Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 166
________________ 148 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1883. THE FIRST PLATE OF A VALABHI GRANT OF UNKNOWN DATE. BY E. HULTZSCH, PH.D., VIENNA. The subjoined incomplete Valabhi grant has | Dharasena III, of which about one line been edited from a páper-cast which I owe to must have been engraved on the lost plate. the kindness of Professor Bühler, to whom it The grant cannot belong to one of the sons of was sent by Râo Bahadur Gopalji S. Desai, Derabhata, as the first plate of the grant Deputy Educational Inspector of Kathfâvâd. of Kharagraha II. dated Val. S. 337,' bring the The plate from which the cast is taken was var ávali down to Dharasena IV. Thus it must found at Gopnåth, and measures 14 by 10 have been issued by either Dharasena III, inches. To judge from the facsimile, the or Dhruvasena II., or Dharasena IV. preservation of the plate is not particularly This conclusion is further strengthened by the good, and the letters of the first and last fact that the first plates of the grant of Dhruvaline and at both ends of most other lines are sena II, dated Val. S. 310 and of the grant of somewhat damaged. Dharasena IV. dated Val. S. 330break off The grant is dated from Valabhi. Like almost at the same point as our first plate, while other Valabhi grants, this one must have origi- the first plate of another grant of Dharasena nally consisted of two plates. The second IV, dated Val. S. 326° comprises abont two plate, which was fastened to the first by two and a half lines more of the varisávall. rings as the holes at the base of the latter prove, The characters perfectly resemble those of the has been lost, and together with it the date and published grants of Dhruvasena II. and Dharathe names of the donor, the grantee, and the sena IV. It deserves notice that the superscribed object granted. By comparing the preserved repha (T) at the beginning of a group of first plate with the first plates of other Valabhi consonants is placed at the right side of the grants already published, it will be possible to group if there was no room left for it at the fix its date within certain limits. Our first top;' in agt, 1. 10, and oftar, 1. 14. plate contains the usual variódvali of the For the same reason the secondary form of the later Valabhi kings from Guhasena down- vowel i (0) has once been placed at the right wards, and breaks off in the description of side of a group, in ogre', 1. 6. Transcript. [1] ओं स्वस्त बलभतः प्रसभप्रणतामित्राणा मत्रकाणामतुलबलसम्पन्नमण्डलाभागससक्तप्रहारशतलब्ध[*] प्रतापात्प्रतापोपनतदानमानार्जवोपार्जितानुरागादनुरक्तमौलभृतश्रेणीबलावाप्तराज्यश्रियः परममाहे. ps THTETETCE4 gråthat catalanar979: 17 fariadi11 यबाहुरेव समदपरगजघटास्फोटनप्रकाशितसत्वनिकषः तत्प्रभावप्रणतारातिचूडारत्नप्रभासंसक्तपा[3] दनख[रश्मिसंहतिः सकलस्मृतिप्रणीतमार्गसम्यक्परिपालनप्रजाहृदयरञ्जनान्वर्त्यराजशब्दो रूपका Faeritt[6] [म्भीर्यबुद्धिसम्पद्भिः स्मरशशाङ्काहिराजोदधित्रिदशगुरुधनेशानतिशयानः शरणागताभयप्रदानपर [] णवदपास्ताशेषस्वकार्यफलप्रय॑नाधिकार्त्यप्रदानानन्दितबद्वत्सुहृत्प्रणयिहृदयः पादचारीव सकलभु · Edited by Professor Bühler, Ind. Ant. vol. VII, p. 76. · Edited by Professor Bühler, Ind. Ant. vol. VI, p. 12, and vol. VII, p. 73. Edited by Professor Bhapdarkar, Ind. Ant. vol. I, page 14. The modern Telugu alphabet has gone one step further by placing the repha behind the group before which it is pronounced. Line 1, Read at ritaria, 1999 , and geria .-L. 2, the second 4 of gti and the au of His obliterated.-L. 3, 4 of IT obliterated.-L. 4, 8 of Tera faint; read 7 -L.7, road : a and .


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