Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 145
________________ A NEW YADAVA DYNASTY. MAY, 1883.] (ii) योद्धरणक्षम रविरिव प्रतिदिवसोपचीयमानोदय परिहासप्राकारः ईद्रिगुण' 'विशिष्टश्रीषाणुमडंडरीसर्व्वव्यापारे कु(4) ति सतीयेतस्मिन्काले प्रवर्त्तमाने श्रीसेउणाख्येन महानृपेण प्रधानयुक्तेन विचार्य भक्त्या देवाय चंद्रये प्रदर (13) यं भारविवर्जितं च श्री साधुवत्सराजेन स्वकुलतिलकभूतेन देवद्विजगुरुवराचार्यपूजाभिरतेन श्रीलाहडसाधुना सह दशर( 14 ) थसाधुना स्वकीयं हट्टदानं कृतं तथा गृहदानं च कृतं । चन्द्रपभाय देवाय कंदर्पदहनायच । विशुद्धदेहरूपाय सर्व्वसन्वहिताय च । त(13) या नगरे वर्ष प्रति द्रम्मपंचकं कृतं भायुः पुत्रा धनं सौक्ष्यं सौभाग्यं राज्यमक्षयं आमिश्रेष्ट्रचं " यशः स्वर्गं भूमिदो लभते फलं ।। बहुयस्य यदा भूमितस्य" तस्य तदा फलं ॥ दाता चैवानुमंताच स्वर्गस्योपरि तिष्ठति । हर्ता हारख 12 (10) भिर्वसुधा भुक्ता सगरादिश्य" राजभिः । यस्य 15 (i) ता" भूमिः " पच्यते रौरवे ध्रुवं ॥ स्वदतां परदत्तांना यो हरेच वसुंधरां ।" पष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि वि 18 ष्ठायां " जायते कृमिः ॥ श्रीकोलवरपंडितान (10) सुतेन दुष्टगणकगजकंठीरवेण साधुगणक चरणारवृंद "मकरंद लुब्धपट्पदेन श्रीदिवाकरपंडि तेन हट्टशासनं सैलपट्टे" लिखित(..) मिति मंगलं महाश्री. Translation. Salutation to the five Paramêshtis."" ss Hail and Prosperity ! In the Saka year 1013 and in the Dundubhi samvatsara on Monday the fifteenth of the bright half of Jyêshthâ in the Anuradha constellation, in the Siddha conjunction, in the above mentioned year, month, fortnight and day, in the triumphant rule of the illustrious Seu nadeva, who has obtained the five great titles, the lord of the city of Dvärávati, descended from Vishgu, the sun ex panding the lotus bud-like Yâdava family (like) a Narayana among the Yadava, the grandfather of Sâmantas (feudatory chiefs) and the Jamarâ of Sâmantas, &c. &c., thus adorned by all his royal titles, while the illustrious Pânumaddauri, who has attained (the dignity of) a mahámahattama" by his (kind) favour, who, by his fierce majesty has put down his enemies, Read दीनानाथ. " Read ईदृग्गुण " Read सौख्यं. 22 Read आभिधैष्ठयं. 13 This is grammatically wrong; the usual construction is राजभिः सगरादिभिः Read 'स्तस्य " Read हिरायता. 15 Read भूमेः " Read पाठे. 18 Read विष्टायां " Read बिंद. 30 Read शैल 85 The five Parameshtis are the principal objects of reve rence to the Jains. Even their principal mantra ordains an obeisance, namaskira to the five Parameshtis: 127 नमो अरहन्ताणं नमो सिद्धाणं नमो आयरियाणं नमो उवज्झायाणं नमो, लाये सबसाहूणं .., salutation to the Arhats, salutation to the Siddhas, salutation to the Acharyas, daring in battle, a lion in killing the (elephant) troop-like brave enemies, the forepart of whose arm was wetted by his ever-continued gifts,"1 who has adorned the battle-field by the pearls dropping from the temples of the elephants of his enemies torn by (his) sharp sword," a Kâma in destroying the pride of arrogant women, free from vice and injustice, possessed of valour, libe. rality, mercy, cleverness, virtue, good qualities, truthfulness, energy, policy and good conduct, satisfied by the pleasure arising from protecting his subjects and defeating his enemies, who has filled all the quarters with his glory, his person adorned with various kinds of cleverness and intelligence increased by advice mentioned in numerous treatises on royal policy, and ( adorned ) by good sense, and by the three powers of greatness, polity and energy, by strength, beauty, symmetry, variety of wit, salutation to the Upadhyayas, and salutation to all sages of the world. 59 पितामह is used to show that they are honoured like grandfathers. The same construction is met with in other inscriptions. His probably a local form of यमरात and a very locally used attribute therefore सामन्त जमरा means the chastiser or controller of his feudatory chiefs. 90 Mahimahattama is used to mean the head officer of a district. The title was sometimes given to ministers. 91 The custom of throwing water from the palm of the hand when giving gifts is well known. 92 Poets generally describe pearls dropping from the temples of elephants..


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