Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 588
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir किकि 870 काष्ठकम् -रम् a wooden house or enclosure. -अधिरोहणम् ascending the funeral pile. -अम्बुवाहिनी a wooden bucket. -कदली the wild plantain (Mar. चवई).-कीट: a small insect found in decayed wood. -कुटः, -कूट: -भाङ्गिन् a wood-pecker; Pt. 1. 332 (a worm generally found in wood). -कुद्दाल: a kind of wooden shovel used for baling water out of a boat or for scraping and cleaning its bottom. -चिता a. funeral pile. -तक्ष् m., तक्षक: a carpenter. -तन्तुः a small worm found in timber. -दारु: the Indian pine tree; also called देवदारु.-E: the Palasa tree.-पुत्तलिका a wooden statue or image. -पूलका (कम्) bundle of sticks or faggots 3B न हि अबद्धे काष्टपूलके एकस्मिन्नाकृष्यमाणे काष्ठान्तराणि कृष्यन्ते । SB. on MS. 9.1.26.-प्रदानम् piling up wood, forming a funeral pile. -HIT: a particular weight of wood; Rām. 1.4.24.-भारिक: wood-carrier; काष्ठभारिकसंघाय सप्रश्रयमदामहम् Ks.6.42.-मठी funeral pile. -मल्ल: a bier, a wooden frame on which dead bodies are carried, -लेखक: a small worm found in wood (काष्टकूट). -लोहिन् m. a eudgel armed with iron. -वाटः, -टम् a. wall made of wood. काष्ठकम् Aloe-wood. Filig: A bearer of wood. काष्टिका A small piece of wood. Arg 1 A quarter or region of the world, direction, region; काष्टा (दिश) मुदीचीमिव तिग्मराश्मिः (दिदीपे) Ki. 3.55% ef. also पूर्वा तु काष्टा तिमिरानुलिप्ता Avinarkam 2. 12. -2 A limit, boundary; स्वां काष्टामधुनोपेते Bhāg. 1.1.23%B स्वयं विशीर्ण द्रुमपर्णवृत्तिता परा हि काष्टा तपसः Ku.5.28. -3 The last limit, extremity, pitch, climax, excess; FICUTगतस्नेहरसानुविद्धम् Ku. 3.35. -4 Race ground, course. -5 A mark, goal. -6 The path of the wind and clouds in the atmosphere. -7A measure of time = A Kala%3B शकस्त्वं बहुलस्त्वं च कला काष्टा त्रुटिस्तथा Mb. 1.25.11. -8 Water. -9 The sun. -10 A fixed place of a lunar mansion. -11 N. of a wife of Kasya pa and daughter of Daksa. -12 The yellow colour or the कदम्ब tree of. काष्ठा दिवालहारिद्रास्थित्युत्कर्षषु तु स्त्रियाम् Nm. -13A form, iorm of appearance%3 काष्टां भगवतो ध्यायेत्स्वनासाग्रावलोकन: Bhag. 3. 28. 12. काष्ठीला The plantain tree. कास् 1 A. (कासते, कासित) 1 To shine; see काश. -2 To cough, make a sound indicating any disease. कासः, -सा [ कास्-घञ्] 1 Cough, catarrh. मुश शापेक्त्था उत कास एनम् Av. 1. 12.3; कासश्वासकृतायासः कण्ठे घुरघुरायते Bhag.8.80. 16. -2 Sneezing. -Comp. -कुण्ठ u. a fiected with cough. (-12:) an epithet of Yama. -न, -हृत् a. removing cough, pectoral. (-नः) a medical plant (Mar. बेहडा)(-नी) a sort of prickly mightshade, Solanum Jacquini (Mar.रिंगणी).-नाशिनी N. of medicinal plant. -A: 1 a cure of cough. -2 an acid preparation (कासुंदी). कासिका Cough. तक्मन् भ्रात्रा बलासेन स्वस्रा कासिकया सह Av. 5. 22.12. कासिन् a. Having cough. कासरः (-री/.) A buffalo. व्यारोषं मानिन्यास्तमोदिवः कासरं कलमभूमेः Aryas. कासारः, -रम् A pond, pool, lake; शुष्के नीरे कः कासारः CharpatapainjariBv.1.43; Bh. 1.32. विकाशः कासारापवनपवनोऽपि व्यथयति Git. 2. कासीसम् Green vitriol, green sulphate of iron; (Mar. हिराकस). कासींसकटुरोहिण्योर्जातिकन्दहरिद्रयोः Susr. कासू (शू)/. [Un. 1.85] 1 A sort of lance. -2 Indistinct speech. -3 Light, lustre. -4 Disease. -5 Devotion. -6 Understanding. Area: . A by-way a secret path. काहका A kind of musical instrument. FT&T *. A day of Brahmā (or one thousand Yugas). काहल a. 1 Dry, withered.-2 Mischievous. -3 Excessive, spacious, large. -ल: 1 A eat. -2 A cock. -3 A Grow. -4 A sound in general. -लम् 1 Indistinct speech. -2 A kind of musical instrument; गायन्तीभिः काहल काहलाभिः Si. 18.51.-लम् ind. Very much, excessively; Si. 18.54. -ला A large drum (military). -ली A young woman. -ला,-ला,-लम् A horn. काहलि: An epithet of Siva. काहारक: N. of a caste whose duty is to carry people in palanquins. किंवत् a. Poor, mean, insignificant. किंशारु: 1 The beard of corn. -2 A heron. -3 An arrow. किंशारुवा सस्यशूके विशिखे कङ्कपक्षिणि Modini. किंशुकः [किंचित् शुक इव शुकतुण्डसदृशपुष्पत्वात्तथात्वम् ] A kind of tree having beautiful red blossoms, but without any odour; तत्राम्बरादग्निरतिप्रवृद्धो रुक्षप्रभः किंशुकपुष्पचूड: Ram. 5.51.34. विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः Chan.73 Rs. 6. 20; R. 9.31. - The blossom of this tree; किं किंशुकैः शुकमुखच्छविभिनं दग्धम् Rs. 6.21. किंशु (ल) लुक: The Palasa tree ; see किंशुक. कि 3 P. (चिकेति) To know. किकि: 1 The cocoanut tree. -2 The blue jay. -3 The Chataka. bird; (the bird is also named as किकिन् , किकी दिव, किकिदिवि, किकादिवि m.)...किकीदिवि-कृत-स्वराम् Siva. B.31.63. For Private and Personal Use Only


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