Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 168
________________ 150 INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1883. CORRESPONDENCE AND MISCELLANEA. THE DATE OF TRIVIKRAMA. | dah, gallery, balcony and thence a palace, or SIR.-In Mr. Pathak's interesting paper on more properly the women's part of the palace and Pajyapada, ante p. 21, occurs the following state grounds attached; thence the women's part of a ment: "Trivikrama; Saka 800 (A Pråksit gram- royal camp, a long or large tent. The Aw&ns mar)." Would Mr. Pathak be so good as to inform and their neighbours say that their ancestors us, (1) Whether this Trivikrama is the same as accompanied Mahmad's camp and settled in the that mentioned by Prof. Pischel as posterior to RÅwal Pindi District, and thus got the name Hemachandra (see his edition of Hemachandra, airodn, camp-men. It is pretty obvious, that there preface, p. vi, and Dissertatio Inauguralis, p. 8) P is no historical foundation for this derivation of (2) If so, what grounds has Mr. Pathak for the name, but as these native derivations are often placing Trivikrama in Saka 800 P (3) Does " Saka seriously received as true, it is just as well to 800" mean that Trivikrama lived in the 8th record them if only to show their improbability. century of the Saka era, or that he wrote his R. C. TEMPLE. grammar in that particular year (i.e. the year 800 of the Saka era) P (4) Where does Trivikrama RÅJAPITÁMAHA-THE SILARA TITLE. mention Pajyapada P Will Mr. Pathak quote the Rdjapitámaka, which literally means "Grandwork and the passage where the mention occurs P father of kings,' occurs along with their other R. H. titles in three copperplates of the Silaras. 3rd February, 1883. Mr. Wathen who translated one of these suggested Like a Brahmadêva among kings' as the meaning A short reply to Dr. H.'s queries. of the title; Mr. K. T. Telang who translated an. (1) As I have no copy of Prof. Pischel's Héma. other, rendered it as 'the grandfather of the king,' chandra, I am not in a position to answer this but observed :-May TaTam, then mean "like a query. (2) My opinion as to the date of Trivi. Brahmadeva among kings"-"first among kings"P krama is based on the prasastis of the Adipurdna, I think the following passage from the Kumd. the Uttarapurdna, and Trivikrama's grammar. rapala Charita leaves no doubt that the literal (3) The statement referred to means that Tri meaning of THAT is the meaning intended :vikrama was a contemporary of the Rashtrakuta emperor Amoghavarsha I. and his son. (4) In ___ अथान्यदा श्री चौलुक्यचक्रवर्ती सर्वावसरे स्थितः the first páda of the first adhydya, we read the | कोकणदेशीयस्य मल्लिकार्जुनस्य राज्ञो मागधेन जैनेंद्र पाणिनीयादि व्याकरणेषु यथोक तथैव व्य(वेदितव्यं Here the mention of the Jainendram is equiva राजपितामहति बिरुदमभिधीयमानमशणोत. यथा lent to the mention of Pajyapada, according to | जिला प्राग् निखिलानिलापतिवरान् दुर्वारदोर्वीर्यतः Vrittavildsa. K. B.P. कृला चात्मवशंवदानविरतं तान्पौत्रवत्सर्वदा। Belgaum High School. धत्ते राजपितामहेति बिरुदं यो विश्वविश्वश्रुतं Å WÅN, A DERIVATION. The Åwins are a Muhammadan tribe in the सोयं राजति मालिकार्जुननृपः कोदण्डविद्यार्जुनः॥ Råwal Pindi District. The name is variously One day, while the Chaulukya universal ruler spelt in Panjabi, Awân, Uån and Awan. General (Kumdrapala) was sitting at ease, he heard a bard Cunningham (see ante, vol. X, p. 244, and Proc. pronounce "Rdjapitamaha" as the title of Mallik4. S. B. 1881, p. 50), wishes to identify them årjuna, king of the Konkana (in the verse), Thus with the Jodhs of B&bar, but Colonel Johnstone shines king Mallikarjuna, (like) Arjuna in wielding has shown that the Jodhs are a part of the the bow, who bears the title Rdjapitámaha, heard Muhammadan Rajpat tribe of Janjas in the from universe to universe, having conquered all Rawal Pindt Distriet. (See Sherring's Hindu great kinge by the irresistible might of his arms Tribes and Castes, vol. III, p. 69). Whoever they and made them obedient to himself like grandsons. may be, it is more than probable that they are Mallikarjuna, so far as is hitherto known, was aboriginal Panjabis, converted to Islâm like their the seventeenth king of the North Konkana Sila. neighbours the Gakhars, Dhonde, Satis, &c. ra dynasty, and two of his grants are recorded Like the other tribes they give themselves al on stones found at Chiplun in the Ratnagiri faneiful Muhammadan origin, and say they are zilla, and Bassein in the Thåna zilla, which bear descended from the persons who had charge of date respectively Saka 1078 and 1082. Malli. Mahmud of Ghazni's camp. (See Calcutta Review, 1 kårjuna's defeat by Ambada the general of vol. OL, PP. 272-275). In accordance with this Kumarapala, (Saka 1065-1096) is noticed by K. view the derivation of their name is thus given. In Forbes, and a pretty long account of it is given Persian airdn means primarily a portico, veran in the Charita. RATIRAM DURGARAM DAVÊ, Ariatic Researches, vol. I, p. 359; Journal of S the Royal Asiatic Society (O.S.) vol. V, p. 186; Indian tero sily199. Indian Bombay Gazetteer, vol. XIII, p. 126, Ras Mála, (New Ed.), p. 145. Antiquery, vol. IX, pp. 35, 38.


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