Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 528
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir औदेशिक 510 औपपक्ष्य औद्देशिक ..(-की /.)[ उद्देश-ठक् ] 1 Showing, indi- cative of. -2 Enumerating. औद्धत्यम् [उद्त-म्यञ्] 1 Arrogance, insolence. -2 Boldness, bold or adventurous deeds; 316 कामसूत्रम् Mal. 1... औद्धारिक (-की/.) [उदार-ठञ् ] Deducted from patrimony, portionable, herita ble. - A portion or inheritanco (deducted from patrimony ). -2 A part to be set aside; Ms. 9. 150. औद्विल्यम् Excessive joy; Buddha. औद्भिज्ज . Corning forth from the earth. -जम् [उद्भिन अण् ] Fossil salt. औद्भिद .. (-दी/)[उद्भिद-अण्] 1 Issuing (as from a. well). -2 Victorious. -दम 1Spring water. -2 Fossil salt, rock salt औद्भिद्यम् 1 Victoriousness ; Vaj. 18.9. -2 Production of plants. औद्रङ्गिकः Collector of the tax called उ which is probably a tax on permanent tenants: Ghosal's Revenue System, p.210; EI, IXIILp. 150. औद्वाहिक (-की /.) | उद्वाह-ठञ् ] 1 Relating to marriage. -2 Obtuinod in murringe; मैत्रमौताहिकं चैव दायादानां न तद् भवत् 1.2.1183 MB.9.206. -कम् Agift made to a woman at her marriage. औधस.(-सी/.)[ऊधसः इदं अण् ] Being or contained in the udder (as milk); यवसं जग्ध्यनुदिन नैवं दोग्थ्योधसं पयः Bhag. 4. 17.28. औधम्यम् Milk (produced from the ulder); R. 2. 66. v. 1. औन्नत्यम् [ उन्नत-ष्यञ् ] IIeight, elevation (moral also). औन्नेत्रम् The office of the Unmetri, q.v.-औन्मुख्यम् Expectancy; Rāj. T. औपकर्णिक (-की/.)[P. IV. 3.40; IV. 1. 15. उपकर्ण-ठक्] Being near the ears. औपकार्यमा [ उपकार्य-अण् ] A residence, a tent औपकार्यों स गत्वा तु रघूणां कुलवर्धनम् Ram. 1. 70. 12. औपकुर्वाणक. Pertaining to a ब्रह्मचारी of a stipulated period; Bhag.b.9.6. औपगविः Uddhava ; Bhāg. 3. 4. 27. औपग्रस्तिकः, -ग्रहिकः [ उपग्रस्त-ग्रह-ठञ् ] 1 An eclipse. -2 The sun or moon in eclipse. औपचारिक (-की/.) [उपचार-ठक् ] 1 Meta phorical, figurative; secondary (opp. मुख्य). -2 Honorific, complimentary. -कम् Figurative application. औपच्छन्दसिकम् N. of a metre; see App. औपजानुक . (-की /.) [P. IV.::.10: IV. 1. 15. 34719-78] Being near the knees. औपदेशिक .. (-की /.) [ उपदेश-ठक् ] 1 Living by उपदेश or tevching. -2 Got by instruction (as wealth). औपद्रविक .(-की/.)[उपद्रव ठक्] Relating to, or treating of, symptoms (of disen tes ). औपद्रष्ट्रयम् [ उपद्रष्ट-प्यञ्] 1 Superintendence. -2 The state of being an eye-witness. औपधर्म्यम् [ उपधर्म-प्यञ्] 1A false dluetrine, heresy वेशं विधाय बहुभायत औपधर्म्यम् Bhiy. 2.7.37. -2 Inferior virtue or a degraded principle of virtue. औपधिक..(-की/) Deceitful, decoptive. -क: An extortioner of money: Ms. 9.258. औपधेय ...(-यी/.)[उपधि-ठञ् ] Serving for the part of the wheol of earriage called उपधि, q....-यम् The wheel of Marriage ( रथाङ्गम). यदि तथा तदीपयमित्युच्यते Mbh.V.1.13. औपनायिक. Belonging to, or serving for in offering. औपनायनिक (-की/.)[उपनयन-ठक् ] Relisting to or serving for उपनयन (the rite of investiture with the sacred thread); एप प्रीतो द्विजातीनामीपनायनिको विधि: Ms.2.68. Y. 1.37. औपनासिक (-की/.) [उपनास-ठञ् ] Being near the nose. औपनिधिक १. (-की /.) [ उपनिधि ठक् ] Forming or relating to, a deposit ; Kau. A. 3. FHA deposit or pledge; anything pledged or deposited; वासनस्थमनाख्याय हस्तेऽन्यस्य यद येते। द्रव्यं तदोपनिधिकं प्रतिदेयं नथैव तत् ॥ Y.2.65; Sukra. 2. 316. औपनिध्य a. See औपनिधिक; Sukra. 2. 316. औपनिषत्क (-की/.)[ उपनिषदा जीवति ठक् ] Living by (teaching) the Upanisads. औपनिषद . (-दी/.) [ उपनिषद्-अण् ] 1 Contained or taught in an Upanisad; scriptural, theological. त्वोपनिषदं पुरुषं पृच्छामि Bri. Up. 3.9.26. -2 Based or founded on, derived from the Upanişads; - स्वोपनिषदं महास्त्रम् Mund. Up.2.2.3. औपनिषदं दर्शनम् (another name for Vedanta Phil.). -द: 1 The supreme soul, Brahman. -2 A follower of the doctrines of the Upanisads. औपनीविक a. (-की/.)[ P. IV. 3.10; IV. 1. 15. उपनीवि-ठक्] Being or placed near नीवि (tho knot of the wearing.garment of males or females); बद्धो दुर्बलरक्षार्थमसियेनौपना विकः Bk. 4.26औपनीविकमरुन्द्ध किल स्त्री (करम् ) Si. 10.60. औपपक्ष्य [उपपक्ष-व्यञ् ] Being in the arm pit. For Private and Personal Use Only


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