Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 180
________________ 158 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1883. Sarvajit sarivatsara, Saka 729. This suggests Govinda III. himself; and the term is quite the inference that it was between the dates of the explicit as to the relations between him and two grants that Gôvinda III. conquered the Karka. Dr. Bühler says that the manner in Gurjaras, by whom Dr. Bühler understands which this inscription speaks of Govinda III. the Chapôtkatas or Chaudas of Anhil. indicates that he was dead at the time of its wad, and annexed their outlying province issue, i. e. in Saka 734. But I do not see on of Lata ---. e. only five years before the date of what passage he puts this interpretation. And, the present inscription, which is one of the son as a matter of fact, this was not the case; for of the Indra to whom Govinda III. gave the the Kadab grant, published by Mr. Rice at government of the province. In the present p. 11 above, shews that he was alive on the inscription Indra III. is also said to have tenth day of the bright fortnight of the month himself, alone and unaided, defeated the Gur- Jyaishtha of Saka 735; and the next inscripjara king; this must have been on the occasion tion that I shall publish will show that his son of some subsequent attempt by the Gurjaras and successor, Amôghavarsha I., succeeded to to recover the province. And he is also repre- the throne in Śaka 736-7, and consequently sented as entering into some alliance, protective that he himself was still alive up to that date. or defensive if not offensive, with the Mahásá- The present grant is of the time of Karka mantas of the south against Srivallabha, II., and is issued from Siddhasa m 1.° It is i. e. Govinda III., who was then in the course dated Saka 734 (A. D. 812-3), on the full-moon of subduing them. The inscription then men- day of the month Vaisakha. And it records a tions Karka or Kakka II., also called grant of the village of Va da padraka, in Suvarnavarsha I. and Lateśvara, the son of the A ökottak a Eighty-four circle of villages, Indra III. As pointed out by Dr. Bühler, the to a Brahman named Bhânu or Bhanubhatta, fact that Karka II., -as also his younger of the Våtsyâyana gôtra, and belonging to the brother Govinda IV., in the Kåvi grant,--does chaturvidya or society of Chaturvedis that had not use the regal titles, but styles himself originally started from the city of Valabhi. simply Makúsamantadhipati, implies that he Dr. Bühler" has identified Ankottaka and Jamand Govinda IV. were not paramount sove- buvâvika, one of the villages by means of which reigns, but only vassals of the Rashtrakůta king the boundaries of Vadapadraka are defined, of the main line. A further confirmation of with the modern Ankût and J&mbava, five or this view is given by the present inscription six miles to the south of Baroda. The other in the verse that states that Karka's svámi or places mentioned remain to be identified. "master" made use of his, Karka's, arm, for the Lines 70 to 74 contain a kind of postscript, protection of the king of Mala v a, as a door. to the effect that this same village had been bar to prevent an invasion by the king of | given by some former king to the society of Gurjara who had become puffed up by con- the Chaturvedis of Aikot ta ka,-that the quering the lords of Gauda and Vanga. The enjoyment of it had been interrupted by some submission of the king of Mala va to Govinda evil king or kings, -and that Suvarna varIII. is recorded in the Wani and Radhanpur sha, i.e. Karka II., wishing to allot it again to plates. And the svámi or "master" of Karkaany excellent Brahman, as the reward of learnII., here spoken of, can be no other than ing, selected Bhanubhatta, and gave it to him First plate. ['] Sa vô=vyâd=Védhasa yê(dha)na(ma) yan-nâbhi-kamalan=kritam | Haras-cha yasya kant-endukalaya sa(ka)m=alank ritam | Svasti svakiy-&nva • Vol. VI. p. 64. . This place has not yet been identified, I believe. I have no mape to refer to ; but oan it be the modern Sidosan, given in the Postal Directory of the Bombay Circle P 10 It is to be noted that the cycle of sixty samvatsaras is not referred to in this grant, or in Kavi grant of Govinda IV.; though it is referred to in the grant of Govinda III. dated Saka 726 for 725, the Subhanu samvatsara (the earliest instance of its use that I have yet met with), No. CXXIII. in Vol. XI. p. 125,--and in all the subsequent dated R Ashtrakata inscriptions from the south, except in the Kadab grant of Govinda III. This shows plainly that the Rishtrakūtas did not introduce the cycle from the north, but found it already in use in the south, though not among the Chalukyas. 11 Vol. V. p. 145. From the original plates.


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