Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Tout pot. . 1 To be desired or desirable ; 1919 9 01214 Ku. 7. 88; Ki. 13. 28. -2 To be aimed at or sought. -3 To be approached. -4 (At the end of comp.) Relating to merlical examination.
reftit The iron beam without a ring or a cap (Mar. 1$).
taa. Wishing, desirous.
T . 1 Driving, impelling: -2 Desiring, desirous of, wishing (at the end of comp.); 114 faq R. 1.8.
Tuy . To be striven after, wished for; Y 469: 491 a gat: Ram. 2. 107. 13. - Desire;
SEM . 14. 15. 14. gre: f. Wisli, desire; 2777 99 zame Rv. 6. 21.8.
TEJT a. 1 To be desired or sought; 2014 fazla Av. 12. 2. 39.-2 To be approached. -3 To be probed, examined medically.
TE Ved. 1 Desirous.--2 Striving well. TEE 1. 1 Anger. -2 Emulation, rivalry.
#17 a. Ved. Of all-poryading intellect, an epithet of the Viśvedevas; cf. H91 3152: Rv. 1.3.9.
(fara attention;
Tür) An interjection to attract ani ...... Bk. 6. 18.
: m. N. of Siva. -iwl. An interjection of (1) calling (Hallo, ho); (2) remembrance: (3) invit iny. cf. also : pof1919: HITISATI 4:1 DI T: 55 yasuar a: 11 Eum. d a. Belonging to one.
TFT 1 Unity of action (Jaina.). -2 The state of liaving one fruit; Tarifi H ala 43 q ui fa l ag 30 arfa for a 12
214 07: 43:SB. on MS. 11. 1. 1.
1 (see 4931). 1913 214 Ms. 5. 4. 24. unity of time (Jaina ).
Ayuh The value of single unit, simple unity; Mb.
4 ind. At once, together. IFTH Singleness of time or occurrence.
Tue 1 Sole sovereignty, supremo power. -2 Alsoluto monarchy.
a. ( f.) 1 Belonging to a simple word. -2 Consisting of single words. - The name given to the Naigama section of Yaska's commentary on the Nighantavas.
9TH 1 Unity of words. -2 Being formed into one word.
ऐकभाव्यम् Singleness of nature or purpose. O T H Unanimity, agreement, sameness of opinion; T e : ati fartaam R. 18.36; 319 Hya94 H. 1 all are unanimous on this point.
H 1 Complete ownership (Girvana.). -2 Subordination ; fi fi fe
TVA My. 2. 4. ऐकराज्यम् Sole Monarchy.
a ti. (- /.) Provided with 101. 097a. ( .) Produced by or relating to animals with uncloven hoofs as milk &c.); Ms. 5.8; Y.1.170.
1914 1 The state of having the same term to express them), the state of being expressed or referred to by the same termi; 907 .7341171 MS. 7. 1. 18. -2 Sameness or identity of words ( Jaina. ). 214,
Theorie seentless-monotonous tone, monotony. THE ... ( ..) Provided with 1001.
ir : (P. IV. 1. 113.) 1 A thief ( breaking into lonely houses ); f &99. Dk. 67; Si. 19. 111. -2 The owner of a single house.
WAT.. Intent on one object. TTT Intentness on one object.
FIK: A soldier who serves as the bodyguard; Raj. T. 5. 249.
FileI9H 1 Unity, unity of soul: 2 4 197 fatuita: 974 Bhāg. 6. 8. 32.-2 Identity, sameness. -3 Oneness with the Supreme Soul.
Tuy 1 Oneness of relation. -2 Existence in the same subject; co-extension (in Logic); arata हेतोरैकाधिकारण्यं व्याप्तिरुच्यते Bhasr. P.69.
fa a. (- ) 1 Absolute, complete, perfect; Bg. 14. 27.-2 Assured, certain ; Jaafara- 494
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