamas extended not only in the and has only been supplanted later by various tenth century, but even much later, over a great forms of Vaishnavism. • Ind. Ant. vol. IV, pp. 76-77. पुरैकदशधा निजसैन्ये पराजिते सति वर्षमानादिषु पुरेषु ब• अथ श्रीसिद्धराजो नवघणाभिधमाभीरराणकं निग्रहीतुकामः प्रकारप्रकार निर्माप्य स्वयमेव कृतमयाण इत्यादि ।


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