Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 550
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra कपोतकः sort of perfume. fer, an aviary, a pigeon-house, dove-cot. : the king of pigeons. -uff Small cardamoms. - a kind of perfume. -aff. to be very frugal, gathering very little for maintenance; कपोतवृत्त्या पक्षेण त्रीहिद्रोणमुपार्जयत् Mb. 3.260.5. -सारम् antimony. -हस्तः a mode of folding the hands in supplication, fear &c.; aŚ. 6. 1 A small pigeon; Bhag. 11. 7. 72. -2 A mode of folding the hands together. - Antimony. कपोतकीया A place abounding in pigeons at 1 A female pigeon. -2 A kind of sacrificial post. - कपोल [Up. 166] A cheek क्षामक्षामपो माननम् S. 3. 9, 6. 15; R. 4. 68. The knee-cap. Comp. any object against which anything (especially the checks) is rubbed; लीनालि: सुरकरिणां कपोलकाषः Ki. 5. 26. Striking the cheeks (in confession of fault ). - पत्रम् A mark painted on the cheek; कपोलपत्रान्मकरात्सकेतुः N. 7. 60. - पालिः, -ली / The side of a chools कपोलपालिं तत्र तन्वि मन्ये Bv. 2. 10. - फलकः the (broad) cheeks. -ff: the temples and cheeks; or excellent (i. e. broad) cheeks; cf. .: the flush in the check. कफः [ केन जलेन फलति फल्-ड Tv. ] 1 Phlogm, one of the three humours of the body (the other two being वात and पित्त ); कफाप चयादारोग्यै कमूलमाश्याग्निदीप्ति: Dk. 160; प्राणप्रयाणसमये कफवातपित्तैः कण्ठावरोधनविधौ स्मरणं कुतस्ते Tab. -2 A watery foam or froth in general. -Comp. -f: dry ginger लिंक saliva spittle. क्षय: pulmonary consumption. -, -, - a. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic;. N. of a plant (Mar. off). -ज्वरः fever caused by excess of phlegm -वर्धनः N. of a plant (Mar. fiet an). -faifa - pepper. a. Phlegmatic. कफिन . ( -नी / . ) [ कफ- इनि ] Affected with excess of phlegm, phlegmati.. An elephant (?). कफणिः, कफोणि: (णी ) The elbow छिनत्रिकास्तथा कोचिन केचित् छिन्नक फोणय: Siva. B. 13. 126. -Comp. - गुडः A ball on the elbow (a sign of unsteadiness, uncertainty). . Phlegmatic. m. N. of a plant (Mar. भोकर ). : Ved. The elbow; : Av. 10. 2. 4. 1 P. (af, f) 1 To colour. -2 To praise. कबन्धः, -न्धम् A headless trunk ( especially when it retains life); ( स्वं ) नृत्यत्कबन्धं समरे ददर्श R. 7.51, 12. 49; शिवातूर्यनृत्यत्कबन्धे Ve. 1. 27. यस्य नेष्यति वपुः कबन्धताम् Si. 1 The belly; a large belly-like vessel; : araga fauf Av. 9. 4. 3. -2 A cloud. -3 A comet. 532 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir कमर -4 N. of Rahu. -5 Water (said to be n. also in this sense); Si. 16. 67. -6 N. of a mighty demon mentioned in the Rāmāyaṇa. [While Rama and Lakṣmaṇa lived in the Dandaka forest, Kabandha attacked them. and was slain by them. It is said that, though at first a heavenly being, he was cursed by Indra to assume the form of a demon and to be in that state till killed by Rama and Laksmana. He advised Rama to form friendship with Sugrin; see Ram. 3. 6. 27 ff.; वधूनिर्धूतशापस्य कबन्धस्योपदेशतः । मुमूर्छ सख्यं रामस्य समानव्यसने हरौ ॥ R. 12.57 ]. (a) fua. Endowed with water', epithet of the Maruts ; अर्यमणो न मरुतः कबन्धिनः Rv. 5.51 8. N. of Kātyāyana. कबन्धी कात्यायनः पप्रच्छ Praéna. Up. 1.1. कवर, -री Usually written कवर. -Я 9. v.; feasi वक्त्रं कबरविगलन्मालती निर्ममन्थ Bhag 10.9.3. दधती विलोलकबरीकमाननम् . 3.4. A kind of natural fodder (fed to elephants), consisting of branches and leaves of certain trees; Matanga L. 11. 27. The word occurs sometimes in a Dvandva compound' with 'kubala' which also means the fodder which reduces phlegm and gall. cf. नामतस्तत्तु वातलं कफपित्तहृत् । fer: The wood-apple tree. कबिल a. Tawny. The tawny colour. a. The hinder part of an animal. Hind. Ved. A particle used as an expletive or enclitic. कम् 1,10. A. ( कामयते कामित, चक्मे कामयान, कान्त) 1 To love, be enmaoured of, be in love with; यमानं मां न त्वं कामयसे कथम् Kav. 1. 63 ( an instance of ग्राम्यता ); कलहंसको मन्दारिकां कामयते Māl. 1. -2 To long for, wish, desire; R. 14. 4.; निष्क म चकमे कुबेरात 5.20 4.48; 10.535 Bk. 14. 82. -3 To have intercourse with; Rv. 10 124. 5. - To value highly. कमन .. [कम्युच्; / कमना ] 1 Lustful, libidinous. -2 Wishing for, desirous; Si. 6. 7. -3 Lovely, beautiful. त्रिभुवनकमनं तमालवण रविकरगौरवराम्बरं दधानम् Bhag. 1.9.33. - 1 Cupid, the god of love. -2 The Asoka tree. -3 N. of Brahma. -4 A Brahmana. 5 A lover, a lord, a husband. उदयाचलशृङ्गसंगतं कमलिन्याः कमनं व्यभावयत् Sahendra 2. 101. Comp. - a heron (having beautiful plumage). कमनीय For Private and Personal Use Only a. 1 To be desired, desirable; 3Ku. 1. 37. -2 Lovely, charming, beautiful; शाखावसक्तकमनीयपरिच्छदानाम् Ki. 7. 40; तदपि कमनीयं वपुरिदम् S. 3. 8. v. 1. कमर . [ कम्-अरच् ] Lustful, desirous.


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