Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 565
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir कलिङ्ग 547 " forest a. 1 Clever. -2 Cunning. -T: (pl.) N. of a country and its inhabitants: (a district on the Coromandel voast): # f037H XETTA Mbh. on P. III. 2. 115. residrata: f arge R. 4. 38; (its position is thus described in Tantras :जगन्नाथात्समारभ्य कृष्णातीरान्तगः प्रिये । कलिङ्गदेशः संप्रोक्तो वामA11921997:). -31T: 1 The fork-tailed shrike. -2 N. of several plants; (as ferm, &c. ) - A beautiful woman. -ङ्गम् Indra grain (इन्द्रयव). Aft: A mat, a screen. -514 Wood. कलित see under कल्. Fifa: 1 N. of the mountain on which the Yamuna rises. -2 The sun. -3 The Bibhitaka plant. -Comp. -F, -Err, - , -aft, epithets of the river Yamunā; reret Ti TT R. 6. 48; # f oleft Bv. 2. 120, Gīt. 3. fft: the Kalinda mountain. °जा, तनया, 'नन्दिनी epithets of the river Yamunā; Bv. 1.3, 4. * . . [ 3-567) Un. 1. 54] 1 Covered with, full ot. बरागनागणकलिलं नृपात्मजः ततो बलाद वनमभिनीयते FH AT Bu. Ch. 3. 65. -2 Mixed, blended with ; 7 alfaas : My. 1.-3 Affected by, subject to; 34 : Si. 19. 98. - Impervious, impenetrable. -5 Contaminated, defiled; 77 Trata tu ya: Bhag. 4. 7. 10, Si. 19. 98. -8 Doubtful, suspicious; TEHTUTIONA: safa Mb. 12. 287. 11. 3 A large heap, confused mass ; fata 24 Bh. 3. 34; confusion; he hos gfecafarrozat Bg. 2. 52. Fi : A cymbal. -* 1 A tavern. -2 A meteor. T a. [+-39 Uh. 4.75 ] 1 Turbid, dirty, muddy, foul ; 7 4 :97134 dla wach V. 1. 9; Ki. 8. 32; Ghat. 13; -2 Choked, hoarse, husky; 70%: ratagforu: S. 4. 6.-3 Bedimmed; full of ; S. 6. 9. -4 Angry, displeased, excited ; U. 3. 13; 919191 afeda E R. 5. 61 (Malli. takes go to mean 'un a ble','incompetent'). --5 Wicked, gintul, bad. -6 Cruel, censurable ; car an R. 14. 73. -7 Dark, opaque. -8 Idle, lazy. -9 Perverted ; argi ga Pt. 3. 185; H644421 : &c. -T: A buffalo. - 1 Dirt filth, mud; fa 4 4**: Rs.3. 22. - 2 Sin; A UTO HEAT feat reqsyarh Ram. 2. 96.27 -3 Wrath. -Comp. -मानस a. evil-minded ; अथाब्रवीत्सुतान् कटूर्नागान् +91971 Bm. 1. 110 - fast a. illegitimate, of impure origin ; Ms. 10. 57, 58. ofera a. 1 Turbid or muddy. -2 Offended, displeased; H 941 raat 9697 +3 Mu. 3. 9. -3 wicked. et 8 U. 1 To make turbid or unclean. -2 To obscure, taint, sully; TH24: TENT ina: Pt. 2. 97. Tiet: -24 The body; auf 64 Bh. 3. 88; H. 1. 44; 377 HÀ H a satu Bg. 8.5; Bv. 1. 103, 2. 43. FC a. [FR- Uş. 3. 40 ) Sinful, wicked. , - 1 The viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground. -2 A kind of tenacious paste ; ia (+99H) Y. 1. 277. An unguent paste: aniquarien para falaf Rām. 2.91.74; a paste used as plaster or cement also called Yoga (mixture). -3 (Hence Dirt, filth (in general). -4 Ordure, faces. - Meanness, deceit, hypocrisy ; Si 19. 98. -6 Sin. 2017 कल्कोऽध्ययनं न कल्कः स्वाभाविको वेदविधिर्न कल्कः। प्रसहा वित्ताहरणं न **19 at Cara : ( ago) Mb. 1. 1. 275.-7 Levigated powder; तां लोभ्रकल्केन हतालगतैलाम् Ku.7.9. -8 Incenso.-9 The wax of the ear. -Comp. - : the pomegranate plant. Ficha 1 Deceiving, over-reaching, falsehood. -2 Meanness, wickedness; Bhag. 1. 14. 4. te: The tenth and last inen rnation of Visnu in his capacity of the destroyer of the wicked and liberator of the world from its enemies ; (Jayadeva, while referring to the several avatāras of Visau, thus refers to the last or Kalki avatāra: Fagfaraglaya ya करवाल धूमकेतुमिव किमपि करालम् । केशवधृतकल्किशरीर जय जग1 Il Git. 1. 10.)-GGTOT N. of a Purāna. 1 a. 1 Foul, turbid, dirty. -2 Wicked.-m. see pfen above. eva. [429-79) 1 Practica ble, feasible, possible, -2 Proper, fit, right. -3 Strong, vigorous; ara ATQU hfa 1444 Mb. 12. 179. 3. - Able, competent with a gen., loc. ; inf. or at the end of comp.); 3, 474, 769: Bhag. able to do his duty &c.; Faf212424: ibid. not competent to do one's duty; 3179 ATIG434 4 ibid., 80 90769&c. - 1 A sacred precept or rule, law, ordinance. -2 A prescribed rule, a prescribed alternative, optional rule; प्रभुः प्रथमकल्पस्य योऽनुकल्पेन वर्तते Ms. 11.30 'able to follow the prescribed rule to be observed in preference to all others'; 14:49: M.1; cf. also Pratima 4, and Abhişekanāta kam 6 and $. 4. a very good (or best alternative; to 494: #9: la 4 : Ms. 3. 147. -3 (Hence) A proposal, suggestion, resolve, determination ; TE À TH: *: Rām. 2. 52. 63; EGIT: +9: S. 7. - 4 Manner of acting, procedure, form, way, method (in religious rites); a 91 Mb. 6. 43. 23; Tutor U. 2; partea - area 1994 R. 1.94; Ms. 7. 185. -8 End of the world, universal destruction. -8 A day of Brahma or 1,000 Yugas, being a period of 432 million years of mortals and measuring the duration of the world; cf. Bhāg. 3. Il; Staatete [ the For Private and Personal Use Only


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