Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 12
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 111
________________ APRIL, 1883.) AN OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTION AT TORAGAL. 95 eloquence which abides in him, the most clever | north, the village named Elavarru has been one, (and) which is (like) the sharp edge of a given by Us, with the relinquishment of all taxes, bword to wicked people, always laughs to scorn as an agrahüra-grant, with libations of water. the woman Vâch who is dear to polished (L. 54.)—"The boundaries of it are :-On people and to Jalajabhaval and to Bahuma- the east, (the village of) Gomaduvu (is) the kha." Good people say how wonderful it is boundary ; on the south-east, (the village of) that, through his innate excellence, there is Daggumbarti (is) the boundary; on the produced a power that is worthy to be praised south, (the village of) Inthüri (is) the boun. by (his) lord. Verily this man, who is named dary; on the south-west and the west, (the Koramiya, is the most witty of witty people, village of) Premparti (is) the boundary; on the most clever of clever people, (and) the most the north-west, (the village of) Turimindi (is) learned of learned people. It is well establish- the boundary; (and) on the north and the ed that Koramiya is essentially a man, since) north-east, (the village of) Amutunuri (is) he enjoys the abiding condition of preserving the boundary. the hearts of all kings, (and since) he is not to (L. 57.)—"No injury is to be done to it by be purchased for any value, and since he is anyone; he, who does (injury to it), becomes Possessed of excellent achievements that are guilty of the five great sins. So it has been like pearls. Aho; great is the religious merit said by Vyasa ;-Land has been given by of Koramiya; for his intellect discriminates in many, and has been preserved (in grant) by the knowledge of things that have not yet many; he, who for the time being possesses arrived; his behaviour is intent upon actions land, enjoys the benefit of it! He is born as a that are not to be blamed; and his mind is worm in ordure for the duration of sixty thouinclined to all kinds of enjoyment. sand years, who takes away land that has been (L. 52.) -"Be it known to you that, to this given, whether by himself or by another!'" man named Koramiya, the head of the writing. (L. 60.)-The ajñapti is Katakaraja; the department of the treasury of gold, on the occa- poetry is of Potanabhatta; it is written by sion of the sun's commencing his progress to the Jontacharyya. AN OLD-CANARESE INSCRIPTION AT TORAGAL. BY K. B. PÅTHAK, B.A., BELGAUM. Tora gel is a small native state, subject to eminent native scholar, his remarks led Sir Kolhapur, and is situated on the confines of Walter Elliot (vol. V, p. 251) to look for an the Dharwad District. In a matha at that place, explanation of this Sanskrit phrase in Firishtah, called the Gachchina-Hirematha, there is a whose opportunities of making philological stone-tablet, leaning against a wall, on the left researches could hardly have been very ample. hand, as one enters the monastery. It bears Nor is it quite clear that Firishtah had any an inscription recording a grant of land to the idea of the Hindu panchamahásabda in his mind, god Suggalêsvara by Suggaladevi, with when he penned the passage quoted by Sir the permission of her husband, the Mahá. Walter Elliot. As to the passage from Chand's mandalesvara Barma, in the Saka year 1110 Prithiraj Rásarı relied upon by him, it will for 1109 (A.D. 1187-88) the Plavamga sannvat- suffice to mention that two such eminent scholars sara. It is in the Old-Canarese language and as Mr. Beames and Mr. Growse differ widely in characters. The writing covers a space of the interpretation of it. I admit, however, 2' 8" high by 2 61 broad. that the real meaning, about which no Pandit I propose to discuss here the meaning of the would hesitate, was given by Mr. Growse and expression pañchamahasabda, which occurs in supported by a quotation from Tulsi Dasa. line 2 of this inscription. In the first volume It is however true that Tulsi Dåsa does not of this journal, p. 81, Mr. S.P. Pandit disputed use the full expression panchamahdsabda; and the meaning that naturally suggests itself to that he is a comparatively modern poet. I will the native mind. And, Mr. Pandit being an now quote a passage from a Jaina author, who Brahmi, as born in the water-lily. Perhaps Vishna, as Sahasranana.


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