Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 175
________________ JUNE, 1883.] DHINIKI GRANT OF JAIKADEVA. 155 Transcript. Plate I. [1] ओ स्वस्ति विक्रमसंवत्सरशतेषु सप्तसु चतुर्नवत्यधिकेष्वंकतः ७९४ कार्तिकमासापरपक्षे [1] अमावास्यायां आदित्यवारे ज्येष्टानक्षत्रे रविग्रहणपर्वणि । अस्यां संवत्सरमासप क्षदिवसपूर्बायां तिथावोह भूमिलिकायां सोराष्ट्रमण्डलाधिपतिः परमभट्टा[.] रकमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरः श्रीजाइकदेवः महामात्यभट्टनाराय[6] णधर्मसहायानुमतेन संसारस्यानित्यतां ज्ञावात्मधर्मयशोभिवृद्धये रखे10 रुपरागसमये धर्मकालमपेछच चतुवदेविदे - - - संतानाय मुन्तल[१] गोत्राय त्रिप्रवराय इश्वरनाम्ने ब्राह्मणाय तद्धेनिकानामग्रामं सतणका ठजलं सवृक्षमालाकुलं देवदायवेज उदकपूर्व भूमिलिकामण्डलम[*] ध्ये दत्तवान् ॥ इदानीं कालान्तरभुक्तिनिश्चयकरणाथमस्य ग्रामस्य चतुदिriom शमाघाटा लिख्येन्त ॥ उत्तरभागे सामापखेत्रे समुद्रः । पूच्चभागे सवन[1] गरजा नालिका रोहरधारासमेता । दक्षिणभागे सपलाशतकान्तग["] रिचा नदी यावत् ॥ पश्चिमभागे पर्वतस्य धारा समुद्रगामिनी ॥ Plate II. का एवं चतुर्थाटाविशुद्धा तद्धनिकाग्रामभूमिमीश्वर ना]मा ब्राह्मणो भुज न भोजचा न नाकनापि परिपंथनीयः ।। बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिः PM भगरादिभिः । यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य तदा फलं ॥ मयि [] राज्ञि व्यतिक्रान्ते योन्यो राजा भविष्यति तस्याहं करलमोस्मि शासन []न व्यतिक्रमेत् । लिखितमिदं शासनं महाक्षपटलिकन नेरहरिना)[0] मा मयेति । शिवमसु श्री Translation. water-to-day here in Bh û milika with the Om! Hail! (When) Reven hundred years | approval of his chief minister Bhatta Naraof Vikrama, exceeded by ninety-four, (in yana, his associate in the fulfilment of his figures) 794 (had passed), in the second half of duties, knowing the instability of worldly affairs the month Karttika, at the new moon, on a | and having regard to (the fact that) the occurSunday, under the constellation Jyesh¢bâ, on rence of an eclipse of the sun is a time for the occasion of an eclipse of the sun-on that charity, for the increase of his own merit and lanar day, which is preceded by they ear, month, | fame, to the Brahmana, called Isvara (fivara) half-month and solar day (above mentioned) who knows the four Vedas, belongs to the the lord of the province of Saurashtra, the | Mudgala gotra and to the line of . . . ., and supreme sovereign, king of great kings, and | invokes Agni by the names of three ancestors, Bupreme lord, the illustrious Ja ikadeva, the village, called Dhenik & (situated) in gave-confirming the gift with a libation of the province of Bh û milik A, tugether with L. 1, read alt. L. 2, read T ;-the 3r in a fut is the n. Read करणार्थम'; चतुर्दिशमा . L..10, An the almost effnoed. L. 3, The first letter of पूर्वायां has not | names are exceedingly uncertain;-read लिख्यन्ते ; पूर्व". been finished, being only ) instead of 9; read #TIE L. 11-12, The names are very uncertain. L. 4, read भट्ट. L. 6, The two म of धर्मकालम have not ___L. 1, read चतुराघाट वि°. L. 2, read °न् भोजयन्वा न been finished , read °मपेक्ष्य; चतुर्वेद: मुद्रल; the three aksha | केनापि. The odd mistakes have been caused by the nonme omitted look like मेस्तीष्य, which, however, is nonsense. completion of the ya and the connexion of the prishtha. L.7, read ईश्वर . L.8, read °वज; पूर्व. L. 9,°वान् matra before ka with the preceding na. L.3, read सगराlooks like वाका because two virkrnas have been attached to | दाभ hrs, read कन नरहार. 6, read शिवमस्तु,


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