Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
which causes the change of the terminations 37, and tra a. 1 Openod, unlocked. -2 Separated; ait to 37 before a following vowel. -8 Replying in 31 afrit afaty Si. 11. 42. argument; rejoinder. -4 An objection. -Comp.
उद्धसम् Flesh. - regler: f. the Sandhi called Udgraha; see above.
Gra: 1 P. VII. 3. 51. Beginning, commencement; उग्राहणिका Replying in argument.
sara: yr A Ku. 2. 12; 311Tad tiesa Suita p. p. 1 Lifted or taken up. -2 Taken
9 : R. 4. 20.-2 Allusion, reference; ara: U. 2. away. -3 Excellent; exalted. - Deposited, delivered.
-3 Striking, wounding, inflicting an injury. -4 A stroke, - Bound, tied. -6 Recalled, remembered.
blow, wound. - Tripping, slipping, jolting, shaking Juta, at a. With the neck uplifted; (as of a carriage ); 4179&go AISETFI Si. 12. 2; Hangt: M. 1. 21; Amaru. 99.
R. 2.72; Ve. 2. 28; 7° V.1; U. 5.1. v. l. -6 Rising,
elevation. -7 A club, mallet. -8 A weapon (in gene3G: [32-67319 faarao P. III. 3. 86. ] 1 Excellence,
ral). -9 Breathing through the nostrils as a religious eminence; (at the end of comp.); arga: = an
exercise (Wilson). -10 A division of a book, chapter; excellent or superior Brahmana; उद्धादयश्च नियतलिङ्गा
section. na farcufant: Sk.; cf. Hare Ha r ga
a u f Ak.; cf. ... 17 Tamala Bk. 7. 64 Jefat a. Having ups and downs. 3 of 14where 36 is used as an adjective. -2 Happiness. -3
| fra han har 37: S. 1. The hollow hand. -4 Fire. -5 A model. -6 Organic
JERE I P. To sound, cry out or shout. -10 P. air in the body.
or -Caus. 1 To proclaim, declare aloud. -2 To fill 3G: P. III. 3. 80. A carpenter's bench (the with cries. plank on which he works ); 1941 ari
E p. p. Sounded out, proclaimed; : Eatfaza Bk. 7. 62.
e faza: a: Bhāg. 4.1.18. - A sound, Jaifaa a. Uneven, rough.
noise; ETTİ 1972 T aifa: Rām. 6.75.37. उद्धद् 1 A. To open ; द्वारे पुरस्योद्घटितापिधाने Ku.7.
3017: 1 Announcing aloud, proclaiming. -2 l'opu53. -Caus. (- ) 1 To open, unlock; at ITEN
lar talk, general report. 9124 Bh. 1. 63; *2#ATUH Mk.3. -2 To peel off, shell. -3 To reveal, expose, make known. ETT 1 P. 1 To rub; lessen by rubbing.-2 To rub - To undertake, communce. -5 To rub over, stroke over, strike against. gently, tickle.
उद्धर्षणम् 1 Rubbing, rubbing up; यस्योद्वर्षणलोष्टकैरपि उद्घटितम् A hint.
1 gg 7 ara: ft: Mk. 2. 11. -2 Rubbing the skin 3G : 1 A watch or guard-house. -2 The act of 1
with hard substances. -3 A cudgel. exposing or showing the teeth ).
5794 A peculiar fault in pronunciation. उद्धाटक: 1A key; उद्घाटको भवति यन्त्रदृढे कपाटे Mk. 8. 3G a. With swelling upturned nostrils. or 16. -2 The rope and bucket of a well. ( also). erected nose (as a boar); ...
: ... Siva. 3GIET a. (atf.) 1 Opening, unlocking; TH B
B. 22. 13. atta farzaufa: F E SZTH H. 1. 133. - 2 Reveal
T: 1 A bug.-2 A louse. -3 A mosquito, gadily. ing, manifesting; Mārk. P. - 1 Opening; Ve. 1.
guga. 1 With the stalk, stem, or staff raised or -2 Raising, lifting up, Loisting: -3 A key, any means
rising up; 3703 var !
R. 16. 46; °79619971: of opening. -4 The rope and bucket of a well; a
Māl. 6 long; H. 2. 29.-2 Formidable, terrific.-13: water-wheel.
A kind of time (in music). -Comp. - 6:1 a punisher salita p. p. 1 Opened, manifested. -2 Under- (whether king or magistrate). 2 a kind of fish. taken; commenced. -3 Raised, lifted up. -Comp. -3 a kind of serpent; cf. (3703T13). -35 a. 1 Naked. -2 Intelligent, wise. - a. Wise,
3gfoga a. Raisud, devoted ; Ks. intelligent.
3 GETA kind of timo ( in music).
4. 1 Largo-toothed or having projecting
teeth. -2 High, tall ( X). -3 Terrific, formidable GET, AT 1 Friction, striking against; 1914
( 13%). asulatasat 144 Me. 63. -2 Opening upwards (as a lid ). -3 Outbreak
CA: Subduing, over powering. of violence or passion ); Ks.; B. R.
36 Fa a. 1 Energetic. -2 Humble.
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