Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 133
________________ APRIL, 1883.] BOOK NOTICES. 117 Korar com Xecor Kimdyear Come Year Em 19 IR 3 2 Year Con Year Emas 17 1716 16 161 17 16 97 Year corrente 91 Em U first. For the Era Antonini the first rule would commences on Monday, 7th Oct. 3761 B.C. give the fourth, the second rule would give the or (2) 347998d. 5h. 11m 20s. second, and the formula for the Signum the first Albiruni uniformly makes current year. We find no statement in Albirani the commencement one which would enable one to decide which was year later ................. (4) 354 8 48 40 correct. The signum for the Era Mu'tadidi should i. e., Friday, 26th Sept. most probably be « + + 4%, not 2 + + 47 3760 B.C.; ............... (6)348352 14 0 0 The Rules for finding the Signum Muharrami 80 that any given year of the Æra Adami is by Albirunt's method one less than by the common (pp. 176-184) are unnecessarily elaborate. The following Rule will be found to give correct results: method. As, however, a corresponding change is "Divide the current Hijira year by 210, and call made in the intercalated years, this leads to no the remainder R; multiply R by 131, to the product practical inconvenience. add 63, and divide the sum by 30. The quotient, At p. 65 he gives a circle illustrating the three rejecting the sevens in it, will be the Signum. Or methods by which Jews in different places arranged the intercalary year in their very Signum = 4R+ (rejecting sevens)." intricate system. The construction of the Table on p. 179 is not apparent. The Editor states that the Signa Ramadani, and not the Signa Maharrami, is indi. cated by the Table. But it fails in many instances to give correct results, thus: Year 8-Signum Mu. harrami = 2 and the S. Ramadani = 2 + 5 = 7, and not 6 as given in the Table. If, howerer, we add 55 to the year, or subtract 155 from it, and enter the Table with the number now found, we shall find the correct Signum Muharrami; thus: A. H.1 + 55-56, which gives VI; 80-A. H. 188-155 = 33, which gives IV; and A. H. 100 + 55 = 155, which gives IV. At p. 136 it is stated that the let of Tôt of the Æra Dilavii always coincides with the 18th of Bahman-Mah in the non-intercalated Æra Yazdazirdi. This is a mistake. The interval between the two Eras is 1363598 De teng days (p. 133) =3735 years, 323 days. Hence, (366-323 =) 43 days will have elapsed The outer circle here (not given by Albiruni) by the 1st Tot of the following year, or 1st Tốt shews the intercalation by the common system; the coincides with 13th Ardtbahist-Mah. second the intercalation when Albiruni's system The statement in the following paragraph that is followed: the third when the era began a year the 1st Tôt of the Æra Nabonassari coincides later still; and the fourth, or innermost circle, with the 1st of Dai-Mah in the Æra Yazdazirdi is when the cycle was counted from Æra Alex. 12. quite correct, for the interval (p. 133) is 503425 e.g. (See note at p. 390.) days or 1379 years, 90 days, and it will be (366 A.D. 1=Æ. Adami 3762 by the common method. 90 =) 276 days before 1st Tôt is reached, and this . . 8761 by Albtrani. brings us to lst Dai-Mah. = 3760 by others. Albtrünt's account of the Jewish system is most =Æ. Alex. 313. interesting and satisfactory. It should be observed Dividing the first three, and the last less 12 that in marking the week-day, Albiront gives |(313-12) by 19, we have as remainders, 0 or 19, the elapsed, not the current day. With him 18, 17, 16, and on examining the circles it will be 5d. 14h, means that point of time when, from sunset found that by all the methods the given year was of Saturday five days have passed, and 14 hours reckoned embolismic. Albtrani states that the more, or in other words 8 A. M. on Friday. Some second and third of these cycles were followed prefer the perhaps less accurate but more con. by the Jews of Syria, but that the latter mode venient form, 6 days 14 hours, as giving the day of arrangement was most extensively diffused of the week. Friday.' among the Jews, and that they preferred it to In the same way it should also be noticed that others, because they attributed its inventaion to while by the common method the Æra Adami the Babylonians. 13122 1519 com Year Emo 6 OF OTTE 1312 16 ar Emb. Year com ab Year Com Year or were to


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