Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 142
________________ 126 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1883. about $.838." Jhanjha must have been a con- to rule is not known, but further copper-plates temporary of Vaddiga, or perhaps a little will, it is to be hoped, guide us to more accurate earlier.' Assuming Vaddiga's date, therefore, | information. to be about S. 860, we have about 131 years The second inscription of this dynasty is from left for four kings (assuming one to be missing) a ruined Jain temple in Anjaneri, about fifteen or 33 for each. Similarly connting for the | miles south-west of Nasika. It would appear previous four generations an average of about that after Seunachandra II, kings of the 30 years, we have Dridha prahara about same dynasty continued to rule for nearly Saka740 or A.D.818.86 . three-quarters of a century. The inscription This would make Dridha prahara nearly is on a sand-btone slab fixed on the right wall contemporary with Kapardi, and it would seem of the mandapa of the temple. The letters are that the Yadava dynasty in the north-east was very clearly cut in good Någari, and are well contemporary with the Thâņa Šilháras. preserved. A reduced facsimile is given in the How many kings reigned after Seuna- accompanying plate. The language is Sanskrit, chandra and how long the dynasty continued both prose and verse, but the grammar is faulty. Transcript (6) पंच परमेष्ठिभ्यो नमः । स्वस्ति श्रीशकसंवत् १०६३ टुंदुभिसंवत्सरांतर्गतज्येष्ठ सुदि पंचदश्यां सोमे अनु(१) राधानक्षत्रे सिद्धयोगे अस्यां संवत्सरमासपक्षदिवसपूर्वायां तिथौ समधिगताशेषपंचमहाशब्द द्वारावतीपुरपरमे (5) श्वरविष्णुवंशोद्भवयादवकुलकमलकलिकाविकासभास्करयादवनारायण सामंतपितामह सामंत जमरा इत्यादिसमस्त(4) निजराजावलीविराजितमहासामंत श्रीसेउणदेवविजयराज्ये तत्पादप्रसादावाप्तमहामहत्तमः प्रता पसंतापितवैरिवर्गः (5) संयामशौंड[:] शूरवैरिघटाविमईनकण्ठीरवः अनवरतदानाद्रीकृतदक्षिणकरप्रकोष्ठः निशित निस्तूंश विदारितारा(6) तिकरिकुंभस्थलगलितमुक्ताफलमंडितरणांग्गण मनस्विनीमानोन्मूलनकंदर्पः दोधर्मरंहितः सौ योदार्यदयादाक्षि(१) ण्यधर्मगुणसत्योत्साहमंत्रशीलसंपन्न[] प्रजापालनानंदशत्रुपराजयानंतोषितकीर्तिप्लावितदिग्व लयः' अनेकराजनीतिशा(७) स्त्रोक्तविवेकवर्द्धितबुद्धिकौशलसहस्रविज्ञानप्रभुत्वमंत्रोत्साहशक्तिसामर्थ्यरूपलावण्यविचित्रवक्तव्यता ___ भोगोपभोगराष्ट्रकौश(9) लाद्यनेकविषयगुणगणालंकृतशरीर: व्ययीकृतप्रतिपन्थिमनोरथः संग्रामविजयलक्ष्म्यालानस्तंभः रनायर' इव अनंतगां(10) भीर्ययुक्तः हिमादरिव अपरिमितमहिमान्वितः षाड्गुण्यसंपन्नाविपर्ययतभिष्ठः' देवद्विजगुरुवराचा य साधुपूजाभिरतः दीनान * See Ind. Ant. vol. IX, pp. 33-46; Prairies d'or, This sentence does not make good sense. Is be tome II, P.S. supposed to have been omitted after पराजयानं° the read* It would be more in accordance with other cases to give 210 years to eight generations, and carry back ing would be शत्रुपराजयानंदतोषितः which make Dridhaprahara to about 8.780.-ED. I.A. Bense. • Read रजाकर. * Read हिमाद्रि. ' This sentence Bendre for 8. Bend निमिंश. - Rond रणांगण. T makes no sense. • For 'चाय road °चार्य.


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