Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 547
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra excitere कनीयस Copper. कमेरा). :. 1 A cart. -2 A creeping plant. -3 The Gunja plant. कन्ज = कन्याकुब्ज q. v. 1 A harlot. -2 A female elephant; (cf. a. 1 Smaller, less. -2 Younger. 89 Happy. . Happy. -1 Cupid, the god of love. -2 Heart (seat of thought and feeling). -3 Granary. -4 A lover. er 1 A patched garment, wallet (worn by ascetics); Bh. 3. 74, 19, 86; Santi. 4. 4, 19.-2 A wall. -3 A town. Comp. - wearing a patched garment, as practised by some Yogins.-धारिन्- - a religions mendicant, Yogin; कन्थाधारी कचिदपि च दिव्याम्बरधरः Bh. 1 P. (a, afa) 1 To cry, lament. -2 (A.) To be confounded or perplexed. 3 To confound. root. 1 A bulbous root. -2 A bulb; 1: कन्दरेभ्यः प्रलयमुपगताः Bh. 3.60; ( fig. also ) ; ज्ञानकन्द -3 Garlic. 4 A knot, swelling. -5 An affection of the male or female organ. 1 A cloud. -2 Camphor. -Comp. -अशः An ascetic subsisting on roots ; कन्दाशैस्त्रिदशैश्व यत्पदरजो वन्द्य मुकुन्दादिभिः । Chola Champu ed. by Dr. V. Raghavan (V. 1. p. 1). a radish. - prolapsus uteri. - the garden of Indra. a. Having a bulbous root.. An esculent 529 A palanquin. कन्दट्टम् 'The white water lily; cf. कन्दोट. कन्दरः, रम् A cave a valley; नगमिव चारुकन्दरम् ( अभिगम्य ) Ram 5.7.15; किं कन्दाः कन्दरेभ्यः प्रलयमुपगताः Bh. 3. 69; V. 1. 18; Me. 58. T: A hook for driving an elephant. -, A cave, valley, hollow. Dry ginger. Comp. - a mountain. A walnut tree, its nut (Mar. 3); ... Siva. 1. 30. 15. कन्दर्पः 1 N. of Cupid, the god of love; प्रजनश्चास्मि कन्दर्प is : Bg. 10. 28; Mb. -2 Love. thus derived: के दर्पयामीति मदाज्जातमात्रो जगाद च । तेन कंदर्पनामानं तं चकार चतुर्मुखः ॥ ) -Comp. - कूपः pudenda muliebre. : fever of love, passion, vehement desire. - दहनः, -मथनः N. of Siva. - मुपलः, -मुसल: the male organ of generation. : 1 membrum virile. -2 a particular mode of sexual enjoyment or coitus (निबंध), सं. इं. को... ६० Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir कन्दलः, लम् 1 A new shoot or sprout; मयालब्धः decade: U. 3. 40. -2 Reproach, consure. -3 The cheek, or the cheek and temple. -4 A portent. -5 Sweet sound. -6 The plantain tree: qafer: Amaru. 48. 7 Collection; U. 3. 11. Gold. -2 War, battle. -3 (Hence) War of words, controversy. -लम् A Kandala flower; विदलकन्दलकम्पनar: Si. 6. 30; R. 13. 29. कन्यका 1 The plantain (or the Banana) tree: आरफराजभिरियं कुसुमैः कोपादन्त स्मर: I V. 4.5; Me. 21; Rs. 2. 5. -2 A kind of deer. -3 A flag. 4 Lotus-sced. -Comp. - 1 a mushroom. -2 the flower of the plantain tree. a. कन्दलित 1 Budded, blown. -2 Put forth, emitted. N. of plant (Mar. g). [Up: 1. 14] A boiler, oven. --Comp. - a parched, roasted (as grain). : 1 कन्दुकः, -कम् A ball for playing with; पातितोऽपि : Bh. 2. 83: Ku. 1. 29, 5. 11, 19; R. 16. 83. -कम् A pillow; भूः पर्यक्को निजभुजलता कन्दुकं खं fa Bh. 3. 145. any game with a Comp. ball. : (-) 1 The white lotus. -2 The blue lotus (aprovincial form for नीलोत्पल) मोहमदटयुगुल: Mal. 7. -टम् A blue lotus. कन्दोतः 'The white lotus. 1 A cloud. -2 A kind of grass. IV. 2.71. For Private and Personal Use Only कन्धरः [कं शिरो जलं वा धारयति ] 1 The neck. -2 "The holder of water', a cloud. -3 A kind of grass. -4 N. of a vegetable (मारिष ) - The nock; कन्धरां समपहाय कं धरां प्राप्य संयति जहास कस्यचित्; Y. 2. 220; Amaru. 16; see उत्कन्धर also. कन्धिः [कं शिरो जलं वा धीयतेऽत्र | The ocean. / The neck. N. of a town; Mbh. on P. 1 Sin. -2 A swoon, a fainting fit. कन्यका 1 A girl; संबद्ध वैखानसकन्यकानि 1. 14.285 11.53. -2 An unmarried girl, virgin, maidon: 9691: कुलकन्यकाः समुद्रहन्ति Mal. 7; V. 1. 105. -3 A technical name for a girl ten years old; ( अष्टवर्षा भवेङ्गौरी नववर्षा च रोहिणी । दशमे कन्यका प्रोक्ता अत ऊर्ध्वं रजस्वला Sabdak. ) -4 (In Rhet.) One of the several kinds of heroines; an unmarried girl serving as a chief character in a poetical composition; see under 3. -5 The sign Virgo. 6 N. of Durga; Bhag. 10. 2. 12. -Comp. -च्छलः seduction; पैशाचः कन्यकाच्छलात् V. 1. 61. - जनः


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