Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
3: 819
कटंकटः .
.. .............................. 59T: 1 The hair. -2 N. of Brahmā. 41A F a: Ms. 12. 71; 37: 297771979: aitavi 40 lotus; 1436 H : Rām. 3. 12. 17; 12418: 7731- Mal. 5. 11. (977 v. 1.); also 23. To: Designation
2 Bhay. 1. 11. 2. -2 Ambrosia, nectar; cf. 73: of an elephant in the first stage of must; Matanga. maat: 1417791: F3197... INm. -Comp. : N. L. THE: opening of the temples, appearance of rut; of Brahmi. -a : N. of Vismu: 64347 F F991 qua afati : : 241 ta qiga: R. 3. 37. HTTN Bhay. 3. 9. 44.
- a. acting by will. (-9) 1 Siva. -2 an imp or FU , - A kind of bird, Gracula Roligiosa.
goblin. -3 one who gambles or plays with dice. -4
a worm. -5 a kind of demi-god, (of the class of A: 1 The god of love. -2 A kind of bird (the
Vidyadharas ). :, - the buttocks. - 1 bird of Kandarpa).
cleaning corn with the hands. -2 any royal calamity PER:, TT: 1 The sun. -2 An elephant. -3 The or misfortune. -3 To break through a close rank of belly. -4 An epithet of Brahma. -5 A peacock. -6 A the army; HRT 1 & 296 Hit. hermit.
- N. of several plants Füllased, 317ftrar &c. P : A kind of bird.
-7. The cheek of an elephant; Fogga: yip
49 Si. 5. 46. -Afair wine or any vinous liquor. कञ्जिका The plant Siphonanthus Indica (ब्राह्मणयष्टिका).
T: N. of Bhīmasena. TRT 1 a fragment of a कञ्जिनी A Courteran.
mat broken off or of straw. -2 N. of a plant, , F 1 P. ( ía or Fozia ) To go.
(TTT). -CH 1 the hips and loins. 2 an elei 1 P. (210, 33ra, a) 1 To rain. -2 To p hant's temples.-FTGH A corpse. surround. -3 To encompase, cover or screen.
कटंभर N. of the कटभी tree. -रा 1N. of several
plants:-- 1. 1981; 2. Haoff; 3. ; *. Ertant; T: 1 A straw mat; Ms. 2. 204. -2 The hip;
5. F ahl; 6. hat. - 2 A female elephant. Mb. 13. 53. 42. -3 Hip and lois; the hollow above
:,-F 1 A bracelet of gold; haug the hips. - 4 The temples of an elephant; FUE HITTA &
Fanta: Mbh. OIL I. 1.1. 311966427 Taf PICIT R. 2. 37, 3. 37, 1. 47. -5 A particular throw of
F# CL. P. 15; Si. 16. 77; fuerit fatathe dice in lavard; Baar: a faragraat 14
AT: Siva. B. 17. 44.-2 Azone or girdle. -3 A Mk. 2.8. -6 A kind of grass; 6 7 FIAT
string. -4 The link of a chain. 5 A mat. -6 seaMs. 8. 377. -7 Excess (as in 3772 ). 8 A corpse; fid
salt. -7 The side or ridge of a mountain; 4 49914 5h: Bhāy. 10. 6. 41. -9 A hearse,
meita : Ku. 7. 52; R. 16. 31. -8 Ta blo-land; bier. -10 An arrow. -11 A custom. -12 A cemetery,
FEF2+(aicu : Si. 4. 65.-9 Au army, a burial ground. -13 A time or season. -14 The plant
Tu Si. 5. 59; Mu. 5. Saccharum Sara (7). -15 An annual plant.
-10 A royal capital or metropolis (19 ). -11 A -16 Grass (in general). -17 A thin piece of wood,
house or dwelling. -12 A circle or whoel. -13 A ring plank. -18 See F214; adida21214: Bhāy. 10. 32. 6.
placed as an ornament upon an elepbant's tusk. - at Long pepper. TH Dust of flowers. --Comp.
ylanco, -T&T: a sidlo-lony look,
-14 N. of the capital of Orissa. -Comp. leer;
-TE: Praia 59
A lizard. 60 61: Mal. 1. 29; also 25, 28; Me. 37. Te a. caught by : lance. Para: narrow-like
FEIT. A mountain. look of love. - fa: a fire kept up with dry grass or REFTF. N. of a man or a class of men; 19. straw; the straw placed round : criminal to be burnt. गोपालकमानय कटजकमानयेति यस्यैषा संज्ञा भवति स आनीयते
cul 18 Ms. 8. 377: Y. 2. 282. -TFCT: the Mbh. I. 1. 23. extremity of the tom ples; ETHI9415: AT
कटसी A cemetery. Si. 18. 12. - 1 water for a funeral libation ;
FETTT4 The plant Audropogon Muricatus (04). brat ruffla:9319941941 Bhay: 7. 9. 17, -2 rut, ichor (issuing from an elepliant's temples. : a
fa a. 1 Matted, screened. -2 Having handsomo mixed tribe of low social position ); (
a loins du. -*. An elephant. + A : Usanas). : W. A straw lut; F2 «. Excellent, best. -2: N. of Siva. स्वलंकृताः कटकुटिकम्बलाम्बराद्युपस्करा ययुरधियुज्य सवतः Brig.
FORET An onomatopoetic word supposed to repre10. 71. 16. ETW. A plaitor of straw mats; I
sent the noise of rubbing together. staat * 304 Bhag. 1. 3. 18. F : a spitting
. eating much, vora cious. (- ) 1 a pot.
ata Den. P. To rub together, make a jackal. -2 : crow. -3 u glass vessel, : tuubler or
(lea king or grating soun. bowl. -17: a hamlet inhabited by herdsmen. - :,
TE: 1 Fire. -2 Gold. -3 N. of Ganesan ; Y. 1. af a kind of departed spirits; uşuri : 285. -4 N. of Siva. - The 12 tree.
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