Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 186
________________ 162 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1883. ["7 kuraja-janita-vilopa-vichchhinna-paribhôgam vijñåra-varam=anyasya vê viếishtasya kasyachid=bhavatu dvijamnana iti niśchitya ["*] Suvarnnavarsha-dipa(ya)mâna [m] Vata" [pu* ]ra-vâsinê Bhanubhattây=knumôditaḥ [1] salátapyam grihîtvå tâlâvârik-di-gana(?)=ch(?)-6(?)ddi(?)["] sya tâmbula-pradana-půrvvakam yatháló(?)bha-sê(?)va(?)na(?) ch=&"bhâsy(shy)Adisya(P) pra(pra)kritikam=api purain i(f) ti Third plate; second side. [*] tathê Triyâgoośvara-paramadhi(dhî)sa-pâda-mûlam jânât=iti || Translation, it extremely wonderful that he made Vrisha, May he protect you, the waterlily in whose -who, by association with Kali, had come to navel is made a habitation by Vôdhas; and have only one foot, -to be now possessed of Hara, whose head is adorned by the lovely four feet again, and so to be) unimpeded in crescent moon! his motion. And it is not wonderful that he (L. 2.)-Hail! There was a king, Gôvin accomplished in a proper manner the protection dar âja, the maker of his own lineage-born of his subjects; for,--since Vishņu, who is prein the spotless Sri-Rashtra kût a family,- eminent in protecting the world, dwelt in his a very hero in making gifts,--pre-eminently mind, -this conduct) befitted him, whose mind brave in war; whose army, he conquering was (thus) identical with that same (Vishnu). single-handed and being fond of deeds of (L.9.)-Of that king, of virtuous disposition, daring, had for its result (only to be) a mark there was born a pious son, Krishna raja, of his being) a king; and who, being possessed who, having aprooted his relative" who had of wisdom, worshipped no other, even among resorted to evil ways, appropriated the kingdom the gods, save Sankara, the supreme lord of to himself, for the benefit of his family. He lords. possessed a certain friendliness towards Brah(L. 4.) - And when he was wishing for a son, mans, by reason of which even those who --through the favour of Bhava, there was born were (only) once-born, (becoming as it were) to him a son, abounding in virtuous qualities Brahmans and being incited by (his) gifts and possessed of great fame, who bore, (as his) which were worthy of the most excellent twiceprinciple (title), the lofty and charming ap- burn, performed the rites (which are usually) pellation of Sri-Karkaraja, together with celebrated (only) by those who can recite the (another) secondary and attributive name." In sacred texts. Just as, when a cloud discharges talking about good governments, formerly, in rain in excess of the wishes of the cultivators, sooth, the kingdom of Bali, the prosperity of their minds are intent) upon the cessation of it, which was for the welfare of all mankind, was so was it when he showered down wealth in (that which would be cited as an illustration in excess of the utmost desires) of his servants. He, discussion; but now (it is the kingdom) of this the most mighty one, a very lion of a king, king in the world. And mankind considered transformed into a deeras the great boar," ancestors have I made this grant to the Brahmar 26 Nandi, the ball of Siva, as the personification of Bhanu, who has served my family with his prayers for dharma, religion, virtue, or justice. There is a play many years. May he enjoy the grant, and profit by on the word påda, in its meanings of af ot,' and 'oneit!" And he added, as a footnote, “NB.-There are fourth.' Dharma, which was complete and entire in several counter-signatures, apparently autographs, in the first or Krita yuga, is supposed to have been reduced the last four lines of the last plate, which, besides that to three-fourths in the Trēta yuga, to one-half in the they are of doubtful reading, it would be of little interest Dvâpara yuga, and to one-fourth in the Kali yuga ; and to transcribe. On the outside are the words “ 'Tis for Karka I. is supposed to make it complete and entire the good of my father and mother." again, as it was originally. Mr. K. B. PAthak has *This letter, ta, was at first omitted and then inserted brought to my notice that the same idea is referred to below the line. in the Naishadhacharita of Sriharsha, Calcutta edition, * Thin letter, cha, was at first omitted and then Vol. I. p.7,inserted below the line. Padais-chaturbhiḥ suksite sthirikrite ** This letter, 96, was at first omitted and then Krite-munå kê na tapah prapédire inserted below the line. Mallinatha's commentary on this is 1.e. some title like those ending in varsha borne by Amuna Nalêna Krité Krita-yuge sukrite dharme his descendants. In fact, the Kadab grant, 11. 34-5, VrishardpatvAch chaturbhih padais charanaih chatur. mentions him under the name of Kannėávara-AkÁlavarsha. bhågais=cha sthirikritê sati kê tapo na prapedire arve --Kannuvara, --like Kannara, Kanhara, Kanhara, pi pråpur-ev-ity-arthah. Kandhara, and Kandhara, all of which ooour as the ai.. his nephew and predecessor, Dantidurga. names of kings whose name in its Sanskrit form is 31 i.e. "put to flight." Křishna, is a popular substitute for Krishqa. * The family-emblem of the Chalukyas.


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