Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
grafa: f. Continued succession, continuity; 3gåafatita: Tart Si.
IST 3 U. 1 To search into or after, look after, inquire into, investigato, explore, ex: mine, ascertain ; प्रसवयोग्य स्थानमनुसंधीयताम् 11.3: यस्तकेंणानुसंधत्ते स धर्म वेद नेतरः Ms. 12. 106. -2 To calm, compose, quiet ; 3116
11 1 7 II. 1.-3 To think of, aim at, refor or allude to, consider, deliberate; m agazala II. 3; H T#1 91114 My. 6 after deliberation, or because I aimed at it; Schattgratia 1994
arh II. 3 let is consider what is before us, (turn to the matter in hand); 397...sta gri s Malli. on Ku. 1. 21 should be sought or reforrod to. -4 To plan, arrange; prepare, set in order ; *ATTE, STRIHT# 4 .3. -5 To follow, go after, attend, accompany; Tu atra: Mu. 6; font: 1997 मामनुसंधातुम् M. 1एतौ तौ मामनुसंधत्तः Mk.2 are after me. - To take up, follow, continue; 1925qayta: K. 240 following, making up the unfinished
Frashtraua sa Pt. 2.95; ageni w ay herha: H. 1. 99; Targura ar Kau. A. 1.6.-2 Commencing, undertaking, engaging in; af ATT HE acogerá 478 Pt. 1. -3 Commencement or course of conduct, procedure, course of action; 24997 HTEET: fa
Y U. 5. 21. -4 Practice of religious rites or ceremonies, any religious rite or ceremony ; ffragerfecta F91544TH U. 1.8; My. 4. 33. - Performance, doing lo. -Comp. -TICH 'the body of action ; (according to the Sankhya doctrine) the intermediate body between the सूक्ष्म or subtle and the स्थूल or gross body. 341919 d. Causing to perform. gettah Causing to do an act. gera a. Doing, performing.
arga p. p. Done, performed, accomplished &c.; practised, followed, &c.; de faze TIET&Hagar: Rām. 1.7. 12.
f e a9ra art: great: Ku. 6. 29 brought a bout; 791red that being done, thereupon ; begun, undertaken ; 7 i 4 144reah Rām. (used actively ) following, practising: Ms. 10. 127.
stafg:-: 1.[-] Proper order, succession (used only in instr.); "y, 317891, 3 in proper order, duly, immediately, properly; immerliate, direct.
1944, -grau pt. p. To be offected, performed; followed, done conformably to; f a ge M. 5 what to do with. fufe
for at f49- मिच्छामि Mu. 1.
TTCT a. 1 Not hot, cold, chilly; that : 1. 12. 62. -2 Apathetic; lazy, sluggish (3957). TOT: Cold touch or sensation. -EOT N. of a stream. -TUTE A water-lily, blue lotus ( 304). -Comp. -3rafta a. Neither hot nor cold. T: (-ūray) having cold rays, the moon, also camphor. afgir N. of a plant efici.
at . [ 2014, a urea: ] Accompanied by food. 974 r. 1 Through or after food. -2 According to food; after every sacrifice. -2 Voluntarily, according to one's will.
TETT: A hind wheel. Sat. Br. STÅTTUTH Concealing in order or succession.
Til'. 1 To walk alongside, follow, join. -2 To pursue, noek after. -3 To visit, go towards or to. 4 To penetrate, cross, traverse. -5 To become assimilated.
TATTOH Following, pursuing. -r. At every occasion of coming.
32 a 8 U. 1 To extend everywhere; to diffuse, spread about. overspread. 39474 39 aaFifa 152014. Bg. 15. 2. -2 To continue, join in.
THY 1 Inquiry, investigation; close inspection or scrutiny, examination ; Mv. 7. -2 Aiming at. II. -3 Planning, arranging, getting ready &c.; gizar Fat Fraih H. 3 equipping with the necessary materials. -- A plan, scheme. -5 Suita ble connection.
- In the Vais. Phil.) The 4th step in a sy the 3TA4 or application.
S e fert, TT . Investigating, looking after ; skilful in concerting plans.
Taika p. p. Inquired into, investigated; connocted with, in accordance or union with, conformable to; अहिंसा सर्वधर्मानुसंहिता Mb.; अर्थधर्मानुसंहितं वाक्यम् Ram. - ado. In the Samhitā text; according to this text. अनुसमापनम् Regular completion.
# 2 P. (°) 1 To go to or visit successively or in order. -2 To join in following or being guided by. -3 To join, become assimilated.
2: 1 Regular or proper connection, as of words. -2 Doing several details with reference to Several things or persons. This can be done in more ways than one and hence we have three varieties of 319444 (1)
4 i. e. doing one thing with reference to all, then doing the second in the same way and so on. (1) Ferm944 i. e. doing the whole mass of details with reference to one thing first, then doing the same with the second and so on. This is also known as Tulltegh44. (c) 19444 i. e. doing a group of details forming a composite whole ( 4914 ) with reference to one, then doing it with reference to the Herond and so on. It may be noted that when several details are to be performed with reference to
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