Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 513
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir एक 896 एक .... .. ............................ # a plant ( वकवृक्ष ); A white variety of Gigantic swallow- wort (Mar. SHIIT). -38 () 1 the period of one day. -2 a sacrifice lasting for one day. 14, par a day's journey. -1997 a. characterized by only one umbrella (showing universal sovereignty ); $92 1: 4 R. 2. 47. °91 474 18. 4; K. 206; Si. 12. 33; V. 3. 19. STEHT a. depending solely on one self, solitary. -31% ET: cf. Sk. on P. VI. 1. 101. one substitute for two or more letters (yot by either dropping one vowel, or by the blonding of both ); as the 311 in 14a. 34. 1 providing the most excellent food. -2 the first living being. Tra s 31faarura Ry. 1.31.5.-3 rafi, f. 1 a single string of pearls, beads &c.; 424 94 51 Kau. A.2.11. - a fogai a: Vikr. 1. 30; aq me AT V.1. -2 ( in Rhetoric) Necklace-a series of statements in which there is a regular transition from: predicate to a subject, or from a subject to a predicate; Tastaa वापि यथापूर्व परस्परम् । विशेषणतया यत्र वस्तु सेकावली द्विधा | K. P. 10; cf. Chandr. 5. 103-1; 2 ala2112007 9:<q credit &c. and Bk. 2. 19. -TITI a. having the same food; making no difference between allowed and forbidden food; Tad y 45 Mh.3.190.41.-3hf. a single expression or word.-3TT . greater or increasing by one. -37*: (a rolative) connected by the offer ing of funeral libations of water to the same deceased ancestor; जन्मन्येकोदकानां तु त्रिरात्राच्छद्धिरिष्यते Ms. 5.71. -3 , - uterino, (brother or sister). - a. having one Udatta accent. fg a Sraddha or funeral rite performerl for one definite individual deceased, not includiny other ancestors; see tee. -37 a. less by one, minus one. . consisting of one verse (+52).(-4) A Sukta of one verse only; Av. 19.93.20. -T , one by one, one taken singly, a single one; go u faf 7 (994. II. Pr. 11; R. 17. 13. (-4), T T:, ind, one by one, singly, severally; H7 faa fece S. 6. 11; # faftsra $. 7 pointing to each severally. -44 (4093 ) Single state, Heverally Filargya a a Bhā. 7. 15. 51 - (instrumental used as an adv.) individually, singly, one by one. a 44-14 119 9 7 12 aga ta gada aga aura | SB on MS. 10. 6. 45. -STE: 1 a continuous current. -2 A single flight (of arrows); phi tanggara: (31fea F ) Si. 18. 55. . consisting of or contained in one cup. - . (- 1) 1 doing only one thing. -2 ( T) one-handed. -3 one-ra yed. - a: 1 acting in concert with, co-operating, having made common cause with ; co-worker; 314411 210119 Mu. 2; R. 10. 10. -2 answering the same end. -3 having the same occupation. (- ) sole or fame business. Fro: 1 one time. -2 the same time, (-4,-) ini. at one time, at one and the same time; 1 4 Ms. 6.55. 4 eating but one meal in any given time. -कालिकम् Once a day; तेभ्यो लब्धेन भैक्ष्येण वर्तयन्नेककालिकम् Ms. 11. 123. Fiata a. 1 happeniny once only; -2 Contemporary, coeval. : ( a) N. of Kubera ; of Bala bhadra and Sesa; maar werd GT4FE03 Mb. 9. 37. 14. cf. prosz 3cala aa Medini. a kind of leprosy ; TEV 99 - si 704349zar 24. Susr. Free the milk of one nurse &c.). -UTIT: the supreme spirit. -15, TT a. having the same preceptor. (-*:, **) a spiritual brother (pupil of the same preceptor ). - H . living in the same village. (-A) the same village. Titor a. Inhabiting the same village; farah Ms. 3. 103.-27. a. 1 having only one wheel. (said of the sun's chariot ); H 1 T77 Ry. 1. 161. 2. -2 governed by one king only. (-7:) the chariot of the sun.aam. sole master of the whole universe, universal monarch. (-A) N. of the town of Kichaks. at f. forty-one. -7 .1 wandering or living alone, alone; 37445 fhad 14 Ki. 13. 3; 3. 53. Kau. A. 1. 18. 1958-642 Mudra. -2 having one attendant. -3 living unassisted. -4 going together or at the same time. -5 gregarious. - (Said of certain animals); 7 71 Ms. 5. 17; Bhig. 5. 8. 18. (-:) 1 a rhinoceros. -2 An ascetic (ar); h state at af Ram. 2. 67. 23. Tur a. having only one foot. - a. 1 living alone, solitary. -2 yoing alone or with one follower only. -3 An attendant of Buddha. (u) a loyal wife. I a. thinking of one thing only, absorbed in one object. (- ) 1 fixedness of thought upon one object. -2 unanimity H. 1 unanimously; at fixedness of mind, agreement, unanimity. -feraaththinking of only one object. FTFT a. Consisting of intelligence; Rāmt. Up. , -77 a. unanimous; see 97. - a. Resting upon one rule. (- ) referring to in the singular number. -6y u. Ruled by one king solely. -731era a. Involved in similarity of debt) with one debtor said of a surety ); Y. 2. 56. - . 1 born alone or single. -2 growing alone (a treo ); HM Y u ragafarga: Pt. 3. 56.-8 alone of its kind. -4 uniform, unchanging. Ji, - a brother or sister of the same parents. -TET N. of a goddess 39 . -SPH . 1 a king. -2 a Sūdra; see STILE below. Ala a. born of the same parents; Ms. 9. 148. -Ha a. 1 once born. -2 belonging to the same family or caste. (-fa:) a Sudra (opp. Rah ); ब्राह्मणः क्षत्रियो वैश्यस्त्रयो वर्णा द्विजातयः । चतुर्थ एकजातिस्तु शुद्रो affa g 99: Ms. 10. 4 ; 8. 270. - a. of the same kind, species or family. 319444: performance of one detail with reference to all things or persons, then doing the second, then the third and so on seo qar4444) Ms. 5. 2. 1-2. fra : (in phil. ) the assertion of a living soul only. - the chord of an For Private and Personal Use Only


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