Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 205
________________ JULY, 1883.) RÅTHOR GRANTS No. III. 181 Govinda, assisted him materially in making vrata, where daily doles are given to strangers, his rule firm, seems more credible. The poetical and in order to defray the expenses of religions bombast with which the war with Mihira is rites. The donee's father was called Nennadescribed, makes it impossible to say who this phy & (perhaps Nennappa), and his grandfather assailant was. As regards Vallabha, it Dhoddhi. The virtues of the latter are seems not improbable that one and the same described in two verses, 44-45, and it is said individual of this name was the foe of the that he had obtained from Dhruvarâja, three kings. If so, it is perhaps not too hazard- (probably Dhruva II)the village of Trenna, ous to assume, because the name Vallabha and had founded the charity, mentioned above. was a common biruda of the Dekhani Rashtra- Among the boundaries of the village of Parakatas, that the son of Govinda III, Sarva, haņa ka (Pl. II, B. 10-12), we find the 'Bråhalias Amoghavarsha, is meant by it. For mana settlement of Motta ka. Everybody it is not in the least unlikely that the suzerain who is acquainted with Gujarat will know power may have had difficulties in obtaining the at once that this can only be the town of tribute from Gujarât, or have had other reasons Motâ, on the road from Surat to Bardolf for interfering in the affairs of the province. which is famous as the original seat of the The fact that Dhruva III even was a tributary Motâlâ Brâhmaņas. Though I am at present prince, may be considered certain on account of unable to identify, for want of trustworthy the epithets, mahásúmantadhipati and sama. maps, the other villages and towns mentioned, dhigatáseshamahásabda, which are applied to I have no hesitation in asserting that our him in our grant. Moreover the reign of grant refers to a village south of the Tapti, Amogha varsha, to judge from the Rathor and proves that Southern Gujarat formed part copper-plates and the Kaņheri inscriptions of the dominions of the Bharoch Rathors. That of the Silahảras, extended just over this period. is a point which the Kavi and the Baroda On the other hand, we have no evidence that plates left undecided. But I have for some Amoghavarsha really bore the biruda time considered it probable that the Rathors Vallabha, like his father and his remoter held Southern Gujarat also, because in the ancestors. The third enemy, the powerful present days Rathor cultivators are found also Gûrjaras' are, in all probability, the Chaudas south of the Tapti. or Chåp otkațas of Anhilvåd. For we know Owing to the circumstance that an eclipse of no other kingdom during the 9th century, of the sun is mentioned in our grant, it is poswhich could be called Gurjara. According to sible to accurately determine the day on which Krishnaji's Ratnamálá. Anhilvâd was governed it was issued. Professor Jacobi and Dr. Burgess from 841 to 865 A.D. by Khemraj or assure me that the astronomical data have been Kshemard ja, 'who had no servants of correctly given, and that the date is the sixth ability, was passionate of temper, but in good June 867 A.D., on which day an eclipse actually fortune equal to Indra.' Most probably he happened. The last part of the last verse of the was the Gêrjara, who, with Dhruva's younger grant órimadgovindarájo nirupamavihito ódsane brother tried to gain possession of Bharoch. dútakotra the illustrious Govinda was made The object of the grant is to convey the by Nirupama dútaka with respect to this village of På råh anaka, which belongs to edict,' shows that those who like Mr. Fleet took the 116 villages connected with Karmânta- dútaka to mean 'messenger' for conveying pura, to a Brahmaņa, called Jojibh à, a mem. the king's orders are right. The translation ber of the Laks kâ yaņa gotra and a student executive officer' in the province where the of the Adhvaryu-or Yajur-v ad a, for the village granted lay, which I have used until maintenance of a Sattra, i.e. a so-called Sad | lately, must be given up. Transcript. Plate I. [1] PET a TVET UT TAHRITT T T 450mai 11 (1) aprelfaser Tica sfang. Jour. Bo. Br. R. A. 8. vol. IX, p. 38. Plate I. L. 1, read art, aretiga, fen 749o. * The transcript has been prepared by Dr. E. Hultzsch.


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