Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 605
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir कुलम् 887 कुल्य important lunar day, viz:-- the 4th, 8th, 12th or 14th family vow; Sagafarofa 24 R. 3. 70; of a lunar fort-night. fast: the glory of a family, fauftars:2: ad caufa : Bv. 1. 13. -au one who does honour to his family. -19, 1994: character or conduct honourable to a family. Trya the glory of a family. -Ed. also ft; cf. P. VI. 11. well-born, of a good family. (m.) 1 the chief of a 3. 70, Vārt. 9; see F 21. -TUT«. disgracing one's family or a guild. -2 an artisan of noble birth. ET family; Mk aa a tutelary deity; the guardian 1 family-respectability. -2 inclusion among respectable deity of a family; 3: Ricard: f1gi #221 families; tenia ela HETET: Ms. 3. 66. HT Ku.7.27. a. one whose wealth is the preserva afa: f. posterity, descendants, continuation of a tion of the good name of the family; 21 57: TT- lineage; fed TAG T al Friday Ms. 5. 159. Staff: U. 1. 14. (- the dearest and most valued -U19 : m. the presence of witnesses; Ms. 8. 191, 201. treasure of the family; atur safti : : a. of a respectable family. - 2 : an excelU.7. 6. a family custom, a duty or custom lent servant. at a woman of good family, a noble peculiar to a family; उत्सन्नकुलधर्माणां मनुष्याणां जनार्दन Rs. woman; अधर्माभिभवात् कृष्ण प्रदुष्यन्ति कुलस्त्रियः Bg. 1.41. 1. 4; Ms. 1. 118; 8. 11.- : & non. : (a -fufa: f. 1 antiquity or prosperity of a family son ) able to support a family, a grown-up son; 18 -2 family observance or custom ; U. 5. 23. Harga 4 ET R. 7. 71. - 1. gladden a. Of good family, of good birth. * 1 The ing or doing honour to a family. -T ir a girl chief of a guild. -2 Any artisan of eminent birth. worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the left- i -3 An ant-hill. H 1 A collection, multitude. land Saktas, at a high bred and virtuous woman. 194734 : Bhag. ). 7. 12. -2 A number of verses ATET: 1 ruin or extinction of a family. -2 an apost ! in grammatical connection; (the number of verses ate, reprobate, outcast. -3 a camel. - condu ranging from 5 to 15 and the whole forming one sencive to the extinction of the family; मुसलं कुलनाशनम् Mb. tence); e. y. see Si. 1. 4-10, R. 1.5-9; so Ku. 1. 1-16. -TTI the series of generations comprising a race. -3 A kind of prore composition with few compounds. -ofa: 1 the head or chief of a family. -2 a sage who feeds and teaches 10,000 pupils; thus defined: ca: ind. By birth. मुनीनां दशसाहस्रं योऽनदानादिपोषणात् । अध्यापयति विप्रार्षिरसौ। et a. One who continues or perpetuates a Fafa: +99: || 39 ar draugava a S. 1; family; युधिष्ठिरो लब्धराज्यो दृष्ट्वा पौत्रं कुलंधरम् Bhig.1.13.16. R. 1. 95; U. 3. 48.-3 The head-servant (Girvāņa); Bhāg. 5. 18. 1. -4 N. of Krisna ; FET: N E TI, 3: A thief. arfa : Bhag. 10. 30. 11. - a. one who dis- Fosfafar A variety of carpets; Kau. A. 2. 11. graces one's family: :1 2: Y arrat atua: fiat a. Of respecta ble birth Bhag. 19.1.35.-78h a woman disgracing her family, or origin; nobly an unchaste woman. T h orange. - :, qilar. Tef. a chasto or high-born woman.- a F a. Of a good family, well-born. T: 1A nobly-born youth; 5€ 96tatai: RYZHEIZAT: Mk. 1.10. kinsman: Y. 2. 233. --2 The chief or head of a guild. - Et See-gio ).-TW: 1 a respectable or high-born -3 An artist of high birth. -A hunter; Aft:man; rufanya w afa Bh. 1. 59. aur: qar fto: Bhay. 10. 7. 19. - Comp. ET -2 an ancestor. - em: (*:) an ancestor. Tartu E . certain portions of time on each day on which it is Tazarath (v. l. 4: Faqat:) Rām. 2. 73. 21. improper to begin any good business. - 77: (Fy:) 1 One who maintains the family. -1: the head or chief of a guild. -H T a virtuous wife. fra a. (-a ) Of good family, high-born. -.. -मृत्या the nursing of pregnant woman. -मर्यादा A mountain. family honour or respecta bility. -ANT: 1 a family ___ कुलीj. A group of families ; दशकुली वा गोपः Kau. A.; custom, the best way or the way of honesty. -2 the a 14 Kau. A. 2. 4. doctrine of the Kaulas ( AR). T a -ay F . 1. a woman of good family and character. farat | ala: «] Of high descent, of a good I Ms. 3. 215; a nay: 44 45 AM family, well-born; Recruata 14 K. 11; Udb. a: Ch. Up. 6.1.1. - TUTH The characteristics of a noble family; A horse of good आचारो विनयो विद्या प्रतिष्ठा तीर्थदर्शनम् । निष्टा बृत्तिस्तपो दानं नवधा। breed. -2 A worshipper of Sakti according to the left. band ritual. -3 A Brāhmana of the highest class in FARVATH 11-a1t: a principal day; (ie. Tuesday and Friday). -fan 1 knowledge handed down in a Bengal. - 4 A disease of the nails, Bhay. 7. 6. 19. family, traditional knowledge. -2 one of the three FCT a. (73-21 ] 1 Relating to family, race, 3rat lores. -ferg: a family-priest. - : an old or corporation. -2 Well-born. -&T: A respectable man. and experienced member of a family, 27, 29 & 49 quat 41419149-4714° Kau. A. 1. 17.-22 born. For Private and Personal Use Only


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