Book Title: Sanskrit English Dictionary Part 01
Author(s): P K Gode, C G Karve
Publisher: Prasad Prakashan

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Page 478
________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra उपलब्ध उपपत्त्युपलब्धिभ्याम् Mb. 12. 238. 3. see अनुपलब्धि. -Comp. - (in logic) A kind of sophistical refutation of an argument (e. g. the argument sound is uneternal because it is produced by some effort-' is refuted by saying that sound is also produced by wind); Nynyadariann. a. 1 Gaininig, acquiring. -2 Knowing, perceiving. m. Soul, self. उपलम्भः [लभ्-घञ्-मुम् च P. VII. 4. 61] 1 Acquisition; अस्मादमात्स्मृतिरुपला S7. Direct perception or recognition, comprehension otherwise than from memory ) same as अनुभव q. v. ) ; प्राक्तनोपलम्भ Mal. 5; ara garraga R. 14. 2. -3 Ascertaining, knowing; S. 1. - Seeing, looking at (दर्शन); लावण्यधाम्नो भवितोपलम्भनम् Bhāg. 10.38.10. 3. Causing to observe, reminding. उपलम्भनम् Apprehension Re. उपलालनम् Fondling. pot. p. 1 Obtainable. -2 Respectable, commendable, praise-worthy. fat and¶rag R. उपलिप्सा A desire to obtain. 3410 P. To fondle, coax, flatter; addigrolDk. 29; S. 7; M. 3. f 1 Thirst. -2 Tyranny. 460 A portent, natural phenomenon, consi dered as boding evil. 3fe 6 P. 1 To anoint, smear, besmear. -2 To defile, pollute; Bg. 13. 32. 3 To stick or adhere to; aga Vagb. -Caus. To bes mear (esp. with cow-dung; लेपयेत् Ms. 3. 206. f : 1 Anointing, smooring. Bhag. 11. 11. 30. -2 Cleaning, white-washing. -3 Obstruction, being concealed. -4 Becoming deadened or dull (said of senses), bluntness, dullness. 1 Smearing, anointing, plastering. -2 An ointment, unguent. 3 1 Serving as an ointment. -2 Anointing, smearing. -3 Obstructing. 3A. To lie close to, cling to; Mb. 8. 3: N. of a grammatical work connected with the Pratiśakhyas. Comp. - Names of Commentaries on the above work. उपलोहम् A scoomilary metal. m. 1 A priest at a sacrifice -2 One who animates (by his words). Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 3 The act of crouching or lying close to. उपवञ्चित a. Deceived, disappointed; I CA यत्त्वया उपवधिताः Rām. 2.52.19. उपवट: The tree Buchanania Latifolia ( प्रियासाल ). 31 A. 1 To talk over, conciliate. -2 To flatter, cajole, coax: भृत्यानुपवदते Sk.; दातारम् Bk.8.28. Censure, blame (Ved.). उपवास उपवादिन . Censuring, blaming; अल्पाः कलहिनः पिशुना उपवादिन: Ch. Up. 7.6.1. उपवनम् [ उपमितं वनेन ] A garden, grave, a planted forest; पाण्डुच्छायोपवनवृतयः केतकैः सूचिभिन्नै: Me. 23; R. 8.73. 13. 79; a garden creeper. Comp. -fa: N. of a work on gardening. उपवर्ण 10 P. To describe in detail; उपवर्णयेदानीं कुसुमपुरवृत्तान्तम् Mu. 1. उपवर्णः : Minute or detailed description. 37 Minute description, delineation in detail; अतिशयोपवर्णनं व्याख्यानम् Susr; Y. 1.320. 3: N. of a son of Sankara Svämin, author of several writings on the Mimamsa philosophy. fea. Swollen or dimmed with tears (as eyes). af N. of a plant (g). 3996: Ved. Emulation, rivalry. 31 P. 1 To dwell in or at, inhabit (with acc.); तपःश्रद्धे ये ह्युपवसन्त्यरण्ये Mund Up. 1. 2. 11. वैकुण्ठं उपवसति Sk. -2 To be in a state of abstinence, abstain from food, fast; Ms. 2. 220, 5.20; Y. 3. 202, 64; ( fig. also ) ; उपोषिताभ्यामिव नेत्राभ्यां पिबन्ती Dk. 4. -3 To go to (a master). - To enter upon, learn, take to, begin. Caus. To cause to fast. उपवसथः [ उप-वस्-आधारे अथ ] 1 A village. -2 The day preceding a Soma sacrifice; or a day of preparation for this sacrifice; a fast-day. near. उपवसथीय, उपवसथ्य . Selected for an उपवसथ (as a day). उपवस्तम् A fast. A fast, fasting. -2 The state of being 3afta: f. Support of life (as food, sleep &c.). a. One who fasts. उपवास a. Staying near; garag Mb. 3. 118. 14. - सः 1 A fast; सोपवासस्त्र्यहं वसेत् Y. 1. 175, 3. 190; Ms. 11. 196 (a fast is a religious act and consists in abstaining from every kind of sensual gratification). -2 Kindling a sacred fire. -3 A fire-altar. For Private and Personal Use Only


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