Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 596
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 972: 578 कुटीरः F A measure of capacity equal to eight handfuls; 31291zwala. Fri 1 A key; athrafui Hala at a Bh. 1. 63. -2 The shoot of a bamboo. -3 A sort of reed. -4 A kind of fish. rega a. Contracted, curved, bent &c. à art gaat श्यामे नील कुञ्चितमूर्धजे Mb. 1. 102. 67. -ता An unskilful way of opening a vein; Suér. कुञ्ज 1 P. (कुजति) To murmur; ct. कूज. F ,- 1 A place overgrown with plants or creepers, a bower, an arbour; 73 ala alates stay ai Git. 5; 55S 12; Me. 19; R. 9. 67. -2 The lower jaw. -3 A cave, Mal. 1..3. (foot note). -4 A tooth. -5 The tusk of an elephant. -Comp. rett: a bower, a place overgrown with plants and creepers; 14921 U. 2. 29; Mal. 5. 19; # trennt Gīt. 1. कुञ्जरः [ कुञ्जो हस्तिहनुः सोऽस्यास्ति, कुञ्ज-र, ऊषसुषिपुष्क मधोरः P. V. 2. 107. Vart. ] 1 An elephant; 1972 147 Ms. 3. 274. G efa FETH. Mbh. on P. II. 3. 36. - 2 Anything pre-etninent or excellent of its class (at the end of comp. only ). Amara gives the following words used similarly:- FETTE 8219987903313T: HESTICA : Se 2497791: 11 -3 The Asvattha tree. - 4 The lunar asterism called . 5 Hair. -6 Head. -7 An ornament; 93: 9717 7* 490 ani... Nm. -8 The number 'eight' (from eight elephants of the cardinal points). -1, -11 A female elephant. -2 N. of a flower-plant. -Comp.-311 the division of an army consisting of elephant-corps. -3710: a lion. -373797: the Asvattha tree. --ftia: 1 a lion. - 2 Sarabha (a fabulous animal with 8 feet). -TITTE: an elephant's driver; Rām. 6. : an elephant-catcher; ara 14179 75 SITIE: Rām. 2. 91. 57. 2014: A famous Yoga in Astrology in which the moon is in the 4917472 and the sun is in the 212. कुञ्जलम् Sour gruel. 1.6 1. ( la, píaa) 1 To be crooked or curved. -2 To curve or bend. 3 To act dishonestly, cheat, deceive. - 11. - P. ( ) To break to pieces, break asundor, divide, split; Pt. 2. -2 To speak indistinctly. -3 To be warm, burn. +,-a a. Bent, crooked. :, -24 [7-H] A water pot, a jar, pitcher. -C: 1 A fort, strong-hold. -2 A hammer. -3 A tree. -4 A house. -5 A mountain. -Comp. -1 : a civet. -3: 1 N. of a tree; Mal. 9. 15; Me. 4; R. 19. 37; Rs. 3. 13; Bh. 1. 35. -2 N. of Agastya. -3 N. of Drona. -&tit, after a female servant, Hch. * A plough without a pole. -F: The post round which the string of the churning-stick passes. (pl.) N. of a people; e z hair Bhay. 5.6.9. G#: A roof, thatch. FEE : 1 An arbour formed by creeping plants overrunning a treo. -2 A small house, hut or cottage. TET: 1 A measure of grain (= a). -2 A garden near a house. -3 A sage, an ascetic. -TH A lotus. FET: The post round which the rope of the churning-stick passes. 5: Ved. 1 A cock; Vāj. 24. 23.-2 A tont. Tech A roof, thatch. ia: [ ] 1 The body. -2 A tree. -f. 1 A cottage, hut; Bhāy. 10. 71. 16. -2 A curve, bend. Comp. -at: a porpoise. काटकम् A village under one head-man; एको ग्रामणिको यत्र सभृत्यपरिचारकः । कुटिकं तद्विजानीयादेकभोगः स एव तु Kamikāgama 20.4. @CH A cottage, hut. er a. [ 567] 1 Crooked, Pt 1. 65; bent, curved, curled ; 13 Jai: dout: S. 5. 23; R. 6.82; 19. 17; -2 Tortuous, windiny; Fr Sk. -3 (fig.) Insincere, fraudulent, dishonest; 3° Pt. 1. 126. - 1 N. of Sarasvatī. -2 A kind of perfume. -34 1 N. of a plant (Mar. 7). -2 Tin. -Comp. -371374 a. evil-minded; malevolent; #19TETTü f eat: Ks. 37. 143. TEATa having curved eye-lashes. -hia, e a. evil-roinded, na lovolont; ehfa: #04 at the reader: Mu. 1.7. FRE a. crooked by nature, dishonest, inalevolent. F. a. 1 Curved, bent, crooked. -2 Crouching, coming stealthily. e l 1 Coming stealthily as a hunter on his prey, crouching.-2 A blacksmith's forge. e 1 A curve. -2 A cottage, hut; tarcia 7.2017 Sk.; Ms. 11.73; 9o1, 19° &c. -3 A vessel with openings used for fumigation. --4 A nosegay -5A kind of perfume (gr). -6 Spirituous liquor. -7 A bawd, procuress. -8 A bower (); paty - 19 Svaig 1917 od st1 Vis. Guņa. 461. -Comp. - *: a religious mendicant of a particular order; चतुर्विधाभिक्षवस्ते कुटीचकबहूदकौ। हंसः परमहंसश्च यो यः 9414 7 374: 11 Mb.; Bhāg. 3. 12. 42. -: a kind of ascetic who entrusts the care of his family to his son and devotes himself solely to religious penance and austeritios. etci, -TH, FIT: [ THITFİT: P.V.3.88] A but, cottage; U. 2. 29; Amaru. 56 (w a t in the note). - 4 1 Sexual intercourse. -2 Exclusiveness. For Private and Personal Use Only


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