Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 345
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra आदा anything is burnt ( आदह्यतेऽस्मिन्निति ); क्षिप्रं वै तस्यादहनं परि नृत्यन्ति केशिनी: Av. 12. 5. 48. 3. (a) 1 To receive, accept, take (to oneself), resort to; R. 8. 18, 10. 40; fa R. 3. 46 follow or resort to: प्रदक्षिणार्चिविर मिराददे 8 14 1.6; Ms. 2. 238, 117. -2 (With words expressing speech) To begin to speak, utter; वाचं आदा to speak, utter; विनिश्चितार्थामिति वाचमाददे Ki. 1. 3, 14. 2; Si. 2. 13; R. 1.59; fara fara fraca Bh. 3. 12. v. 1. -3 To scizo, take hold of; क्षितिधर पतिकन्यामाददानः करेण Ku. 7.91; R. 2. 28, 3.60; Ms. 8. 315; इदमेव निमित्तमादाय M. 1; स हि सर्वस्य लोकस्य R. 4. 8 attracted, had a hold on the mind. -4 To put on (as clothes &c.); Svet. Up. -5 To take up, absorb, drink up; R. 1. 18; 7: Si. 2. 85. 6 To exact, take in (as taxes); take away, carry off; R. 1. 21; Ms. 8. 341, 222350 बलिम्, शुल्कम् दण्डम् &c. -7 To pluck, lop off, separate; S. 4. 8. -8 To carry, take, bear; Pt. 2 carrying, or along with the net ; कुशानादाय S. 3; तोयमादाय गच्छे: Me. 20, 48, 61; see आदाय below; काश्यपसंदेशमादाय bearing K. s -9 To perceive, comprehend ; प्राणेन रूपमादत्स्व रसानादत्स्व a &c. Mb. -10 To agree to, undertal begin. 11 To imprison, make captive. -Caus. To cause to take. -Desid. (f) To wish to take, carry off &c. message. (At the end of comp.) Taking, receiving; आद... as in दायाद. आदत्त, आत्त P. [મા -વા - 1 Taken, received, rssumed, accepted; आत्तसारचक्षुषा स्वविषयः M. 2; एवमा: R. 11. 57; M. 5. 1; r: Ratn. 1 smiling; -2 Agreed to, undertaken, begun. -3 Attracted. -4 Drawn out, extracted; i gr R. 5. 26; 11. 76 taken away. -5 Seized, overpowered; दृष्ट्वा वरमात्तसाध्वसरसा गौरी नवे संगमे Ratn. 1. 2. -Comp. - 1 having one's pride humbled, attacked, insulted, defeated; effe: R. 13. 7; S. 6. -2 already smelt (as S. 14. 84 (where (1. flower); has senso 1 also). - 16. humiliated, insulted, degraded. . assuming the royal sceptre; - यसि विमार्गप्रस्थितानात्तदण्ड: S. 58. -मनस्क a one whose mind is transported (with joy &c.).-ft a- stripped of wealth. n. Ved. 1 destitute of speech. -2 having commenced speaking. a. One who takes or receives. 1 Taking, receiving, accepting, sizing, शाहरादानपरिताKिu. 111 आदार्न हि सय सत R. 4. 6. 2 Earning, getting. -3 A symptom (of a disasso). -4 Binding, fettering (from 2 P.). 5 A horse's trappings. -6 An action; f 327 आदि Bhag. 2. 10. 24. -7 Subjugating, overpowering; अथवा मन्त्रवद् ब्रूयुरात्मादानाय दुष्कृतम् Mb. 12. 212. 30. -नी N. of a plant हस्तिघोषा (Mar. घोसाळें ). -Comp. -affa: A method of cautious seizing so that no creature be hurt. It is one of the qafas or rules of careful conduct in Jaina. आदापनम् Inviting or enusing another to reccive something. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ind. Having taken; oft. with a propositional force with; . . Receiving, taking &c. -Comp. a. one who goes away after taking any things त्वमादायचरो बने Ki. a. Taking, receiving, inclined to receive ( gifts ); अइन परस्य &c. चोदनादामिनी हस्तासिन आह्म Ms. " आदित्सु a. (fr. desid. of ) Wishing to take; आदित्सुभिर्नूपुरशिक्षितानि Ku. 1. 34. a. To be taken or received, receivable. For Private and Personal Use Only acceptable. आदादिक a. Belonging to the class of roots of which the first is i. e. to the second class. Fearlessness: Mb. 12. 120. 5. a. 1 First, primary, primitive; fari izazo Ak. 2 Chief, first, principal, pre-eminent; oft. at the end of comp. in this sense; see below. -3 First in time existing before. : 1 Beginning, commencement (opp. अन्त); अप एव ससजीदौ तासु बीजमवासृजत् Ms. 1. 8; Bg341; anta &c.; anafaa Ku. 2. 9; oft. at the end of comp. and translated by 'beginning with', 'et cactera', 'and others', 'and so on' (of the same nature or kind), ' such like' ; इन्द्रादयो देवाः the gods Indra and others (इन्द्रः आदियेषां ते) एवमादि this and the like; भ्वादयो धातवः भू and others, or words beginning with 4, are called roots; oft. used by Panini to denote classes or groups of grammatical words; raft, fear, cafe &c. -2 First part or portion. -3 A firstling, first-fruits. -4 Prime cause. 5 Nearness.-6 One of the seven parts of Sama; अथ सप्तविधस्य वाचि सप्तविधं सामोपासीत यत्किंच वाचो हुमिति स हिंकारो यत्प्रेति स प्रस्तावो यदेति स आदि: Ch. Up. 2. 8.1. -Comp. a. 1 having beginning and end. -2 first and last. (-) beginning and end. - N. of a figure in poetry. cf. Bk. 10. 21. having beginning and end, finite. a. having a beginning, end and middle; being all-in-all. I having the acute accent on the first syllable. - ind. from first to last. -,-, m. the creator, an epithet of Brahma or Visnu; sa Bg. 11.37; विशेषद्वेय इहादिकसहिSab Kau. कर्मन . the beginning of an action. -: 'the first poet', an epithet of Brahma and of Valmiki; the former is so called because he first produced and promulgated the Vedas; •


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