Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
औपपत्तिक ४ (-की.)[उपपत्ति-ठक् ] 1 Ready at hand औपवास्यम् Fasting. औपवास्यं तदाकार्षीदाघवः सह सीतया within reach. -2 Fit, proper; औपपत्तिकमाहारं प्रयच्छस्वेति । Ram. 2.87. 18. भारत Mb. 18.52.27. -3 Theoretical.
औपवाह्य ..[उपवाह्य स्वार्थे अण्] 1 Serving for riding औपपत्यम् Happiness occurring from a paramours
on; औपवाय रथं युक्त्वा त्वमायाहि हयोत्तमैः Rim. 2. 39.10. adultery; जुगुप्सितं च सर्वत्र औपपत्यं कुलखियाः Bhag. -2 Drawn for pleasure (as a carriage). -ह्यः 1 A 10.29.26.
king's elephant. -2 Any royal vehicle. आपवाह्यः कुबेरस्य औपपातिक.(-की/.) [उपपात-ठक्] One who has
। सार्वभौम इति स्मृतः Ram. 4. 48. 34. committed an Upapataka, q.v. -कम् N. of the first 1 sitgefas Investiture with the sacred thread. Jaina Upānya.
औपवेषिक (-की /.)[उपवेष-ठञ् ] Getting livelihood औषपादिक: An upstart (१) Kau. A. 1. 10. by entire devotion to any employment.
औपभृत u. (-ती/.) [उपभृत्-अल् ] Being in the ladle औपशिविः N. of a grammarian. (as an offering)
औपश्लेषिक..(-की/.) [ उपश्लेष-ठक्] holating to औपमिक.. (-की/.) [उपमा-ठक्] 1 Serving for closo or immediate contact; अधिकरणं नाम त्रिप्रकारं व्यापकsimile or comparison. -2 Shown by a simile.
मौपश्लेषिकं वैषयिकमिति Mbh. VI.1.12. औपम्यम् [उपमा-ध्यञ्] Comparison, resemblance, औपसंक्रमण..(-णी /.) (Anything) proper to be analogy; आत्मौपम्येन भूतेषु दयां कुर्वन्ति साधवः 1. 1. 12;
done at the Upasankramana. करका सुभगः U. 3.40. v. 1. औपयज . (-जी /.)[ उपयज्-अण् ] Belonging to thee
औपसंख्यानिक .. (-की/.) [ उपसंख्यान-ठक्] 1
Mentioned in a supplementary addition. -2 Supplesentences called 9941, q. v.
mentary. औपयिक, औपायिक.(-की/.)[ उपाय-ठक्] 1 Proper,
औपसदः[उपसद्-अण्] 1 An अध्याय or अनुवाक containfit, right; नेतदोपयिक राम यदिदं परितप्यसे Ram. 2.53.30%; Bhag. 3. 2. 12. न वैश्यशूद्रोपयिकीः कथा: Mb. 1. 193. 11. -2
ing the word उपसद. -2 N. of a ceremony lasting for Obtained by efforts. -का-कम् A means, an expediont, oue day. remedy; शिवमौपयिकं गरीयसीम् Ki.2.5.
औपसंध्य .. Relating to dawn; N. औपयौगिक (-की /.)[उपयोग-ठञ् ] Relating to the औपसर्गिक a. (-की /.) [उपसर्ग-ठञ् ] 1 Able to cope employment or application ( of anything).
with adversity. -2 Portentous. -3 Relsting to change औपराजिक . [ उपराज-ठक् ] Relating or belonging to
&c. -4 Superinduced (as a disease). -5 Connected a viceroy.
with a proposition, prepositive. -- Irregular action
of the humours of the body, producing cold sweats &e. औपरिट . (-ग्री/.)[उपरिष्ट-अण्] Being or prodlucerl (बानादिसंनिपात). above. -कम् A kind of coitus; Vatsy.
औपस्थान (-नी.) [ उपस्थान-ण ] One whose business औपरैधिक: A staff made of the wood of the Pilu is to serve, wait on, or worship.
औपस्थानिक (-की।.) [उपस्थान-ठक् ] Living by औपरो (रौ) धिक (-की/.) [उपरोध-ठक् ] 1 Proceeding
waiting on or worshipping. from or relating to favour or kindness. -2 Opposing, impending. -क: A staff of the wood of the Pilu tree.
औपस्थ्य म् [उपस्थ-व्यञ्] Cohabitation, sexual inter
course; औपस्थ्यजैह्वयं बहु मन्यमानः कथं विरज्येत दुरन्तमोहः औपल . (-ला, -ली).) [उपल-अण्] 1 Stony, of
Bhāg. 7.6. 13. stome; यथा प्लवेनौपलेन निमज्जत्युदके तरन् Ms.t. 194. V. 1. -2 Raised from stones (as a tax), पाहि औपलामम्बिकाम् औपस्थिक . [ उपस्थ-ठक् ] Living by fornication. Nri. P. Up.3.1.
औपस्थितिक: An attendant; एष भर्तृपादमूलादौपस्थितिको औपवस्तम् Fasting, a fast.
हंसकः आगतः Pratijna. 1. औपवस्त्रम् [ उपवस्त्र-अण् ] 1 Food suitable for an fast. औपहारिक (-की/.) [उपहार-ठक्] Surving as an -2 Fasting. उपवस्ता प्राप्तोस्यौपवस्त्रम् Mbh. V. 1. 97. oblation or offoring. -कम् An offering or oblation :
औपवास..(-सी )उपवास-अण] Givemadurine परमानेन यो दद्यात् पितृणामापहारिकम् Mb. 13. 126.5. fasting (money); to be done during fast.
औपाधिक . (-की.) [उपाधि-ठम्] 1 Conditional. औपवासिक (-की/.)[ उपचास-ठम् ] Fit for fasting, -2 Portaining to attributes or properties; an effect able to fast.
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