Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
E kenaf fagm: V. 5. 16; Ku. 5. 42. -2 having the Oriental Research Institute Vol. XXXVI Nos. 1-2.) belly reduced in bulk; HTTIR H
a g: -O agricultural produce or profit; Me. 16. har S. 2. 5. Ta a. one who has lean cattle; 4: TU: - agriculture, husbandry. गवः कृशभत्यः कशातिथिः। स वै राजन् कृशो नाम न शरीरकृशः कशः।।
oftas: [ 22 18:; cf. P. V.2. 112 ] One who Mb. 12. 8. 24. - a. one who feeds his servants !
lives by husbandry, a farmer; it ift 1 : Y. 1. scantily; see a bove quotation.
276; Ms. 9. 38. कृशनम् Ved.1A pearl; अभीवृतं कृशनैर्विश्वरूपम् Rv. 1. ।
H . [39 ** ] 1 Drawn, pulled, dragged, 35. 4. - 2 Gold. -3 Form, shape.
attracted &c. -2 Ploughed; a athri TU JUTG2: 1 A dish made of milk, sesamum and rice; fea Pt. 1. 47. -Comp. 38 a. sown on cultivated at 2: 4 Bu. Ch. 2. 36.-2 Rice and peas !
ground. - a. grown in cultivated ground; Ms. 11. boiled together with a few spices (Mar. faast).
144.-964, -177 a. 1 ripening in cultivated ground;
21 qoy: 22974: 39Mbh. on P. III. 1. 114; to Hair of the head).
cf. 315243; 29442120155 4 : Bhny. 7. 12. TI: [ 73 31105; Un. 4. 2) Fire; FT: gafa- ! 18.-2 cultivated. - the product of a harvest. HIGH R. 2. 49; 7. 24; 10.74: Ku. 1. 51; Bh. 2. 107.
gro: 17- ] A learned man.-f. 1 Drawing, -Comp. -994 (=371977 ) a cannon; 374 42 211947 : ...... Siva. B. 28. 85. a m. an epithet of
attracting.-2 Ploughing, cultivating the soil. Siva.
T: An epithet of Siva. aufsaam. An actor.
gua. [ 9-777] 1 Black, dark, dark-blue. -2 TT 1.6 U. (afa-d, H2) To plough, make furrows;
Wicked, evil; at yun atya4 for a ततस्ते देवयजनं ब्राह्मणाः स्वर्णलाङ्गलैः। कृष्ट्वा तत्र यथाम्नाय दीक्षयां Tela 5007727 feara : 401: at wala Il Bhāg. 217 24H 11 Bhāy. 10.74.12.-II. 1 P. ( fa, r) 1 To 11. 23. 44. -TUT: 1 The black colour. -2 The black draw, dray, pull, drag away, tear; a fac: f ai- antelope; Bhāg. 10. 35. 19. -3 A crow. -4 The 290 R. 2. 27; V. 1. 19. -2 To draw towards oneself, (Indian ) cuckoo. -5 The dark half of a lunar month attract; &a f 7776 Bk. 15.47; Bg. 15. 7. -3 To
(from full to new moon); Bg. 8. 25. -6 The Kali lead or conduct as an army; #awed F R . 4. 32.
age. -7 Visnu in his eighth incarnation, born as -4 To bend (as a bow); He : R. 5. 50. 5 To
the son of Vasudeva and Devaki. Krişna is the most become master of, subdue, vanquish, overpower; 4
celebrated hero of Indian mythology and the most aaf-49ih fagianfe wa Ms. 2. 215; 16: +9+THEO
popular of all the deities. Though the real son of Vasu175-HT afa Pt. 3. 46. -6 To plough, till; 39714
deva and Devaki and thus a cousin of Karsa, he was, 2121 ada a Sk. -7 To obtain ; EU 7 Tage for all practical purposes, the son of Nanda and 1 96997: Ms. 3. 66.-8 To take away from, de
Yasoda, by whom he was brought up and in whose prive one of with two acc.). -9 To scratch; gate
house he spent his childhood. It was here that his 21774 Fifa Mb. 8. 40. 38. -Caus. 1 To
divine character began to be gradually discovered. draw out, tear up. -2 To extract. -3 To torture, tor
when he easily crushed the most redoubtable demons, ment, give pain. -4 To plough, till, cultivate.
such as Baka, Putana &c., that were sent to kill him
by Karsa, and performed many other feats of surpri57 4. (64-797] 1 Attractive, drawing. -2 sing strength. The chief companions of his youth were Ploughing. -*: 1 A ploughman, husbandman; a the Gopis or wives of the cowherds of Gokula, among
a did Mb. 2. 5. 78. -2 An ox. - whom Radha was his special favourite (cf. Jayadeva's A ploughshare. (also m.).
Gitagovinda). He killed Kamsa, Naraka, Kesin, ETU, - *: [39-5794-f447 at ] A ploughman,
Arista and a host of other powerful demons. He was
a particular friend of Arjuna, to whom he acted as husbandman.
charioteer in the great war, and his staunch support : f. [ 59-54; cf. P. III. 3. 108 Vārt. 8] 1 Plou- of the cause of the Pandavas was the main cause of ghing.-2 Agriculture, husbandry; ita af f
the overthrow of the Kauravas. On several critical Hazraat 19: Mu. 1. 3; : 5215962 Pt. 1. 11; occasions, it was Krisna's assistance and inventive Ms. 1. 90, 3. 64, 10.79; By. 18. 44. -3 The harvest i mind that stood the Pandavas in good stead. After (99); Y. 1. 276. -4 The earth; Mb. 5. -Comp. the general destruction of the Yādavas at Prabhasa, - . agriculture. itat a. living by husban- he was killed unintentionally by a hunter named dry. feg: a kind of sparrow. TT:TE: N. of a Jaras who shot him with an arrow mistaking him at treatise on agriculture (see Annals of the Bhandarkar a distance for a deer. He had more than 16000 wives,
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