Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 87
________________ MARCH, 1883.) CHINGHIZ KHÅN AND HIS ANCESTORS. CHINGHIZ KHÂN AND HIS ANCESTORS. BY HENRY H. HOWORTH, F.S.A. (Continued from p. 47.) XIX. Mongol. The former had on each shoulder Gmelin tells us that when at Udinskoiostrog two pointed iron horns. To their dress were he sent for three Shamans. They were dressed hung two iron rings, one under the other, to differently to any Siberian Shamans he had each of which was fastened a leather strap, and hitherto seen. They wore a leathern dress to each of these a piece of thin iron eight inches strewn with iron trinkets, and with the claws long and one broad, having teeth like a saw of eagles and owls. These ornaments made on one side; at the end of the leather strap which the dress very heavy, and made a great noise reached to the bottom of the dress was a bell when its wearer moved," much to the distress of without a clapper. Here and there hung small the evil spirits." The cap was pointed at the iron rings, and below all two Chinese locks. top like that of the old grenadiers, and was also The Shamaness had no horns on her shoulders. covered with the claws of eagles and owls. Her dress was hung with a number of discs The three Shamans went to visit our traveller which Gmelin says were like the so-called at night, since they declared that they could mirrors which are found in the graves; they had not perform their sorceries in the daylight. Chinese characters on one side. Behind her hung They chose the open place where Gmelin was several long bands and a great rusty iron lock, for their performance, and there made a fire. She also had a Shaman's drum or tambourine, Our traveller wished them all to do their hocus which the men had not. It was made as usual of pocus together, but they said this could not be. leather or parchment stretched over a wooden One of them accordingly took his drum, The frame. The drumstick was made of a crooked drumstick was made like a brush, a squirrel's piece of wood, on one side of which was fastened skin being substituted for the bristles. The a squirrel's skin. Instead of caps all four had a performance was the usual one. Gmelin tried head ornament made of a number of bands to test them by asking if a man whom he knew fastened together crosswise, forming a kind of at Moscow was still living. After making several bridle. One of the Shamans, who was 70 years contortions the Shaman 'replied that the devil old, and who had practised his art for over 50 could not travel as far as Moscow, an answer years, professed to be able to pass arrows through which again recalls some of those of the Western his body. A Saissan or prince urged Gmelin Mediums. The Shamans distorted their faces, that he should see the Shamans perform. He, writhed and threw about their bodies, screamed wishing to test them, persuaded one of his comas if raving, and generally excited themselves panions to feign that he was sometimes attacked until under the load of their heavy dress they | with sudden faintness. The Shamans requested perspired profusely. Their compatriots, says him to sit down with his friends, and then began Gmelin, paid handsomely for their perform- their usual dancing and screaming, while the ances, but we had them gratis, and had Shamaness beat her tambourine. The performthe comedy repeated more than once. The ers pretended that a whole army of devils were one who had been consulted about the man among the strangers, and this byplay, it was at Moscow offered to inquire again, and said, was to see whose particular devils were the after more contortions asked if the men in strongest. The lot fell upon the old Shaman question had grey hair. Gmelin having replied already mentioned. He said that when he was in the affirmative the Shaman again beat his in the bloom of his strength he controlled a drum, and jumped about vigorously, and even body of 120 devils, but now that he had grown tually replied that the man was dead. He had old he could no longer bear their caresses, in fact been dead for 50 years, says Gmelin. On and bad lost his power accordingly. He was the Serednaia Borsa, Gmelin met three Shamans now asked to try and diagnose the disease anda Shamaness. The Shanians were apparently of the man who was feigning illness, and Tungusian, but the Shamaness claimed to be after jumping and screaming for a while he * Op. cit. vol. 1, pp. 807-400.


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