Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 160
________________ 142 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. MAY, 1883. a rather unidiomatic expression." I suppose | "Having caused to be constructed for poor he means that the use of the root kiri with and helpless persons a pratiśraya [in the shape dána is not sanctioned by idiom. But in of] a good house, very commodioue (wide), Hemâdri's Dánakhanda we have (p.3, v. 17), having food and plentiful water, provided with tatkritadánavárilahari, "the waves of the a good door, and charming, he should dedicate water (poured on the occasion of the gifts it to travellers." made by him"; (p. 34), yat kanyá su pitä kuryát The establishment of such houses for poor dúnasi pujanam archanam, quoted from the travellers, i.e. the founding of pratisrayas, Brahma Purana ; (p. 90), dánamáchamanam, &c., forms an independent charitable deed of great praudhapado na kurvita, quoted from Satya. merit (see Hemâdri, Dán. pp. 673-677). There yana; (p. 688), yat kirinchit kurute danan tada is another in the shape of giving houses to nantyáya kalpate, extracted from the Vahni- poor persons (pp. 646-663). Houses so given Purúna ; and (p. 996), dánar tena prakartavyam, are sometimes spoken of as krasathas. Thus quoted from the Bhavishyóttara. In these and Vedavyasa, as quoted by Hemadri (p. 646), a variety of other instances the root kri is used haswith dana and therefore my way of dissolving - रम्यमावसथं चैव दत्वामुं लोकमाश्रितः। . the compound cannot be objected to on the “Having given away a charming house, score of idiom. (avasatha), he attained the other world." In Now Dr. Hoernle's translation of the com the Anusásanika-parvan of the Mahabharata pound which, he says, is also Dr. Bühler's, an account is given of several former kings is-"gave gold to build a sacred bathing place." having performed certain charitable deeds and This destroys the religious sense of dóna anů obtained their fruits in the next world, and makes the expression suvarnadá na quite useless. among them one is spoken of as having given Certainly the other works of Ushavadâta,—the away charming houses to the twice-born and rest-houses, tanks, wells, &c., -were not con gone to heaven"structed or dug by him with his own hands. He paid gold or money to get them also con रम्यांश्वावसथान्दवा द्विजेभ्यो दिवमागतः। structed or dug. Why then should the express | Anus. chap. 137, v. 10, Bomb. ed. ion suvarnadána be used here, and not in those Similarly the Brahmd nda Purana as quoted places? And what are bathing places as different by Hemådri (p. 162), says that by giving away from the ghats or flights of steps, and whence charming dvasathas or houses, one attains the do you get them ? fruit of the Rajasúya sacrifice. The extract The next expression with my translation of from the Mahabharata given on the next page which Dr. Hoernle finds fault is chatusáláva- by the same writer contains a verse in which sadhapratióraya. He thinks that one kind of the giving away of vihárávasathas or pleasure building only is intended by this compound, houses, is associated with the giving away of but beyond saying that in this Dr. Bübler gardens and wells. agrees with him, he gives no reason whatever. Thus then, ávasathadána and pratisrayadána But pratisraya, as I have stated in a note, is are two different things, and therefore the comwhat in these days is called an annasattra, i.e. pound does not express one thing only. Now a house where travellers put up and are fed chatussála might be taken as an attribute of without charge. Dr. Hoernle calls it a rest- dvasatha, but even here, seeing how gifts of house. I have no objection to the word, pro- different things are associated in the other vided he means what I mean; for Hemådri, compounds used in this inscription, I think (p. 152), explains pratisraya as pravásind m it is better to take that also separately. dirayah, i.e. a shelter-house for travellers. The next expression in dispute is Ibá-Párádá. Again, the Vahni-Purána as quoted by him, Damana-Tápi- Karabend - Dahanukánávápunya(p. 673) has tara karena. Dr. Hoernle takes návápunyataraप्रतिश्रयं सुविस्तीर्ण सदनं सुजलान्वितम् । karena as one compound, and Ibá - Dáhamká as दीनानाथजनार्थाय कारयिला गृहं शुभम् । another. This last is, according to him, in the accusative case. I would ask "What is the निवेदयेत्पथिस्थेभ्यः शुभद्वारं मनोहरम् ॥ accusative governed by P' But this is not


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