Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
graag 1 Coming or turning back, return; fagrarara : ( a) R. 8. 53. -2 Revolving, turning round. -3 Approaching: -4 Ceasing. STIC . Vod. Return.
pae : gart Av. 6.77.3. 3
.1 Returned, come, arrived. da: 17% 39777 Bhay. 9.6.30. -2 Ceasod, refraining. -3 Fit, propur. -4 Turned round; rolling or wallowing oil the ground. - A horse rolling on the ground (to remove his fatigue). उपाव्याध: A vulnerable or unprotected place. तषा
4 2118497 Yv. Ty. 7.2.5. 4. Tita .. To be oxpocted.
fer 1. U. To have recourso to, resort to 5 7199 Ba. 14., 18.57 RU Affe art ( a) Si. 8. 53.
31: 1 Recourse (for aid), asylum, support; 12aai raqa Bh. 2. 48; 8 K. 186 resting place. -2 Rooptacle, recipient; &featz agurua: Ki. 18.40. -3 Reliance, dependence upon. - 4 A cushion, pillow or reclining bolster (Mar. 13): HECHISTAU 1 tragt: 491974 Ram. 6. 11. 17.
2a a. Relyiny or depending upon. -2 Supporting ( fig. also ), bearing, holding, protecting. farggraat ai 14Fagarwar: By. 16. 11. -8 An indirect dependent; (as against a direct. dependent);
wa BHITHAT TT2 147 Mb. 12. 87.21. - See 341777 ().
JU a. One who has claspod or laid hold of;
oneself to, practise ; 39 : 24 Y. 3. 192. -11 To resort to, employ, apply, use; A TR 72 s. D. 2; 591919: Susr. -12 To respect, recognize, acknowledge. -18 To practise archery.
TE: 1 One who waits upon, a worshipper. -2 A servant , follower. -3 A Sudra, a low fellow. -4 A worshipper of Buddha as distinguished from the Bhiksi. Comp. : N. of one of the Angay or chief Jaina sacred writings.
TH, -al 1 Service, serving, attendance, waiting upon; it hard fansafa); 3 a y f9g: + 9 N. 1.31; lt. 1. 169; Me. 3. 107; By. 13. 7; Y. 3. 156; Bh. 2. 42.-2 Engaging in, being intent on performing; wa Mk. 6; 7 ° Ms. 2. 69. -3 Worship, respect, adoration. -4 Practice of archery. - Regarding as, reflecting upon. - Religious meditation. 7
: Mukti Up. 1. 1. -7 The sacred fire. 9199 = UA: Ha altra, Y. 3. 45. -8 Injuring, hurting; (fr. 3172). -Comp. - ear3, N. of the first section of the Games Puriņa.
ar 1 Service, attendance. -2 Worship, adoration; arra9721 Hia dar : acid Bhãy. 11. 13. 2. -3 Religious meditation. Ti grafarera acura Mund. Up. 2. 2. 3.
ortar a. 1 Sitting near to; ag fang nozag HECHE Mb. 3. 233. 1. -2 Attending on, serving; Mb. 4.
STTEC «. A worshipper.
Ivifen: . 1 Service, attendance upon (especially a deity). -2 Worship, adoration; ratatiron Bhar. 11. 27. 11. Fastigata 4 4 9991feth197 99H farcza il Kusum.
391€ pot. p. 1 To be served or worshipped. -2 To be performed or accomplished. -3 To be respocted ; -al, a respecta bility.
3917F: 1 Proximity, vicinity. -2 A quiver, (borne by elephants and horses ); Mb. 5. 155. 3. -3 Collection, heap%3 उपासङ्गानाचरद्दक्षिणेन वरागानां नकुलश्चित्र
4 Mb. 5. 48. 24. SETAH Sunset; Mb. 10. 1. STAATH ind. About sunset.
te A secondary or minor weapon. Sifa a. 1 Mounting, standing. -2 Devoted to oneself. -3 Satisfying: Mb. 1.
उपास्नात N. of a sacred place उपास्नातं स्थूलसिक्तं guitar HEECH Mbh. 2. 2. 29.
391€ 1 U. 1 To offer, give. -2 To cause, produce ; siyah K. 124.-3 To make, prepare. -4 To Heize. - To propitiate; Bhäg. 10.
3 2 A. 1 To sit noar to (with acc.), sit at the side of (as a mark of submission and respect ); wait upon, serve, worship; TRICHT ardia Ch. Up. 1.1.1 &c. H 1 394. Bg. 12. 6; 9. 14, 15. 3011249214d Ku. 2. 36; 34Fur9 2214 Asvad. 13; Si. 16. 47; Ms. 3. 189. -2 To use, occupy, a bide in, reside; T 91aguar quaf i Rām. 1. 35. 1. Ms. 5. 93. -8 To pass (as time); 3914 TI I Rām. -4 To approach, go to or towards; उपासाञ्चक्रिरे द्रष्टुं देवगन्धर्वकिन्नरा: Bk. 5. 107; 9 *49€ 7.89. - To invest or blockade as an enemy's town). - To be intent upon, be engaged in, take part in, perform as a sacred rite); 3914 q Ya K. 176, 179; 0 9 H2 Mb.; Ms. 2. 222, 3. 104, 7. 223, 11. 42. - To undergo, suffer ; 34
ogga 1972 rufegu Mb.; Ms. 11. 181. -8 To remain or continuo in any state or action; oft. with a presy; 377774#9 H 17 3 Bg. 12. 6. -9 To expect, wait for ; facerea: Mb. -10 To attach
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