Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 147
________________ MAT, 1883.) CHINGHIZ KHÅN AND HIS ANCESTORS. 129 The Dêvagiri Yådavas,-neighbours of these Yadavas,-also called themselves Dvárdvdtipuravarddhisvaras, Vishnuvamsodbhavas, &c. &c., and so far as we know their first king was a Bhilla ma, a name corresponding to the one we find in this genealogy. It is not improbable that the Dêvagiri Yâdavas may be a branch of these Yâdavas, and future inscriptions may shed more light on this. CHINGHIZ KHÂN AND HIS ANCESTORS. BY HENRY H. HOWORTH, F.S.A. (Continued from p. 86.) XX. Emperor, secured the cession of a large district Chinghiz Khan was now a very potent chief- hitherto ruled by the latter and the payment of tain. He was the master of the wide steppes & considerable tribute. Aguta gave his dynasty of Mongolia and Sungaria, from the Khinggan the title of Kin, or the golden, and his people chain in the east to the Altai in the west, are generally known as the Golden Tartars. while Dauria and China formed his northern The boundary between the Kin and Sung and southern boundaries respectively. Like empires was fixed at the rivers Hoai and Han. previous nomadic leaders who had secured a The great provinces of Pe'chib-li, Shan-si, like power, he now turned his attention to the Shang-tung, Honan, and the southern part of great Empire on the south, which has survived Shen-si were dominated by the Kin Tartars. so many catastrophes and changes, and the Their capital was Yenking, situated near the continuity of whose history from the earliest modern Peking, and they called it Chung-tn, times of recorded history is to-day one of the i.e., Imperial city of the centre. The Mongols puzzles of the political philosopher. Chinghiz, called it Khanbaligh, i.e., the City of the Khan, in assailing China, was not merely satisfying or the Imperial Residence. In addition to it the cravings of ambition, but had the farther they held four other cities which were dignified purpose of revenging private wrongs, and the as Imperial residences, i.e., Liau-yang-chau in murder of his not remote ancestors whose death Liau-tung, called the Eastern capital (Tungwe described in an earlier page. China at king), 2, Tai-tung-fu in Shan-si, called the this time comprised two empires. Its southern Western capital (Si-king); 3, Pien-leang or portion was ruled by a native dynasty known Kai-fang-fu on the southern bank of the Yellow as the Sung, while its northern portion was River in Honan, called the Southern capital ruled by a race of foreigners known as the Kin, ! (Nan-king), and lastly Ta-ning-fu on the river or Golden Tartars. The Sung dynasty was Loha, north of China, which was called the founded about the year 960, and for a while Northern capital (Peking).' The Kin Tartars, controlled the fortunes of a large part of southw hile they ruled a much larger area in China ern China. Its Northern portion, comprising than the Khitans, were much less powerful than sixteen districts in the provinces of Pe'chih-li, the latter in the steppes of Mongolia and Shan-si, and Liau-tung, had for some time beenTartary. They were acknowledged as masters, occupied by the Khitans, a race who were closely no doubt, in Manchuria, the old home of their allied to the Manchu Tartars but had some Mon- race; the Khitans, who still lived in Lian-tung gol and perhaps Turkish blood mixed with them. and its borders also acknowledged their supreThey were masters of Tartary from the Altai macy, but the various tribes west of the Khing. to the Yellow Sea, and the Sung Emperors gan range and north of the mountain buttresses also paid tribute to them. About the year 1114 limiting China on the north retained the very the power of the Khitans was shattered by the slightest ties towards the new masters of China; revolt of a people of Manchuria identical in race and were not, as in the time of the Khitans, immewith the present Manchus, who, under their diately subject to them. It is from the time of chief, Agata, speedily conquered the districts the Kin domination in China that the Mongols, of Northern China held by the Khitans, and, in fact, first began to assume shape as an indeafter numerous victories gained over the Sung pendent community, and we have seen how they D'Ohsson, vol. I, p. 121 note.


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