Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 608
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir कुशा 590 कुसुमम कुशा 1 A rope. -2 A bridle. कुशावती N. of a city; The Capital of Kusa,Rama's , son: SC कुश; f. कुशावतीं श्रोत्रियसात् स कृत्वा R.16.25,15.97. FITF a. Squint-eyed. -*: 1 N. of the father or the grand-father of विश्वामित्र. -2A plough-share. -3 (pl.) Descendants of Kusika; Bhag, 9. 15.6. - 4 Sediment of oil. कुशीदम् Usury; see कुसी. कुशीलव: 1 A bard, singer; Ms. 8.65, 102; f. also ...कारुकाश्च कुशीलवाः। Siva. B.31.183; also Kau.A. 1.12. -2 An actor; तत्सर्वे कुशीलवा: संगीतप्रयोगेण मत्समीहितसंपादनाय प्रवर्तन्ताम् Mal.1; तत्किमिति नारम्भयसि कुशीलवैः सह संगीतकम् Vo. 1. -3 A nowsmonger, -4 An epithet of Valmiki. -ची (du.) The two sons of Rama. FIFT: The water-pot of an ascetic; or a jor in general. कुशूल: 1Agra.nary, cupboard, store-room%3 को धन्यों बहुभिः पुत्रैः कृशलापरणाढकैः II. Pr.20. -2 A tire made of chaff. -Comp. -धान्यक: a householder who has three years' grain in stock. कुश्रिः N. of a sugo; उपवेशिः कुत्रैः Bri. Up. 6.5. 3. कुष् 9 P. (कुष्णाति, कुषित ) 1 To tear, extract, pull or draw out; शिवाः कुष्णन्ति मांसानि Bk. 18. 12; 17.803; कुषित्वा जगतां सारं सैका शके कृता भुवि 7.95. -2 To test, examine. -3 To shine. कुपल..Clever, expert. कुषाकु. 1 Burning, scorching. -2 Vile, wicked, detestable. -कु: 1 The sum. -2 Fire. -3 An ape, monkey. कुषित a. Mixed with water. कुषीद a. Indifferent, inert. -दम् Usury. कुषुभ्यति Den. P. 1 To throw. -2 To abuse. -3 To dospise. कुष्टः,-टम् [Un.2.2] 1 Leprosy (of which there: are 18 varieties); गलत्कुष्ठाभिभूताय च Bh. 1.90. -2A sort of poison. -3 A kind of tree; Costus specious, see कोष्ट; Ham.2.91.21. -4 (-m.) cavity of the loin. -प्टा The mouth or opening of a basket. -Comp. -अरिः 1 sulphur. -2 N. of several plants (Mar. भोवरी, रुई, कडू पडवळ इ.) कुष्ठिन् a. (-नी /.), कुष्टित a. Affected with leprosy, a leper. कुष्टिका Contents of bowels. Ait. Br. 2. 11. कुष्म लम् 1 Cutting. -2 A leaf. कुष्माण्डः 1 A kind of pumpkin gourd. -2 A fals conception. -3 A particular religious formula. -डी 1 A religious ceremony. -2 An epithet of the wife of Siva. -Comp -नवमी /. The ninth day of the bright half of the month of Kartika when a volden idol fc. is to be given as a religious gift. कुष्माण्डकः A kind of pumplin gourd. कुस् + P. (कस्यति, कुसित ) 1 To embrace. -2 To surround. rua: 1 An inhabited country. -2 One who lives on usury, see कुसीद below. कुसितायी (= कुसीदायी). कुसी (सि)द . Laxy, slothful. -दः (also written as कुशी-पी-द) A money-lender, usurer; Mbh. 1.29. -दम् 1 Any loan or thing lent to be repaid with interest. -2 Lending money, usury, the profession of usury; कुसीदाद् दारिद्र परकरगतग्रन्थिशमनात Pt. 1. 11; Ms. 1.90; 8.410; Y.1.119. -3 Red sandal wool. -Comp. -Ter: usury, usurious interest; any interest exceeding 5 per cent; कृतानुसारादधिका व्यतिरिक्तान सिध्यति कुसीदपथमाहुस्तम् (पञ्चकं शतमर्हति) Ms. 8. 152. -वृद्धिः / interest on money; कुसीबृद्धिर्दैगुण्यं नात्येति सकृदाहता Ms. 8. Til. कुसीदा A female usurer. igrit The wife of a usurer. कुसीदिकः, कुसीदिन् M. A usurer. कुसुमम् 1 A flower; उदेति पूर्व कुसुमं ततः फलम् 5.7.30. -2 Menstrual discharge. -3 A fruit. -4 A disease of the eyes. -मः A forin of fire. -Comp. -अञ्जनम् the calx of brass used as a collyrium. - : a handful of flowers. -अधिपः, -अधिराज: m. the Champaka. tree (bearing yellow fragrant flowers). -अवचायः gathering flowers: अन्यत्र यूयं कुसुमावचायं कुरु वमत्रास्मि करोमि सख्यः K. P.3. -अवतंसकम् cha plot. -अस्त्रः , -आयुधः, -इपुः, -बाणः, -शरः 1 flowery arrow. -2N. of the god of love'; अभिनवः कुसुमेपुव्यापार: Mal. 1 ( where the word may also be read Rs कुसुमेपु व्यापारः); तस्मै नमो भगवते कुसुमायुधाय Bh. 1.1; तव प्रसादात् कुसुमायुधोऽपि Ku.; Rs. 6.81; Ch. P. 19,24; 87.61; Si. 8.70, so कुसुमशरबाणभावेन Git. 10. -आकरः1a. garden. -2 a nosegay. -3 vernal season 3 ऋतूनां कुसुमाकरः Bg.10.3580 Bv. 1. 18. -आत्मकम् affron. -आपीडः 1 a garland or chaplet of flowers. -2 the gol of love; कुसुमापीडव्याजेन Mal.1 (where it has both senses ). -आसवम् 1 honey. -2 a kind of spirituous liquor (prepa red from flowers), -उज्ज्व ल . brilliant with blossoms. -कामुकः, -चापः, -धन्वन् m. epithets of the god of love; कुसुमचापमतेजयदंशुभिः R.9.39; Rs.6.27. कुसुमकार्मुककार्मुकसंहितद्रुतशिलीमुखखण्डितविग्रहः | Si.s. 16. -चित a. hea ped with flowers. पीडाभाजः कुसुमचिताः साशंसम् Ki. -दुमः a tree full of blossom; आधूय शाखाः कुसुमद्रमाणाम् For Private and Personal Use Only


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