Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 613
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 596 कृत verbs from them, somewhat like the English affixes 'en' or '(i) fy', in the sense of 'making a person or thing to be what it previously is not'; e. 9. U11 to make that which is not already black, black, i. e. blacken; 80 वताकृ to whiten; घनाकृ to solidify; विरलाकृ to rarefy &c. &c. Sometimes these formations take place in other senses also; c.9. 25 'to clasp to the bosom', embrace; 4 to reduce to ashes; sauts to incline, bend; to value as little as straw; -21% to slacken, make slow; so is to roast on the end of pointed lances; is to please; 14213 to spend time &o. N. B.This root by itself adinits of either Pada; but it is Atm. generally with prepositions in the following Senses (1) doing injury to; (2) censure, blame; (3) serving; (4) outraging, acting violently or rashly; (5) preparing, changing the condition of, turning into (6) reciting: (7) employing, using; see P. I. 3. 32 and T819 HAE91797441921 : “Students' Guide to Sanskrit Composition ” $ 338. Note. i The root 5 is of the most frequent application in Sanskrit literature, and its senses are variously modified, or almost infinitely extended, according to the noun with which the root is connected; e.g. 4 to set foot (tiy. also ); 31114 TE S. 1. 19; u Hagfe - यौवनेन पदम् K. 141; मनसा कृ to think ot, meditate ; मनसि to think; agar U K . 136; or to resolve or determine'; सख्यम्, मैत्री कृ to form friendship with; अस्त्राणि to practise the use of weapons; zog to inflict punishment; हृदये कृ to pay heed to3 कालं कृ to die; मति-बुद्धिं to think of, intend, mueon; 346 5 to offer libations of water to manes; to delay; to play on the lute; la s to clean the nails; H21 to outrage or violate a maiden; faat > to separate from, to be a bandoned by, as in मदनेन विनाकृता रतिः Ku.4.21; मध्ये to place in the middle, to have reference to; स्थितं कथकोशिकान् M.5.2; वशे कृ to win over, place in subjection, subdue; 745 to cause surprise; make an exhibition or a show; ti to honour, treat with respect; faiz to place aside. -Caus. (Fruid-) To cause to do, perform, make, execute &c.; 31131 3 Tatia: Bk. 8. 84; ar ia Sk.-Desid. (Rafta) To wish to do &c.; Si. 14. 41. ar frau: grr: T 319 Ram. 5. 11. 22; natural and manufactured wines. -2 Wounded, hurt; agad Hathayfart: Bhāg. 3. 23. 11. -3 Acquired, bought ( a kind of son); Mb. 13. 49. 4. -4 Cultivated ; 3150 azt istilahu 2 Ms. 10. 114. -5 Appointed as a duty ); hfa 4 af 1944: Y. 2. 186. -6 Relating to, referring to; nad 50 24 Y. 2. 210. -24 1 Work, deed, action; of Pt. 1. 424; ungrateful; Ms. 7. 197. - 2 Service, benefit. -3 Consequence, result. -4 Aim, object. -5 N. of that side of a die which is marked with four points; this is lucky; cf. Vaj. 30. 18. -6 N. of the first of the four Yugas of the world extending over 1728000 years of men see Ms. 1. 69 and Kull. thereon). -7 The number 4.-8 A stake at a game.-9 Prize or booty gained in a battle. -10 An offering. -11 Magic sorcery. Comp. -34 a. done and not done; i.e. done in part but not completed; Blata = Bu. Ch. 2. 2; that which is done and that which is not done (Dvandva Comp.) Tan arat Fat Mbh. on P. II. 2. 29; 11af f . (-a) the Supreme Being.-38 a. 1 marked, branded; * Fale ferarta: Ms. 8. 281.-2 numbered. (- ) that side of a die which is marked with four points.-3731 a. folding the hands in supplication; प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं SITH19Bg. 11. 14, 35; Ms. 4. 154. -347 a. following another's example, subservient. -3yar: custom, usage. -37701 a. bringing to an end, terminating. (-a) 1 Yama, the god of death; alt 3rdt ala H07: Bhag. 9. 6. 13; face 137fara 1479241 H. 1. -2 fate, destiny; at Ta afH a Rām. 2. 22. 15; 197 Halata: Ne. 107. -3 a deinonstrated conclusion, dogma, a proved doctrine; ea 959472 ala1149910 Mb. 12. 153. 50; 79 | diet 7 lag Mbh. on P. I. 1.1, 56; Flere a ita By. 18.13.-4 a sinful or inauspicious action. --5 an epithet of Saturn. -6 Saturday. -7 the inevitable result of former actions. -8 the second lunar mansion.-9 the number 'two'. an astrologer; SS1 : A $815Para di farina Rām. 6. 48.14. °*: the sun. -37574 1 cooked food; aiaga levy: Ms.9. 219; 11.3. -2 digested food. -3 excrement. -3TTI a. guilty, offender, criminal.-37 a. saved from fear or danger. -31TTF a. crowned, inaugurated. (-+) a prince. -321 a. practised. - 1: the die called marked with four points. 3T a. 1 having gained one's object, successful; T: sarit a art: Swet. Up. 2. 14. -2 satisfied; happy, contented: a uf aff alat: Mund. 1. 2. 9; : sth fagféateur Si. 1. 29; R. 8.3; Ki. 1. 9; S. 2. 1; Pt. 1. 194. -3 clover. -4 that which has served its purpose (and hence in ca pable of yielding any further sense or serving any other purpose); 98 | Sana Bara: Taz TF? agat at an aantala I SB. on MS. 6. 2. 3. 47 Heat 57 a. (5-149] (Generally at the end of comp.) Accomplisher, doer, maker, performer, manufacturer, composer &c. ; 919°, you, fahi &c. -m 1 A class of affixes used to form derivatives (Douns, adjectives &c.) from roots. -2 A word so formed; THE STAT az 2014 Pan. Sekh.-Comp. -377 a word ending with a krit aflix. -UT: the rejection of krit a flixes. ! Ha [5- 1 1 Done, performed, made, effected accomplished, manufactured &c. ; (Pop. of 5 8.U.q.v.) à 7717 894-8 gaur $1$4 Mb. 3. 255. 17; for: For Private and Personal Use Only


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