Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 294
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir अशुष 276 अशौण्डीयम् ciousness. -2 sin, it shameful doel. -3 Misfortune, Galamity; नाथ कुतस्त्वग्यशुभ प्रजानाम् R.5.183; प्रायः शुभ विदधात्याशुभं च जन्तो: Mal. 1.28. -Comp. -उदयःn intuspicious omen. -दर्शन . ugly. 917 «. Ved. 1 Eating, consuming, voracious. -2 [न शुष्यनि शुष्क, न, न.] Not tausing to dry up: रश्नो अग्निमशुषं तूर्वयाणम् Rv. 1. 174.8. -3 Not. extinguishext. अशकजा A kind of rice (Mar. दोडक्याचे भान). अशून्य .. Vot empty or vacant; तस्य निन्यतुरशून्यतामुभे R. 19. 13: ocupied. -2 Not unattended to fulfille, exerrittel: स्वनियोगमशुन्यं कुरु (occurring frequently in dramas), oxecute or go about your business, -न्य म 1 Not a void. -2 Something sent to accompany another: लेखस्याशन्याय किदिनुप्रेषितम् Mu.; अयं लेखशून्यार्थी भविष्यति ibil. (: accompaniment such as a customary present companying a letter). -Comp.-3T UT. woman whose womb is not empty, married. अशन्योपस्था जीवतामस्तु माना ...प्रबुन्यनाम् : सत्याषासूत्र 10.6: Paraskart Grihyasutra. -शयनम् The day on which the Virakarman rests. -शयनद्वितीया, -शयनव्रतं N. of a certain teremony or vow. 372221 The tree Vitex Alata. अशृत । Tincooked, W, umripe. अशृथित .. Vel. Not loosenel. अशेव . [शी-बनिप्-न. न.] Giving pleasure or happiness. अशेष ... [न. ब.! Without remaindler, whole, all, intire, complete, perfect ; अशेषशेमुषीमोपं माषमश्नामि केवलम् Tb.: कलोरशेषणा फलेन युज्यताम् R.B.), 48. -प: NonPorhinder. -पम्, अशेषेण, अशेषतः int. Wholly, Entirels, completely; तथाविधस्तावदशेषमस्तु स: Ku... 2: वेन भूतान्यशेषण दक्ष्यम्यात्मन्यथो मयि Bg.1.35, 10.16% पनवाड्यं भगः शास्त्र यावा यष्यस्यशेषत: Ms. 1.0.09. 105. -Comp. -साम्राज्य:N. of Sivt. अशेपता Totality. अशेषयाति Dem. P. To timish tompletely : स वेद निःशेपमशेपितक्रियः Ki. 1.20 : Ku.7.2). अशेषम् ।।. Vel. Without offsprinys or descendenis: माशेषयोऽवारता परित्वा RN.7.1.11. अशैक्षः An Arhit (no longer a pupil). अशैव ... Imauspicious; न्यजाश्वशैवं कुलकौशलाय Bhay. B. 1. 13. अशोक.. Without sorrow, not feeling or causing surrow. -T.: N. of a tree having red flowers (Jone xia Asoka Roxb.); [ said, according to the convention of poets, to put forth flowers when struck by ladies with the foot decked with jingling anklets and paintent with hek-dye. Kalidasa mentions the flower- ing of this tree in Spring (cf. Rs. 6.5, 16). The painter fout bears : striking resemblanco in colour to the flowers of Asok: (cf. R. 8.13). cf. 79: कुसुमान्यशोकः... पादेन नापैक्षन मुन्दरीणां संपर्कमाशिजितनपुरेण K1.3.20%B R.8.62M.A. 12, 17:10 पादाघातादशोकस्तिलककरबको चीक्षणालिङ्गनाभ्याम । त्रीणां पर्शान प्रियगुर्विकसति बकुल: मीभुगण्डपगेकान। मन्दारी नर्मवाक्यान, पटुमृदुहसनाचम्पको वक्त्रवातान चुतो गीतान्नमेरुविकसति च पगे नन्नानकर्णिकारः॥] -2 N. of Visnu. -3N. of a minister of king Dasaratha. (v. l. for 34714. Ran. 1.7.3). -4 N. of celebrated king of the Maurya dynasty, Sil to have reigned from 231-19N R. C. -5 N. of the वकुल. tree अशोको वजुले माने मनिःशोकयोर्मतः। वर्नने कटुरोहिण्याम...Nm. -6Joy, happiness: अशोकनः प्रीनिमय: कपिमालिङ्गय संभ्रमान । सिपेच भरतः श्रीमान्विरबिन्दुभिः ।। Rom. G. 125.12. -का 1N. of medical plant ( कटुक; Mr. कुटकी). -2 The sixth day in the first half of Chitra. -3 One of the female domestic deities of the Jainas. F 1 Quicksilver. -2 The blossom of the Asoka plant (forming one of the five arrows of Cupid). -Comp. -अरि: the कदम्ब tree (Maur. कळंब), -अष्टमी [नास्ति शोको यस्याः कर्म' रा.] the righth day in the tirst half of Chaitres -तरुः, -नगः, -वृक्षः the Asoke tree. -तीर्थम् holy places imrl Asoks. ner Benares. -त्रिरात्रः, -त्रम् N. of a festival or बन which Insts for three nirhtsB. P. (उत्तरपर्व) अस्त्यशोकत्रिरात्राख्यं वनं शोकभयापहम । बिरानं तच्च कर्तव्य व्रतं शोकविनाशनम् ॥. -पूर्णिमा N. of Certain holiday, verenony to be observell on the 15th. (hany of the inonth of Phalgunit. -मञ्जरी N. of metre. -रोहिणी N. of a medical plant (कटका).-वनिका a grove of Asioki trees; प्रविवेश महाबाहुरशोकवानिकां नदा Bun.7.12.1. न्याय Sce under न्याय. -पष्ठी N. of certain holily:चत्र मास्यसिने पक्ष पटपा षष्टी प्रपूजये। । मुखाय पत्रलाभाय शुक्लपक्ष तथैव च ॥. अशोचः 1Absence of normxits. -2 Triquility, calumess. -3 Modesty. अशोच्य.. Not to be lunanted or treplaced: अशोच्यानन्वशोचस्त्वं प्रज्ञावादांश्च भाषसे Hy.:.11. अशोभनम् Offunce, mistake,fult गंमण यदि ने पापे किंचित्कृनमशोभनम Rim.:... अशीचम् 1 Impurity, dirtiness, foulness; Pt. 1. 19.5. -2 Logal impurity or contamination; actilement caused cither by child-birth toallel जननाशाच) ur by the death of some relation (cally मृताशाच): it lists for 10 day's; during the 4112017: person defiled by it is not to touch anybody else, 1:10 eat with others in the sume row or to do any sacreduction; अहोरात्रमुपासी रन्नौचं बान्धवैः सह Ms. 11. 183. -Comp. -अन्त: end of d efilement. T: blending or coming together of two or more defilements. अशोटीर्यम् Want of self-confidence: NBh अशीण्डीर्यम् Illiberality अशौण्डीयम्वभावेन वेशभावेन मन्यते Mk. 8. 17. For Private and Personal Use Only


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