Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 531
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir औशन 513 औशन, औशनस .. (-नी, -सी/.) [उशनस्-अण्] Belonging or peculiar to Usadas; originating from Usanas, or taught by him ; पितामहादरं लेभे सर्वमौशनसं धनम् Ram. 4.51. 18. -सम् 1 The law-book of उशनस् (a treatise on civil polity). -2 N. of an Upapurāna. -A1: N. of a school of writers on the science of government mentionod by Kautilya Kau. A. 1.15. -सी N. of Devayani; तं वीरमाहौशनसी प्रेमनिर्भरया गिरा । Bhag.9.18.20. औशिज .(-जी/.) [ उशिज्-अण् ] Desirous, Healous, wishing; कक्षीवन्तं य औशिजः Mbh. VI. 1.37. औशीनरः [उशीनरस्यापत्यं अन्] The son of Usinara. -री N. of the wife of king Pururavas. औशीरम् [ उशीरं-अण्] 1 The handle of a fan or Chowri. -2 A bed; औशीरे कामचारः कृतोऽभूत् Dk.72 at: liberty to sleep or sit. -3 A seat (chair, stool &c.). - An unruent made of Usira; अचन्दनमनौशीरं हृदयस्यानुलेपनम् Mk. 10. 23. -5 The root of the fragrant grass उशीर q.v. -6 A fan. -u. made from उशीर; छत्रं वेष्टनमौशीरम् Mb. 12.60.32. औशीरिका 1 The shoot (of a plant.). -2 A basin. औषणम् [ उषण-अण्] 1 Pungency. -2 Black pepper. -Comp. -शौण्डी dried ginger; black pepper. औषध . (-धी/.)[औषधि-अण्] Consisting of herbs. - 1 A herb; herbs taken collectively. -2 A medicament, medicinal drug, inedicine in general. -3A vessel for her bs. -4 A mineral. -5 N. of Visnu. -6Counter-action, provention; अतिक्रुधं निषधमनौषधं जनः Si. 17.7. -Comp. -पेषक: One who grinds or pounds medicaments. औषधिः , -धी/. 1 A herb, plant (in general); Y.3.276 v.1.; 800 ओषधि. -2 A medicinal herb; अचिन्यो हि मणिमन्त्रोषधीनां प्रभावः Ratn.2. -3 An herb which emits lire%3: विरमन्ति न ज्वलिनुमोषधयः Ki.5.24 (तृणज्योतींषि Malli.); of. Ku. 1. 10. -4 An annual or deciduous plant; "धीपतिः N.of Soma, the lord of plants. -पञ्चप्रकाराः (1).Juice of a gruen herb (रस). (2) Powder of dry medicinal billots चूर्ण. (3) Decoction of medicinal herbs (471). (4) Decoction mixed with medicinal powder (अवलेह). (5) A medicine to the pounded like condiment (कल्क). -पञ्चामृत गुडूची, गोक्षुर, मुसली, मुण्डी, शतावरी. -प्रतिनिधिः A substitute for herb which cannot be secured. ifta 8 U. To reduce to a modicament. treft a. Medicinal, consisting of herbs. औषरम् , -रकम् [ उषरे भवं अण, ततः कन् ] 1 Rock-salt. -2 Iron stone. औषस (-सी/.) [ उषस्-अण् ] Relating to dawny early; 37119 Ki. 9. 11. - Day-break, morning. 119€ . Sacred to Uşas or the dawn. औषसिक, औषिक . (-की/.) 1 Walling out at day-break. - 2 Early born or produced at dawn. औष्ट्र a. (ट्री /.)[उष्ट्र-अण्] 1 Relating to, or producerl from, a camel; Ms. 5. 8. -2 Abounding in camels. -ट्रम् 1 The milk of u camel. -2 Camel-nature. -3 The skin of a buffalo. __ औष्ट्रक .(-की।.) [ उष्ट्र-बुञ् J Relating to a camol. -कम् A multitude of camels; लोलोष्टमौष्ट्रकमुदग्रमुखं तरूणाम् Si.5.65. औट्ररथ .(-थी/.) Belonging to a carringe drawn by camels. HDF. a. Coming from a camel (as milk); Mb. S. 44.28; -क: An oil-imiller; मानुषाणां मलं म्लेच्छा म्लेच्छानामौष्ट्रिका मलम् । औष्ट्रिकाणां मलं षण्ढाः षण्ढानां राजयाजकाः॥ Mb.8. 45.25. - औष्ठय . [ओष्ठ-यत् ] Rolating to the lip, la bial. -Comp. -वर्ण: a la bial letter; i... उ, ऊ, ए, फ, ब, भ, म् and व्. -स्थान a. pronounced with the lips. -स्वरः। la bial vowel. औष्णम् [उष्ण-अण् ] Heat, warmth. औष्ण्यम्, औष्म्यम् [उष्ण-उष्म-प्यञ्] Heat; पूर्वराजवियोगौम्यं कृत्स्नस्य जगतो हतम् R. 17. 33. The first consonant of the alphabet, and first a lotter of the guttural class ( क वर्ग). क् .Jivhamuliya letter occurring before the guttural क् or v and written as:( क् ख). Upachniniya letter occurring before the la hial or and written also (-9 ); These are called अर्धविसर्ग. सं..को...६५ कः 1 Brahman. प्रजाः सिसूक्षुः क इवादिकाले lu. Ch.2.51. यावद्गमं रुद्रभयाद्यथा कः Bhag. 1. 7. 18. -2 Visu. -3 Kāmadova. -4 Fire. -5 Wind or air. -6 Yama. -7 The sun. -8 The woul. -9 A king or prince. -10 Knt or joint. -11 A peacock. -12 The ling of birds. -13 A bird. --19 The mind. -15 Body. -16 Time. -17 A cloud. -18 A word, sound. -19 llair. -20 light, For Private and Personal Use Only


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