Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 469
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir उपनिबन्धनम् 481 उपनयः ............................ 30 T H 1 A means of accomplishment. -2! 3foT a. 1 Sitting at the feet of another, Binding. -3 Description. such as a preceptor). -2 Subjected. ST U Invitaion, inauguration. Soferta A. To devote one's self to; Mb. Sofa E 1 P., A. To make happy, gladden; 1971 sofa : A street, a principal road, high way. T778757 at Ch. Up. 3. 19. 4. (a bout 40 cubit width ). g a: A main or royal road. 395 UH 1 Going out, issuing. -2 One of the STIHAH A way to go out: Heh. 3. Samskāras or religious rites, i.e. taking out a child उपनिर्झर: An attack, assault; नेदानीमुपनिहरिं रावणो for the first time into the open air which is usually performed in the fourth month of its age); cf. 73 THE Rām. 6. 75. 2. Aifa fra HV ETT Ms. 2. 34. -8 A main or Saath The act of scattering or pouring down ! royal road. upon. 1 P. 1 To bring near, fetch ; 34a HIfarag a. 1 Besieging. -2 Occupying, inhabiting. 73: TAK. 45, 62; fafalfa94 Mk 7.6; 374 ggfaast: A suburb; Hariv. Ms. 3. 225; M. 2.5; Y. 3. 122; TTH V.5; R. 10. 52; Ku. 7. 72. -2 (a) To offer, present to; Tafata a. Placed, established, colonized; *T & Fa 91747 R. 2. 59; Bk. 6. 70; Ku. 3. 65; 37134featura tartat Ku. 6. 37; R. 15. 29. 444 Mk. 9; M. 3. (b) To hand over, give over ; ggfft a. Attached to, inherent. 37:979ftara49fitar K. 101; Māl. 1; S. 1; U. 2; Tatar a: Tz M.1 recently made over for inउपनिषद् /. [sid to be from उपनि-सद् knowledge struction ). -3 To bring to, subject, expose or put to; derived from sitting at the feet of the preceptor': but, STT T T 9999afta: S. 1; R. 13. 39; K. 173. -4 To according to Indian authorities, it means to destroy bring a bout, cause, produce, accomplish ; 391491 ignorance by revealing the knowledge of the Supreme Pt. 3. 180; 394AFTF4 Git. 1; K. 171. -5 To Spirit and cutting off the bonds of worldly existence'; bring information, communicate. - To bring into any यथा य इमां ब्रह्मविद्यामपयन्त्यात्मभावेन श्रद्धाभक्तिपुरःसराः सन्तस्तेषां state, lead or reduce to ; 3459991277 saatnya गर्भजन्मजरारोगाद्यनर्थपूर्ण निशातयति परं वा ब्रह्म गमयति अविद्यादि Kām. 11. 47. -7 To take into one's possession, lead संसारकारणं चात्यन्तमवसादयति विनाशयतीत्यपनिषद । उपनिपूर्वस्य away, lead; K. 169. -8 To bring near to oneself, i.e. HTTFRÜFATUT; Sankara ] 1 N. of cortain mystical invest with the sacred thread Atm. P. I. 3. 36); writings attached to the Brāhmaṇas, the chief aim of ETAT Ch. Up. 4. 4. 5. 1921 U.2: - which is to ascertain the secret meaning of the Vedas; 1994. Sk.; R. 3. 29; Bk. 1. 15; Ms. 2. 19, 6), 1-10. Bv. 2. 40; Mal 1. 7; (other etymologies also are given --9 To hire, employ as hired servants; 1949 to explain the name:- (1) उपनीय तमात्मानं ब्रह्मापास्तद्वयं Sk. -Caus. To cause a master ) to receive a pupil), यतः। निहन्यविद्या तज्जं च तस्मादुपनिषद्भवेत् || or (2) निहत्यानर्थमूलं cause to invest with the sacred thread. atanan स्वाविद्या प्रत्यक्तया परम् । नयत्यपास्तसंभेदमतो वोपनिषद्भवेत् || or R7 4142 Ms. 11. 191. (3) प्रवृत्तिहेतूनिःशेषांस्तन्मूलोच्छेदकत्वतः । यतोवसादयविद्या तस्मादुपनिषद्भवेत् ॥ In the मुक्तकोपनिषद् 106 Upanisads are 39 : 1 Bringing near, fetching: -2 Gaining, mentioned, but some more have been added to this attaining, procuring, 11 gala92129 : 2 number. They are said to have been the source of the fear i a: Bhāg. 12. 8. 43. -3 Employing six Darsanas or systems of philosophy, particularly of -4 Investiture with the sacred thread, initiation into the Vedānta Philosophy. The more important Upani- sacred study, handing a youth of the first three castes sauds are:- ईशकेनकठप्रश्नमुण्डमाण्डक्यतित्तिरः। ऐतरेयं च छान्दोग्य to a tencher : 27 al azari: 2012 20 14111. -2 (a) An esoteric or secret doctrine, Gamit az fas: 11 (By this ceremony spiritual mystical meaning, words of mystery; anainfuz: birth is conferred upon the youth, and he becomes a E : 111H Ram. 1. 55. 16. (0) Mystical know ; the ages at which the ceremony may be ledge or instruction; 2147720 U. 6; 1 T H : performed by the three castes are respetively 8-10, 21174 11 Mv. 2. 2.-3 True knowledge regard- 11-22 and 12-24; see Ms. 2. 36-38; of what materials ing the Supreme Spirit. -4 Sacred or religious lore. &c. the cords should be, is mentioned in 2. 41-16). -5 Secrecy, seclusion. - A neighbouring mansion. -3 The fourth member of the five-membered Indian -7 A lonely place. -8 A religious observance. -9 Me- syllogism (in logic), the application to the special ditation, यदेव विद्यया करोति अद्योपनिषदा तदेव वीर्यवत्तरं भवति care in question; c arattere at: anana Ch. Up. 1. 1. 10 -10 One that takes to like a boat); 9798994: Tarka K. -6 Introduction, initiation (intu तस्योपनिषत्सत्यस्य सत्यमिति Bri. Up.2.1. 20, any science); see next. For Private and Personal Use Only


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