Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 555
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra करीरिका Si. 4. 14. N. 5. 14. 3 A thorny plant growing in deserts and eaten by camels; पत्रं नैव यदा करारविटपे दोषो वसन्तस्य किम् Bh. 2.93; cf. also किं पुष्पैः किं फलैस्तस्य करीरस्य दुरात्मनः । येन वृद्धिं समासाद्य न कृतः पत्रसंग्रहः Subhās. -4A water-jar. -, - 1 The root of an elephant's tusk. -2 A cricket, a small grass-hopper. -Comp. -fa: A kind of flower; 'करवीरं करीरं तु' Ak The root of an elephant's task. करीरकम् Battle fight. (-). 1 A cricket. -2 The root of an elephant's tusk करीरिकावाम् GĤ:, -44 [q-Up. 4. 26] Dry cow-dung Ms. 8. 250. Comp. f fire of dry cow-dung. करीपंकपा A strong wind or gale. करीषिणी The goddess of wealth. गन्धद्वारां दुराधर्षा नित्यपुष्टां करीषिणीम् । इति श्रीसूक्तम् ; also Mahānār. 1.8. 537 करुण [ करोति मनः आनुकूल्याय, कृ उनन् Tv. ] Tender, pathetic, pitiable, exciting pity, mournful; af: V. 1; Si. 9. 67; fanonika: U. 1. 28. - 1 Pity, compassion, tenderness. -2 Pathetic sentiment, grief, sorrow (as one of the 8 or 9 sentiments); - पाकप्रतीकाशी रामस्य करुणो रसः U. 3. 1, 13; 7. 12; विलपन्... a faat af R. 8. 70. -8 The Supreme Being. -4 A Jaina saint. -UTH Ved. An action, a holy or sacred rite. स विश्वस्य करुणस्येश एको Rv. 1. 100.7; ममेदु* Av. 12. 3. 47. ind. mournfully, woefully ; अधस्ताच्छिशपामूले साध्वी करुणमास्थिता Ram 5.59.21. -Comp. -मल्ली the Mallika plant. -विप्रलम्भ: ( in Rhet.) the feeling of love in separation. करुणा Compassion, pity, tenderness; प्रायः सर्वो भवति करुणावृत्तिरार्द्रान्तिरात्मा Me. 93; 60 सकरुण kind; अकरुण unkind. -Comp. a. tender-hearted. - a. tenderhearted, moved with pity, sensitive. -: store of mercy - पर, -मय a very kind काकुत्स्थं करुणामयं गुणनिधिं विप्रप्रियं धार्मिकम् Mahānār. -विमुख a merciless, cruel; करुणाविमुखेन मृत्युना हरता त्वां वद किं न मे हृतम् R. 8.67. -, af: a cry of distress, a piteous tone, wail. fa. Pitia ble, distressed. करूप: Dryness (?). निर्मलो निष्करूपश्च शुद्ध इन्द्रो यथाभवत् Ram. 1. 21. 21. N. of Danta-vaktra; Bhag. 7. 10. 38. A fingernail. (ng Up. 2.1: Yes Tv.] An elephant in general; gaffe Si. 12.5, 5. 48. -2 The Karpikāra tree. -, -. 1 A female elephant; स धर्मतप्तः करिभिः करेणुभिः Bhag. 8. 2.23; ददौ रसात्पकजरेणुगन्धि गजाय गण्डूषजलं करेणु: Ku. 3.37; R. 16, 16. -2 N. of the mother of Palakäpya. -3 N. of a medi યું કે કો... Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ककन्धुः cinal plant. Comp. -, -: N. of Palakäpya the founder of the science of elephants. The poisonous fruit of the plant Karoqu A female elephant. . A female elephant. (a): 1 Storax, benzoin. -2 Olibanum (Mar. 389). करोटम्, -करोटिः /- 1 The skull; Mv. 5. 19. वपुषि g: Dhan. V. -2 A cup or basin. 1 P. To laugh (a Soutra root). कर्क a. [ कृ क U. 3. 40] 1 White; गौ: श्वेत इति भवति, अश्वः कर्क इति Mbh. on P. I. 2.71 ककीं वत्सामिह रक्ष afa Av. 4. 38. 6. -2 Good, excellent.: 1 A crab. -2 Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac. -3 Fire. - A water-jar. -5 A mirror. -6 A white horse. Mb. 7. 132. 30. -7 A kind of gem. -8 A vessel made out of a cocoanut shell. -9 A niggard. cf.... घटभेदाग्निमुकुरसिताश्वकृपणेष्वपि । Nm. - A white mware; Ks. 121. 278. [cf. Pers. kark; I. cancer; Gr. korkins]. -Comp. -fanit small cucumber. | : 1 A crab. -2 Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac. -3 A kind of crane. -4 The fibrous root of a lotus. 5 A thorn. -6 The curved end of the beam of a balance. 7 A kind of coitus (f). -8 The radius of a circle. -9 Compass, circuit. -10 A kind of pin or wedge. 1 A female crab. -2 A kind of cucumber. 3 The curved end of a balance. -4 A small water-pot. कर्कटकः 1 A crab कर्कटकसधर्माणो हि जनकभक्षाः राजपुत्राः Kau. A. 1. 17. -2 Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac. -3 Compass, circuit. -4 A kind of sugarcane. -5 A hook. A female crab. 1 A poisonous root. -2 A particular fracture of the bones. -Comp. -arfer . the shell or crust of a crab. Ta rope with a hook. कर्कटिः, टी / A sort of cucumber. 1 A plant and its fruit, a species of cucumber; : Bhag. 10. 37. 8. Pt. 5. -2 A kernel. कर्कदुः A kind of crane. कर्कन्धुः, -न्धूः / [ कर्क कण्टकं दधाति धा-कू Up. 1. 93. ] 1 The jujube troe: giyosafafa Mh. on P. IV. 3. 61. कर्कन्दा परिस्ती 4. 1 sizgagaft yfter S. 4. v. 1 =&gengjeshfa S. D. -2 The fruit of this tree, यजेत दधिकर्कमिश्राियदे किया . 1. 250. -3 A term applied to a fetus of ten days old; दशाहेन तु कर्कन्धूः Bhag. 3. 31. 2. m. (:) A well without water; comm. on. Up. 1. 28. For Private and Personal Use Only


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