Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 564
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 846 कलिका कलावत् for the embryo. -16 A fleshy part near the tail of the elephant (also कलाभागः); Matanga L.3.2.-16 Enumeration.-17 A torm (स्वरूप); लीलया दधतः कलाः Bhag. 1.1.17. -18 Prowess (शक्ति); संहृत्य कालकलया कल्पान्त इदमीश्वरः Bhāg. 11.9.16. -Comp. -अन्तरम् 1 another digit. -2 interest, profit; मासे शतस्य यदि पञ्च कलान्तरं स्यात् Lila.-अयन: a tumbler, a dancer (as on the sharp edge of a sword). -आकुलम् deadly poison. -केलि, wanton. (-लिः) an epithet of Rama. -क्षयः waning (of the moon); R.5. 16. -धरः,-निधिः , -पूर्णः the moon; अहो महत्त्वं महतामपूर्व बिपत्तिकालेऽपि परोपकारः। यथास्यमध्ये पतितोऽपि राहोः कलानिधिः पुण्यचयं ददाति ।। Udb. -न्यासः a tattooing person's body with particular mystical marks. -मृत्m .1the moon. कला च सा कान्तिमती कलाभूतः Ku.5.71. -2 an artist &c. कलावत् a. Vorsed in the (64) arts; स्फुरितगुणातिसुन्दरः कलावान् Mal. 2.10. m.the moon (having digits); कला च सा कान्तिमती कलावत: Ku.5.71, Mal. 2. 10. कलिका 1 A digit of the moon. -2 A division of time. RET: 1 The Sarasa bird, crane. -2 N. of Kama. कलाचिक, -कलाची 1A ladle or a lind of pot; दधस्कलाचीमितरः परोऽनिलम् । Sahendravilas 3. 11. -2 The tore-arm. कलाटीन: The white water wag-tail. कलादः,-दक: A goldsmith. कांस्यकाराः कलादाश्च ....... Siva. B. 31. 17. कलाधिक: A cock. कलापः 1A band, bundle; समित्कलापमादाय प्रविवेश स्वमाश्रमम् Mb. 3. 137. 1. मुक्ताकलापस्य च निस्तलस्य Ku. 1. 42 a round necklace of pearls; रशनाकलापः a zone of several strings. -2 A group or whole collection of things; अखिलकलाकलापालोचन 6.7. -3 A peacock's tail; तं मे जातकलापं प्रेषय मणिकष्ठकं शिखिनम् V.5. 133 Pt. 2.80. Re. 1. 16, 2. 14. -4 A woman's zone or girdle; (oft. with काञ्ची or रशना &c.) जघनमरुणरत्नग्रन्थिकाञ्चीकलापं कुवलयनंयनान, को विहातुं समर्थः Bh. 1. 11. श्रोणीतटं सुविपुलं रशना 19: Rs. 3. 20; M. T. 27. -5 An ornament in general; Mb.8. 19.29.. 'कलापः संहते बहे तूणीरे भूषण हरे' इति विश्वः -8 'The rope round an elephant's neck. -7Aquiver. -8An arrow. -9 The moon. -10A shrewed and intelligent man. -11 A poem written in one metre. -12 A tuft (जटा") or knot of braided hair. -पी A bundle of grass.. कलापकम् 1 A series of four stanzas on the same subject and forming one grammatical sentence (चतुभिस्तु कलापकम् ); for an illustration see Ki.3.41, 42,48, 44. -2 A debt to be paid when the peacocks spread their tails. -क: 1 A band or bundle in general. -2 A string of pearls; a kind of ornament; कलापकावक्षमाला यथेयम् Mb. 3. 112.5. -3 The rope round an elephant's neck. -4 A zone or girdle ( कलाप); रशनाकलापकगुणेन बधूमकरध्वजद्विरदमाकलयत् Si.9.45. -BA sectarian mark on the forehead (विशेषक). कलापिन् 4.1 Having quiver; कलापिनौ धनुष्पाणी शोभमानौ दिशो दश Ram. 1.22.7. -2 Spreading its tail (as a peacock). -m. 1 A peacock; कलविलापि कलापिकदम्बकम् Si. 6.313; Pt. 2.80%; R.6.9.-2 The (Indian) cuckoo. -3 The Indian fig-tree ( ). -4 The time (when peacocks spread their tails). Fitfeat The night. कलाम्बिः , का 1.1 Lending, loan. -2 Usury. कलामक: A kind of rice ripening in the cold season. कलाय: N. of a leguminous seed (Mar. वाटाणा); कलायपुष्पवर्णास्तु श्वेतलोहितराजयः (हयश्रेष्ठाः) Mb. 7.28.62. विकसितकलायकुसुमासितयुतेः Si. 18.2. कलायं शाकेषु ...... Pratima. b. -Comp. -पुष्पक: A variety of gems; Kau. A. 2. 11. कलावती A kind of lute. कलाविक: A cock. कलाविकल: The sparrow. कलाहक: A kind of musical instrument (काहल). कलिः | कल-इनि] 1 Strifequarrel, dissension, oontention; शठ कलिरेष महांस्त्वयाद्य दत्तः Si.7.55%3 कलिकामजित् R.9.33, Amaru.28. -2 War, battle. अविषहौस्तमाक्षेपैः क्षिपन्संजनयन् कलिम् | Bhāg. 10.05.17.-3 The fourth age of the world, the iron age (consisting of 432,000 years of men and beginning from the 13th of February 3102 B.C.); दानमेकं कलौ युगे Ms. 1.86, 9. 3013 कलिवानि इमानि &c. - Kali age personified (this Kali persecuted Nala ). -5 The worst of any class. -6 The Bibhitaka tree. -7 The side of adio which is marked with one point. घृतेन कलिं शिक्षामि Av. 7. 109.1. -8 A hero. -9 An arrow.-/ A bud. -Comp.-कारः, -कारकः, -क्रियः 1 an epithet. of Narada. -2 the karanja tree. -3a kind of bird. -दुमः, -वृक्षः the Bibhitaka tree. -प्रिय a quarrelsome. (-यः) 1N. of Narada. -2 a monkey, ape%3 Ms. 1.85. -मारक: kind of karanja tree. -9714 the Kali age; Ms. 1. 85. -संतरणम् N. of an Upanisad. -हारी f. a kind of medicine (विषलागली). कलिक: Curlew. कलिका, -काल:/.1 An unblown flower; a budi चूतानां चिरनिर्गताऽपि कलिका बध्नाति न स्वं रजः 5.6.43 किमाम्रकलिकाभङ्गमारभसे 5.63 Rs.6.17; R. 9. 83. - A digith streak. -3 The bottom or peg of the Indian lute. -4A king of poetic composition (akin to विरुद). For Private and Personal Use Only


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